Jump to: CheckDns EmailStatus EmailStatusCode any cFoldingWhitespace comment deprecatedComment deprecatedCommentFoldingWhitespaceNearAt deprecatedCommentText deprecatedFoldingWhitespace deprecatedLocalPart deprecatedQuotedPair deprecatedQuotedText deprecated_ dnsWarning dnsWarningNoMXRecord dnsWarningNoRecord domainPart error errorBackslashEnd errorConsecutiveDots errorCrNoLf errorDomainHyphenEnd errorDomainHyphenStart errorDotEnd errorDotStart errorExpectingCommentText errorExpectingDomainText errorExpectingQuotedPair errorExpectingQuotedText errorExpectingText errorFoldingWhitespaceCrLfEnd errorFoldingWhitespaceCrflX2 errorNoDomain errorNoLocalPart errorTextAfterCommentFoldingWhitespace errorTextAfterDomainLiteral errorTextAfterQuotedString errorUnclosedComment errorUnclosedDomainLiteral errorUnclosedQuotedString foldingWhitespace isEmail localPart no none rfc5321 rfc5321AddressLiteral rfc5321IpV6Deprecated rfc5321QuotedString rfc5321TopLevelDomain rfc5321TopLevelDomainNumeric rfc5322 rfc5322Domain rfc5322DomainLiteral rfc5322DomainLiteralObsoleteText rfc5322DomainTooLong rfc5322IpV6BadChar rfc5322IpV6ColonEnd rfc5322IpV6ColonStart rfc5322IpV6GroupCount rfc5322IpV6MaxGroups rfc5322IpV6TooManyDoubleColons rfc5322LabelTooLong rfc5322LocalTooLong rfc5322TooLong status statusCode statusCodeDescription toString valid validCategory warning yes
Dominic Sayers
Boost Software License 1.0 Version:
3.0.13 - Version 3.0 of the original PHP implementation: Standards:
- RFC 5321
- RFC 5322
- Check that an email address conforms to RFCs 5321, 5322 and others.
As of Version 3.0, we are now distinguishing clearly between a Mailbox as defined
by RFC 5321 and an addr-spec as defined by RFC 5322. Depending on the context,
either can be regarded as a valid email address. The RFC 5321 Mailbox specification
is more restrictive (comments, white space and obsolete forms are not allowed).
The DNS check is currently not implemented. Parameters:
an EmailStatus, indicating the status of the email address. - Enum for indicating if the isEmail function should perform a DNS check or not.
- Does not perform DNS checking
- Performs DNS checking
- This struct represents the status of an email address
- Indicates if the email address is valid or not.
- The local part of the email address, that is, the part before the @ sign.
- The domain part of the email address, that is, the part after the @ sign.
- The email status code
- Returns a describing string of the status code
- Returns a textual representation of the email status
- Returns a describing string of the given status code
- An email status code, indicating if an email address is valid or not.
If it is invalid it also indicates why.
- Address is valid
- Address is valid but a DNS check was not successful
- Address is valid for SMTP but has unusual elements
- Address is valid within the message but cannot be used unmodified for the envelope
- Address contains deprecated elements but may still be valid in restricted contexts
- The address is only valid according to the broad definition of RFC 5322. It is otherwise invalid
- All finer grained error checking is turned on. Address containing errors or warnings is considered invalid. A specific email status code will be returned indicating the error/warning of the address.
- Address is either considered valid or not, no finer grained error checking is performed. Returned email status code will be either Error or Valid.
- Address containing warnings is considered valid, that is, any status code below 16 is considered valid.
- Address is invalid for any purpose
- Address is valid
- Could not find an MX record for this domain but an A-record does exist
- Could not find an MX record or an A-record for this domain
- Address is valid but at a Top Level Domain
- Address is valid but the Top Level Domain begins with a number
- Address is valid but contains a quoted string
- Address is valid but at a literal address not a domain
- Address is valid but contains a :: that only elides one zero group
- Address contains comments
- Address contains Folding White Space
- The local part is in a deprecated form
- Address contains an obsolete form of Folding White Space
- A quoted string contains a deprecated character
- A quoted pair contains a deprecated character
- Address contains a comment in a position that is deprecated
- A comment contains a deprecated character
- Address contains a comment or Folding White Space around the @ sign
- Address is RFC 5322 compliant but contains domain characters that are not allowed by DNS
- Address is too long
- The local part of the address is too long
- The domain part is too long
- The domain part contains an element that is too long
- The domain literal is not a valid RFC 5321 address literal
- The domain literal is not a valid RFC 5321 address literal and it contains obsolete characters
- The IPv6 literal address contains the wrong number of groups
- The IPv6 literal address contains too many :: sequences
- The IPv6 address contains an illegal group of characters
- The IPv6 address has too many groups
- IPv6 address starts with a single colon
- IPv6 address ends with a single colon
- A domain literal contains a character that is not allowed
- Address has no local part
- Address has no domain part
- The address may not contain consecutive dots
- Address contains text after a comment or Folding White Space
- Address contains text after a quoted string
- Extra characters were found after the end of the domain literal
- The address contains a character that is not allowed in a quoted pair
- Address contains a character that is not allowed
- A quoted string contains a character that is not allowed
- A comment contains a character that is not allowed
- The address cannot end with a backslash
- Neither part of the address may begin with a dot
- Neither part of the address may end with a dot
- A domain or subdomain cannot begin with a hyphen
- A domain or subdomain cannot end with a hyphen
- Unclosed quoted string
- Unclosed comment
- Domain literal is missing its closing bracket
- Folding White Space contains consecutive CRLF sequences
- Folding White Space ends with a CRLF sequence
- Address contains a carriage return that is not followed by a line feed