
D Programming Language 1.0

Last update Mon Dec 31 10:53:28 2012


Compress/decompress data using the zlib library.


Public Domain


class ZlibException: object.Exception;
Errors throw a ZlibException.

uint adler32(uint adler, void[] buf);
Compute the Adler32 checksum of the data in buf[]. adler is the starting value when computing a cumulative checksum.

uint crc32(uint crc, void[] buf);
Compute the CRC32 checksum of the data in buf[]. crc is the starting value when computing a cumulative checksum.

void[] compress(void[] srcbuf, int level);
void[] compress(void[] buf);
Compresses the data in srcbuf[] using compression level level. The default value for level is 6, legal values are 1..9, with 1 being the least compression and 9 being the most. Returns the compressed data.

void[] uncompress(void[] srcbuf, size_t destlen = 0u, int winbits = 15);
Decompresses the data in srcbuf[].

size_t destlen size of the uncompressed data. It need not be accurate, but the decompression will be faster if the exact size is supplied.

the decompressed data.

class Compress;
Used when the data to be compressed is not all in one buffer.

this(int level);
Construct. level is the same as for D.zlib.compress().

void[] compress(void[] buf);
Compress the data in buf and return the compressed data. The buffers returned from successive calls to this should be concatenated together.

void[] flush(int mode = Z_FINISH);
Compress and return any remaining data. The returned data should be appended to that returned by compress().

int mode one of the following:
Syncs up flushing to the next byte boundary. Used when more data is to be compressed later on.
Syncs up flushing to the next byte boundary. Used when more data is to be compressed later on, and the decompressor needs to be restartable at this point.
(default) Used when finished compressing the data.

class UnCompress;
Used when the data to be decompressed is not all in one buffer.

this(uint destbufsize);
Construct. destbufsize is the same as for D.zlib.uncompress().

void[] uncompress(void[] buf);
Decompress the data in buf and return the decompressed data. The buffers returned from successive calls to this should be concatenated together.

void[] flush();
Decompress and return any remaining data. The returned data should be appended to that returned by uncompress(). The UnCompress object cannot be used further.