digitalmars.D - [your code here]
- Thanasis (34/34) May 03 2019 module main;
module main; import std.stdio; import std.random; T[] getSmallest(T)(T[] arr) { if (arr.length>=2) { auto left=getSmallest(arr[0..$/2]); auto right=getSmallest(arr[$/2..$]); if (left<=right) { return left; } return right; } return arr[]; } int main(string[] args) { int max=uniform(1,20); int[] array=new int[max]; //set values to array foreach (ref elem;array) { elem=uniform(10,100); write(elem," "); } writeln(); //get the smallest element in array auto smallest=getSmallest(array); //print it writeln("smallest: ",smallest); return 0; }
May 03 2019