digitalmars.D.learn - std.parallelism example hangs compiler 2.067.1
- Jay Norwood (18/18) Aug 07 2015 This appears to hang up dmd compiler 2.067.1. Changing
- Steven Schveighoffer (16/34) Aug 07 2015 When you said "hang up", I didn't understand what you meant.
- Steven Schveighoffer (3/4) Aug 07 2015
- Jay Norwood (3/7) Aug 07 2015 Thanks. The workaround works ok.
This appears to hang up dmd compiler 2.067.1. Changing parallel(s) to s works ok. Is this a known problem? import std.stdio; import std.string; import std.format; import std.range; import std.parallelism; int main(string[] argv) { string s[100000]; foreach (i, ref si ; parallel(s)){ si = format("hi:%d",i); } foreach (ref rm; s[99000..99010]){ writeln(rm); } return 0; }
Aug 07 2015
On 8/7/15 2:19 PM, Jay Norwood wrote:This appears to hang up dmd compiler 2.067.1. Changing parallel(s) to s works ok. Is this a known problem? import std.stdio; import std.string; import std.format; import std.range; import std.parallelism; int main(string[] argv) { string s[100000]; foreach (i, ref si ; parallel(s)){ si = format("hi:%d",i); } foreach (ref rm; s[99000..99010]){ writeln(rm); } return 0; }When you said "hang up", I didn't understand what you meant. Now I see, it actually hangs dmd (actually, it's not hung, it is still running as far as I can tell). If I reduce to 10000, it completes the compile with an error. I think it has to do with parallel(s). In fact, this code also hangs: int main(string[] argv) { string s[100000]; parallel(s); } In order to get what you really do want (no hangs, no errors), use this: parallel(s[]) I'll file a bug on this. -Steve
Aug 07 2015
On 8/7/15 2:37 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:I'll file a bug on this. -Steve
Aug 07 2015
On Friday, 7 August 2015 at 18:51:45 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:On 8/7/15 2:37 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:Thanks. The workaround works ok.I'll file a bug on this. -Steve
Aug 07 2015