digitalmars.D.learn - std.container.array linker error on OS X
- Etienne (43/43) Sep 09 2014 Hello,
Hello, Can anyone help me? Maybe someone has seen this before. I'm getting a (strange) error when testing on OSX with dmd 2.066, the build works with the same compiler/library versions on linux x64 and windows x86 but for some reason it's not working here. The repos are: Both repos must be cloned in the same directory, and I use `dub run` in `vibe.d/examples/http_server` Thanks in advance Here's the error: Linking... Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "_D3std9container5array38__T5ArrayTC5event6signal11AsyncSignalZ5Array5Range7opSliceMFZS3std9container5array38__T5ArrayTC5event6signal11AsyncS gnalZ5Array5Range", referenced from: _D4vibe4core7drivers6native17NativeManualEvent6__dtorMFZv in libvibe-d.a(native_31a0_6c7.o) _D4vibe4core7drivers6native17NativeManualEvent4emitMFZv in libvibe-d.a(native_31a0_6c7.o) "_D3std9container5array38__T5ArrayTC5event6signal11AsyncSignalZ5Array5Range7opSliceMFmmZS3std9container5array38__T5ArrayTC5event6signal11AsyncS gnalZ5Array5Range", referenced from: _D3std9algorithm157__T4copyTS3std9container5array38__T5ArrayTC5event6signal11AsyncSignalZ5Array5RangeTS3std9container5array38__T5ArrayTC5event6signal11AsyncSignalZ5Array5RangeZ4copyFS3std9container5array38__T5ArrayTC5event6signal11AsyncSignalZ5Array5RangeS3std9container5array38__T5ArrayTC5event6signal11AsyncSignalZ5Array5RangeZ11genericImplFS3std9container5array38__T5ArrayTC5event6signal11AsyncSignalZ5Array5RangeS3std9container5array38__T5ArrayTC5event6signal11AsyncSignalZ5Array5RangeZS3std9container5array38__T5ArrayTC5event6signal11Asyn SignalZ5Array5Range in libvibe-d.a(algorithm_f43_653.o) "_D3std9container5array38__T5ArrayTC5event6signal11AsyncSignalZ5Array7opSliceMFZS3std9container5array38__T5ArrayTC5event6signal11AsyncS gnalZ5Array5Range", referenced from: _D4vibe4core7drivers6native17NativeManualEvent6__dtorMFZv in libvibe-d.a(native_31a0_6c7.o) _D4vibe4core7drivers6native17NativeManualEvent4emitMFZv in libvibe-d.a(native_31a0_6c7.o) _D4vibe4core7drivers6native17NativeManualEvent14removeMySignalMFZv in libvibe-d.a(native_31a0_6c7.o) "_D3std9container5array38__T5ArrayTC5event6signal11AsyncSignalZ5Array7opSliceMFmmZS3std9container5array38__T5ArrayTC5event6signal11AsyncS gnalZ5Array5Range", referenced from: _D4vibe4core7drivers6native17NativeManualEvent14removeMySignalMFZv in libvibe-d.a(native_31a0_6c7.o) ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) --- errorlevel 1 FAIL .dub/build/application-debug-posix.osx-x86_64-dmd-8B9608AA5A28F D92DA07A70A9BFD1B2/ http-server-example executable
Sep 09 2014
I have to specify that AsyncSignal is defined as a "final shared class", and the array is defined as a Array!AsyncSignal I'm not sure if the compiler on OSX could act different and add the shared symbols there?
Sep 09 2014
On 2014-09-09 3:58 PM, Etienne wrote:I have to specify that AsyncSignal is defined as a "final shared class", and the array is defined as a Array!AsyncSignal I'm not sure if the compiler on OSX could act different and add the shared symbols there?Meh, I answered my own question. Substituting it from Array!AsyncSignal to Array!(void*) and casting away worked. Looks like dmd-osx has templating problems with shared declarations.
Sep 09 2014
On 2014-09-09 4:11 PM, Etienne wrote:On 2014-09-09 3:58 PM, Etienne wrote:I really had to Think Different on that one.I have to specify that AsyncSignal is defined as a "final shared class", and the array is defined as a Array!AsyncSignal I'm not sure if the compiler on OSX could act different and add the shared symbols there?Meh, I answered my own question. Substituting it from Array!AsyncSignal to Array!(void*) and casting away worked. Looks like dmd-osx has templating problems with shared declarations.
Sep 09 2014