digitalmars.D.learn - Min-Heap and Hash Table help
- Chris Pons (43/43) Apr 02 2012 I'm trying to work with and implement and priority queue(
- Justin Whear (4/23) Apr 02 2012 BinaryHeap in std.container can be made to work as a min-heap, in fact
- Chris Pons (3/38) Apr 02 2012 Yes, I did see that. How would I set the predicate to sort by
- Justin Whear (2/5) Apr 02 2012 auto myHeap = BinaryHeap!`a.fScore > b.fScore`( rangeOfNodes );
- Chris Pons (4/10) Apr 02 2012 Ok, makes sense, will the heap be automatically sorted every time
- Henry Robbins Gouk (5/17) Apr 02 2012 I haven't looked at the heap docs for Phobos, but the whole point
- Henry Robbins Gouk (2/3) Apr 02 2012 That should be: each child node is the root node of another heap
- Chris Pons (9/9) Apr 02 2012 I'm still having troubles with the min-heap.
- Timon Gehr (3/12) Apr 03 2012 That is an API design issue. This should work:
- Chris Pons (29/46) Apr 03 2012 Thanks, yes, that did work. However now when trying to insert
- Chris Cain (47/50) Apr 03 2012 Hey there,
- Chris Pons (3/54) Apr 03 2012 Thanks! This clears up that part very well. I'm a lot closer to
I'm trying to work with and implement and priority queue( min-heap ) and a hash table. This is the first time I've worked with these data structures so I looked up some information about them to gain an understanding. From what I read, a min-heap is a binary tree that is sorted by a priority. In my case I have a struct called Node for an A* algorithm that I wanted to place in a min-heap sorted by an integer, their f score. Initially the min-heap will only have one item in it with others added later. From looking at the Library reference I have gathered this: struct Node { bool walkable; //Whether this node is blocked or open vect2 position; //The tile's position on the map in pixels int xIndex, yIndex; //The index values of the tile in the array Node*[4] connections; //An array of pointers to nodes this current node connects to Node* parent; int gScore; int hScore; int fScore; } Class AStar { Node[] a; Node start; void FindPath(Node[] PathGraph ) { a ~= start; //Heapify as min-heap by f Score? openList = heapify(a, "a.fScore > b.fScore" ); //...After some work If I want to add a new Node Node new; //Will the list stay sorted?? openList.insert( new ); } } How would I create a min-heap sorted by fScore? Will the list stay sorted after I add a new node? As far as hash tables goes, it seems like I need to use an associative array, is that right? What exactly would the key/hash be? How would I implement this if the hash table is supposed to contain the struct Node?
Apr 02 2012
On Tue, 03 Apr 2012 00:47:56 +0200, Chris Pons wrote:I'm trying to work with and implement and priority queue( min-heap ) and a hash table. This is the first time I've worked with these data structures so I looked up some information about them to gain an understanding. From what I read, a min-heap is a binary tree that is sorted by a priority. In my case I have a struct called Node for an A* algorithm that I wanted to place in a min-heap sorted by an integer, their f score. Initially the min-heap will only have one item in it with others added later. How would I create a min-heap sorted by fScore? Will the list stay sorted after I add a new node? As far as hash tables goes, it seems like I need to use an associative array, is that right? What exactly would the key/hash be? How would I implement this if the hash table is supposed to contain the struct Node?BinaryHeap in std.container can be made to work as a min-heap, in fact the documentation specifically mentions such a use: phobos/std_container.html#BinaryHeap
Apr 02 2012
Yes, I did see that. How would I set the predicate to sort by fScore? An integer in my struct. On Monday, 2 April 2012 at 22:53:55 UTC, Justin Whear wrote:On Tue, 03 Apr 2012 00:47:56 +0200, Chris Pons wrote:I'm trying to work with and implement and priority queue( min-heap ) and a hash table. This is the first time I've worked with these data structures so I looked up some information about them to gain an understanding. From what I read, a min-heap is a binary tree that is sorted by a priority. In my case I have a struct called Node for an A* algorithm that I wanted to place in a min-heap sorted by an integer, their f score. Initially the min-heap will only have one item in it with others added later. How would I create a min-heap sorted by fScore? Will the list stay sorted after I add a new node? As far as hash tables goes, it seems like I need to use an associative array, is that right? What exactly would the key/hash be? How would I implement this if the hash table is supposed to contain the struct Node?BinaryHeap in std.container can be made to work as a min-heap, in fact the documentation specifically mentions such a use: phobos/std_container.html#BinaryHeap
Apr 02 2012
On Tue, 03 Apr 2012 01:06:54 +0200, Chris Pons wrote:Yes, I did see that. How would I set the predicate to sort by fScore? An integer in my myHeap = BinaryHeap!`a.fScore > b.fScore`( rangeOfNodes );
Apr 02 2012
On Monday, 2 April 2012 at 23:30:38 UTC, Justin Whear wrote:On Tue, 03 Apr 2012 01:06:54 +0200, Chris Pons wrote:Ok, makes sense, will the heap be automatically sorted every time I add a new item ? Might be a dumb question, but i'm going to be removing and adding many nodes.Yes, I did see that. How would I set the predicate to sort by fScore? An integer in my myHeap = BinaryHeap!`a.fScore > b.fScore`( rangeOfNodes );
Apr 02 2012
On Monday, 2 April 2012 at 23:42:45 UTC, Chris Pons wrote:On Monday, 2 April 2012 at 23:30:38 UTC, Justin Whear wrote:I haven't looked at the heap docs for Phobos, but the whole point of a heap is that when you add/remove elements it remains in heap order. In the case of a min-heap: the smallest node is at the root and each child node is another heap in heap order.On Tue, 03 Apr 2012 01:06:54 +0200, Chris Pons wrote:Ok, makes sense, will the heap be automatically sorted every time I add a new item ? Might be a dumb question, but i'm going to be removing and adding many nodes.Yes, I did see that. How would I set the predicate to sort by fScore? An integer in my myHeap = BinaryHeap!`a.fScore > b.fScore`( rangeOfNodes );
Apr 02 2012
each child node is another heap in heap order.That should be: each child node is the root node of another heap in heap order.
Apr 02 2012
I'm still having troubles with the min-heap. Node[] a; auto b = BinaryHeap!"a.fScore > b.fScore"( a[] ); Error 1 Error: template instance BinaryHeap!("a.fScore > b.fScore") BinaryHeap!("a.fScore > b.fScore") does not match template declaration BinaryHeap(Store,alias less = "a < b") if (isRandomAccessRange!(Store) || isRandomAccessRange!(typeof(Store.init[]))) C:\Users\CP\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\D\STDS\NPC.d 252
Apr 02 2012
On 04/03/2012 05:17 AM, Chris Pons wrote:I'm still having troubles with the min-heap. Node[] a; auto b = BinaryHeap!"a.fScore > b.fScore"( a[] ); Error 1 Error: template instance BinaryHeap!("a.fScore > b.fScore") BinaryHeap!("a.fScore > b.fScore") does not match template declaration BinaryHeap(Store,alias less = "a < b") if (isRandomAccessRange!(Store) || isRandomAccessRange!(typeof(Store.init[]))) C:\Users\CP\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\D\STDS\NPC.d 252That is an API design issue. This should work: auto b = BinaryHeap!(Node[], "a.fScore > b.fScore")(a);
Apr 03 2012
Thanks, yes, that did work. However now when trying to insert nodes I get this error: Cannot grow a heap created over a range. I This is what I have: Node[] a; auto b = BinaryHeap!(Node[], "a.fScore > b.fScore")(a); Node test, test2; test2.fScore = 9; test.fScore = 10; b.insert( test ); I also tried this: Node[2500] a; auto b = BinaryHeap!(Node[], "a.fScore > b.fScore")(a); Node test, test2; test2.fScore = 9; test.fScore = 10; b.insert( test ); It gives the same error. I also tried this: Node[2500] a; auto b = BinaryHeap!(Array!Node, "a.fScore > b.fScore")(a); Node test, test2; test2.fScore = 9; test.fScore = 10; b.insert( test ); Error 1 Error: this._store()[this._length()] is not an lvalue C:\DLang\dmd2\src\phobos\std\container.d 2676 How exactly would I grow this heap? or How would I give it enough room so that I don't need to make it larger? On Tuesday, 3 April 2012 at 11:28:06 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:On 04/03/2012 05:17 AM, Chris Pons wrote:I'm still having troubles with the min-heap. Node[] a; auto b = BinaryHeap!"a.fScore > b.fScore"( a[] ); Error 1 Error: template instance BinaryHeap!("a.fScore > b.fScore") BinaryHeap!("a.fScore > b.fScore") does not match template declaration BinaryHeap(Store,alias less = "a < b") if (isRandomAccessRange!(Store) || isRandomAccessRange!(typeof(Store.init[]))) C:\Users\CP\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\D\STDS\NPC.d 252That is an API design issue. This should work: auto b = BinaryHeap!(Node[], "a.fScore > b.fScore")(a);
Apr 03 2012
On Tuesday, 3 April 2012 at 19:38:12 UTC, Chris Pons wrote:Thanks, yes, that did work. However now when trying to insert nodes I get this error: Cannot grow a heap created over a range. I This is what I have: ...Hey there, BinaryHeap is using the "slice of memory" you're giving it to use as a heap. In the first code you gave, your array is length = 0. In other words, there is no place to actually insert things! When you specified Node[2500] a, you are making an array of size 2500 filled with zeros. You still don't have any room to insert, because all of the space in the array is still taken up. Depending on your data, your option might be to just insert all the items you want first, then heapify the resulting array, maybe like this: Node[] a; foreach(i; 0..5) { Node nextNode; nextNode.fScore = (i*3) % 5; a ~= nextNode; } auto b = BinaryHeap!(Node[], "a.fScore > b.fScore")(a); while(!b.empty()) { writeln(b.front()); b.removeFront(); } Otherwise, if you know a maximum bound for the number of inputs, you could simply allocate enough memory to store your items, and then use the initialSize parameter. Something like this: Node[] a; // or Node[10] a; for a static array sized to 10... a.length = 10; // 0 states that nothing is in the heap auto b = BinaryHeap!(Node[], "a.fScore > b.fScore")(a, 0); foreach(i; 0..5) { Node nextNode; nextNode.fScore = (i*3) % 5; b.insert(nextNode); } while(!b.empty()) { writeln(b.front()); b.removeFront(); } The thing you looked like you were doing with your third option looks like it was getting close to the right track for yet another potential solution, but apparently a bug prevents this from working: If this was working, then you could use Array for an unbounded input (because it supports insertBack). I hope this helps!
Apr 03 2012
Thanks! This clears up that part very well. I'm a lot closer to having a decent path finding algorithm now. On Tuesday, 3 April 2012 at 21:24:24 UTC, Chris Cain wrote:On Tuesday, 3 April 2012 at 19:38:12 UTC, Chris Pons wrote:Thanks, yes, that did work. However now when trying to insert nodes I get this error: Cannot grow a heap created over a range. I This is what I have: ...Hey there, BinaryHeap is using the "slice of memory" you're giving it to use as a heap. In the first code you gave, your array is length = 0. In other words, there is no place to actually insert things! When you specified Node[2500] a, you are making an array of size 2500 filled with zeros. You still don't have any room to insert, because all of the space in the array is still taken up. Depending on your data, your option might be to just insert all the items you want first, then heapify the resulting array, maybe like this: Node[] a; foreach(i; 0..5) { Node nextNode; nextNode.fScore = (i*3) % 5; a ~= nextNode; } auto b = BinaryHeap!(Node[], "a.fScore > b.fScore")(a); while(!b.empty()) { writeln(b.front()); b.removeFront(); } Otherwise, if you know a maximum bound for the number of inputs, you could simply allocate enough memory to store your items, and then use the initialSize parameter. Something like this: Node[] a; // or Node[10] a; for a static array sized to 10... a.length = 10; // 0 states that nothing is in the heap auto b = BinaryHeap!(Node[], "a.fScore > b.fScore")(a, 0); foreach(i; 0..5) { Node nextNode; nextNode.fScore = (i*3) % 5; b.insert(nextNode); } while(!b.empty()) { writeln(b.front()); b.removeFront(); } The thing you looked like you were doing with your third option looks like it was getting close to the right track for yet another potential solution, but apparently a bug prevents this from working: If this was working, then you could use Array for an unbounded input (because it supports insertBack). I hope this helps!
Apr 03 2012