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digitalmars.D - declarations as template parameters

reply "Daniel N" <ufo orbiting.us> writes:
Frequently when trying to implement missing language-features in 
the library, it grinds to a halt because it's not possible to 
send declarations as template parameters.

i.e. ex!(int i);

Phobos solved this in a for me very undesirable way, ex:
   mixin(bitfields!(uint, "x", 1));
It no longer looks like a D-style declaration.

The obvious alternative is using strings and while I personally 
actually prefer that to the multiple parameters approach, I know 
a number of people who are vocally opposed to forcing library 
end-users to deal with string-based api:s and they do have a 
point, if only there was a better alternative?

ex!(int, "i"); // oh ze horror!
ex!q{int i};   // at least it now looks like a declaration again.

In before someone says: "Bikeshedding!"

Yes, it's just a few chars, but there's also a bigger difference, 
type-safety, good error messages and you don't really want to 
start parsing 'D' for something this trivial, every-time there is 
a new feature you have to update your little parser, etc. Well, I 
guess you could mixin the string as a declaration and then 
reflect over it... maybe it's the best way, didn't try that 
approach yet.

I did come up with a new(?) way though... as all the other 
methods above, it has it's ups and downs... but I didn't see any 
code in the wild using this method before, so I thought I'd share 

struct Struct
   mixin restricted!((uint Size) => 777); // look ma, no strings!
   mixin restricted!(uint Size = 777);    // not working, "ideal 

A more complete motivating example at asm.dlang.org(just a quick 
hack not production ready):

I guess it could be possible to solve using UDA:s instead... 
maybe I'll try that next, just checking if I'm the only one 
dreaming about "declarations as template parameters".
Aug 30 2015
parent reply "Adam D. Ruppe" <destructionator gmail.com> writes:
On Sunday, 30 August 2015 at 16:31:17 UTC, Daniel N wrote:
 I guess it could be possible to solve using UDA:s instead... 
 maybe I'll try that next, just checking if I'm the only one 
 dreaming about "declarations as template parameters".
What I would love would be being able to pass an anonymous struct to a template. Then you can reflect over it to get declarations and group them too. (Actually, I'd love to be able to use anonymous structs anywhere a typename is expected. Then you could do: struct { int a; } foo; // declare a variable named foo as type struct { int a; } but that might break the parser.)
Aug 30 2015
next sibling parent "Daniel N" <ufo orbiting.us> writes:
On Sunday, 30 August 2015 at 18:43:32 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
 On Sunday, 30 August 2015 at 16:31:17 UTC, Daniel N wrote:
 I guess it could be possible to solve using UDA:s instead... 
 maybe I'll try that next, just checking if I'm the only one 
 dreaming about "declarations as template parameters".
What I would love would be being able to pass an anonymous struct to a template. Then you can reflect over it to get declarations and group them too. (Actually, I'd love to be able to use anonymous structs anywhere a typename is expected. Then you could do: struct { int a; } foo; // declare a variable named foo as type struct { int a; } but that might break the parser.)
Hmmm yeah, I remember wanting that too... how about this? Passing an anonymous class via a function instead of template. import std.traits; enum codeof(S...) = S[0].stringof; string fun(T)(T sigh) { import std.typetuple; import std.algorithm : map; import std.string : format; import std.range : zip, join; alias names = FieldNameTuple!T; alias types = staticMap!(codeof, FieldTypeTuple!T); return zip([types], [names]). map!(a => format(" %s %s;\n", a[0], a[1])). join(); } void main() { struct Yay { mixin(fun(new class { int a; })); } }
Aug 30 2015
prev sibling next sibling parent Timon Gehr <timon.gehr gmx.ch> writes:
On 08/30/2015 08:43 PM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
 On Sunday, 30 August 2015 at 16:31:17 UTC, Daniel N wrote:
 I guess it could be possible to solve using UDA:s instead... maybe
 I'll try that next, just checking if I'm the only one dreaming about
 "declarations as template parameters".
What I would love would be being able to pass an anonymous struct to a template. Then you can reflect over it to get declarations and group them too. (Actually, I'd love to be able to use anonymous structs anywhere a typename is expected. Then you could do: struct { int a; } foo; // declare a variable named foo as type struct { int a; } but that might break the parser.)
It does not break the parser. There's only one existing feature that can start with "struct{" in a place where one might want to use this feature, and there disambiguation is easy.
Aug 30 2015
prev sibling parent reply "Meta" <jared771 gmail.com> writes:
On Sunday, 30 August 2015 at 18:43:32 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
 On Sunday, 30 August 2015 at 16:31:17 UTC, Daniel N wrote:
 I guess it could be possible to solve using UDA:s instead... 
 maybe I'll try that next, just checking if I'm the only one 
 dreaming about "declarations as template parameters".
What I would love would be being able to pass an anonymous struct to a template. Then you can reflect over it to get declarations and group them too. (Actually, I'd love to be able to use anonymous structs anywhere a typename is expected. Then you could do: struct { int a; } foo; // declare a variable named foo as type struct { int a; } but that might break the parser.)
This would go great with Algebraic. alias List(T) = Algebraic!( struct Cons { T data; This* next; }, struct Nil {}, );
Aug 31 2015
parent reply "Daniel N" <ufo orbiting.us> writes:
On Monday, 31 August 2015 at 21:14:42 UTC, Meta wrote:
 This would go great with Algebraic.

 alias List(T) = Algebraic!(
     struct Cons { T data; This* next; },
     struct Nil  {},
Good example! I thought of another interesting use for my lambda trick(rough draft, but shows promise)... http://dpaste.dzfl.pl/8b26f2ec133d
Sep 03 2015
parent "Daniel N" <ufo orbiting.us> writes:
On Thursday, 3 September 2015 at 19:44:13 UTC, Daniel N wrote:
 I thought of another interesting use for my lambda trick(rough 
 draft, but shows promise)...
PS Hmm I guess, just a more complicated way of writing 'with(...)' though ;)
Sep 03 2015