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digitalmars.D.debugger - Override tostring in VisualD?

reply James Japherson <JJ goolooking.com> writes:
I'm trying to customize the debug display values.

I've overridden toString in my types but they are not effecting 
the displayed values. It simply displays a sort of json of the 
type. (which happens to be real long and contains a lot of 
indirections, I want to shorten it to something meaningful like 
displaying the relevant values)

Is there any?
Oct 10 2018
parent Rainer Schuetze <r.sagitario gmx.de> writes:
On 11/10/2018 02:03, James Japherson wrote:
 I'm trying to customize the debug display values.
 I've overridden toString in my types but they are not effecting the
 displayed values. It simply displays a sort of json of the type. (which
 happens to be real long and contains a lot of indirections, I want to
 shorten it to something meaningful like displaying the relevant values)
 Is there any?
The mago debug engine/expression evaluator plugin does not have a visualizer language to adapt the display of specific types as C++ has. The expression evaluator plugin that is used with the VS debug engine can evaluate "obj.toString()" in the watch window, though. Unfortunately, slice return values such as strings cannot be displayed for 64-bit code due to the non-standard extern(D) ABI.
Oct 15 2018