digitalmars.D - casting objects is not working across dll boundaries
- Benjamin Thaut (42/42) Dec 08 2012 Consider the following code:
Consider the following code: module sharedInterface; class A {} module mainExecutable; import sharedInterface; import core.stdc.stdio; extern(C) { alias Object function() MakeObjectFunc; } __gshared MakeObjectFunc MakeObject; void main(string[] args) { //Load the dll with LoadLibrary and //get the address of MakeObject with GetProcAdress auto obj = cast(A)MakeObject(); printf("obj = %x\n", cast(void*)obj); } module dll; extern(C) export Object MakeObject() { return new A(); } The modules sharedInterface and mainExecutable are compiled into a executable. The modules dll and sharedInterface are compiled into a dll. The exexutable will print obj = 0x0 Because the _d_isbaseof2 in cast_.d does not work across dll boundaries. It always uses the "is" operator for comparing two TypeInfo_Class objects, which breaks the dll support. Now this can be fixed, but it would require a full compare each time which would make casting significantly slower. Should this be fixed or do we want to wait for a shared dll version of druntime? I also found that inside Thread.remove if( sm_tbeg == t ) sm_tbeg =; Will crash across dll boundaries inside object_.d opEquals(Object, Object) because the vtable of one of the objects is invalid. Using the is operator instead of the compare fixed it for me. Kind Regards Benjamin Thaut
Dec 08 2012