digitalmars.D.announce - Stewart's Utility Library 0.02 release
- Stewart Gordon (22/22) Mar 08 2006 Now bit arrays have been got rid of (from the compiler, at least), and
- Don Clugston (5/8) Mar 10 2006 That's great! I'm hoping this can replace std.datetime, which is rather
- Stewart Gordon (12/22) Mar 10 2006 My libraries are under the zlib licence, like much of Phobos.
Now bit arrays have been got rid of (from the compiler, at least), and the bit array implementation here has been worked on a bit more. Got rid of the obsolete BitArray(bit[]) pseudo-constructor, and added conversion to big-endian and little-endian integer arrays and bitwise operations. The command line conversion stuff (of which a prototype was distributed with SDWF) is now released as a part of this library. Oh yes, and the datetime stuff now supports custom formatting. All features form the scheme I proposed, except for time zone TLA and alignment fields, have been implemented. There are still bits waiting to be implemented on platforms other than Windows. I'm still looking for volunteers.... Stewart. -- -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GCS/M d- s:- C++ a->--- UB P+ L E W++ N+++ o K- w++ O? M V? PS- PE- Y? PGP- t- 5? X? R b DI? D G e++>++++ h-- r-- !y ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ My e-mail is valid but not my primary mailbox. Please keep replies on the 'group where everyone may benefit.
Mar 08 2006
Stewart Gordon wrote:Oh yes, and the datetime stuff now supports custom formatting. All features form the scheme I proposed, except for time zone TLA and alignment fields, have been implemented.That's great! I'm hoping this can replace std.datetime, which is rather inadequate (and has the very annoying feature that it defines a toString function which interferes with std.string.toString). I hope it won't be under a restrictive license?
Mar 10 2006
Don Clugston wrote:Stewart Gordon wrote:I take it you mean yes, and the datetime stuff now supports custom formatting. All features form the scheme I proposed, except for time zone TLA and alignment fields, have been implemented.That's great! I'm hoping this can replace std.datetime,which is rather inadequate (and has the very annoying feature that it defines a toString function which interferes with std.string.toString). I hope it won't be under a restrictive license?My libraries are under the zlib licence, like much of Phobos. Stewart. -- -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GCS/M d- s:- C++ a->--- UB P+ L E W++ N+++ o K- w++ O? M V? PS- PE- Y? PGP- t- 5? X? R b DI? D G e++>++++ h-- r-- !y ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ My e-mail is valid but not my primary mailbox. Please keep replies on the 'group where everyone may benefit.
Mar 10 2006