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digitalmars.D - Unused memory filling

reply bearophile <bearophileHUGS lycos.com> writes:
In two places I have read about 'shredding your trash', that is filling the
memory that's supposed to be free and not used any more with a constant known
value different from zero, to allow bugs in pointer usage to surface faster. So
is it a good idea for the D GC to perform such overwriting of the memory it
frees, when the program is compiled in debug mode?

Dec 13 2010
parent "Vladimir Panteleev" <vladimir thecybershadow.net> writes:
On Mon, 13 Dec 2010 14:27:02 +0200, bearophile <bearophileHUGS lycos.com>  

 In two places I have read about 'shredding your trash', that is filling  
 the memory that's supposed to be free and not used any more with a  
 constant known value different from zero, to allow bugs in pointer usage  
 to surface faster. So is it a good idea for the D GC to perform such  
 overwriting of the memory it frees, when the program is compiled in  
 debug mode?

See the MEMSTOMP debug option in the current GC implementation. There are also a few other useful options, such as SENTINEL. Shameless plug: Diamond ( https://github.com/CyberShadow/Diamond ) also has a MEMSTOMP option, which can be useful if you have a single-threaded D1 program and don't want to rebuild Phobos. -- Best regards, Vladimir mailto:vladimir thecybershadow.net
Dec 13 2010