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digitalmars.D - Re: DWT2

reply Andrej Mitrovic <andrej.mitrovich gmail.com> writes:
On 4/4/11, Jacob Carlborg <doob me.com> wrote:
 On 2011-04-04 16:08, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
 On 4/4/11, Jacob Carlborg<doob me.com>  wrote:
 I was planing to give this a proper announcement when the linux version
 is working as well but anyway: DWT works with D2 on Windows.

How do we build? I've tried `rake all`, but I get back errors: https://gist.github.com/901684
Oh, I probably should have mentioned that I'm currently only updating the base and SWT libraries, so run "rake base swt". The SWT snippets also compile: "rake swtsnippets". -- /Jacob Carlborg
I keep getting warnings from optlink about missing zlib.lib, not sure if that's a problem. Other than that, about 85 examples get compiled, and then I reach this error: Building swtsnippets[Snippet44] dmd.exe D:\dev\lib\D\dwt2\rsp org\eclipse\swt\snippets\Snippet44.d(31): Error: module Job is in file 'org\eclipse\core\runtime\jobs\Job.d' which cannot be read import path[0] = D:\dev\lib\D\dwt2\org.eclipse.swt.snippets\src import path[1] = D:\dev\lib\D\dwt2\imp import path[2] = D:\DMD\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos import path[3] = D:\DMD\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\druntime\import rake aborted! compile error 16 examples fail at runtime, I've collected their logs here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9218759/swtSnippetLogs.zip So about 69 snippets do work. That's pretty impressive as it is. Good job!
Apr 04 2011
parent Jacob Carlborg <doob me.com> writes:
On 2011-04-05 05:24, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
 On 4/4/11, Jacob Carlborg<doob me.com>  wrote:
 On 2011-04-04 16:08, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
 On 4/4/11, Jacob Carlborg<doob me.com>   wrote:
 I was planing to give this a proper announcement when the linux version
 is working as well but anyway: DWT works with D2 on Windows.

How do we build? I've tried `rake all`, but I get back errors: https://gist.github.com/901684
Oh, I probably should have mentioned that I'm currently only updating the base and SWT libraries, so run "rake base swt". The SWT snippets also compile: "rake swtsnippets". -- /Jacob Carlborg
I keep getting warnings from optlink about missing zlib.lib, not sure if that's a problem. Other than that, about 85 examples get compiled, and then I reach this error: Building swtsnippets[Snippet44] dmd.exe D:\dev\lib\D\dwt2\rsp org\eclipse\swt\snippets\Snippet44.d(31): Error: module Job is in file 'org\eclipse\core\runtime\jobs\Job.d' which cannot be read import path[0] = D:\dev\lib\D\dwt2\org.eclipse.swt.snippets\src import path[1] = D:\dev\lib\D\dwt2\imp import path[2] = D:\DMD\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos import path[3] = D:\DMD\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\druntime\import rake aborted! compile error 16 examples fail at runtime, I've collected their logs here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9218759/swtSnippetLogs.zip So about 69 snippets do work. That's pretty impressive as it is. Good job!
Hmm, I don't know for what DWT would use zlib.lib. Thanks for collecting the failing snippets. Could you please create a ticket so it's not forgotten? -- /Jacob Carlborg
Apr 05 2011