digitalmars.D - [RFC] CSV parser
- Jesse Phillips (57/57) Apr 04 2011 I have implemented an input range based CSV parser that works on text
- Robert Jacques (18/22) Apr 05 2011 [snip]
- Jesse Phillips (36/52) Apr 05 2011 This implementation only operates with input ranges, of text. I have ano...
- Robert Jacques (40/110) Apr 05 2011 The library should work with both and be efficient with both. i.e. detec...
- Jesse Phillips (21/89) Apr 06 2011 I'm actually considering trying to benchmark my two implementations.
- spir (7/9) Apr 05 2011 There are formats using control codes as separators, as well.
I have implemented an input range based CSV parser that works on text input[1]. I combined my original implementation with some details of David's implementation[2]. It is not ready for formal review as I need to update and polish documentation and probably consolidate unit tests. It provides a very simple interface which can either iterate over all elements individually or each record can be stored in a struct. The unit tests and examples[3] do a good job showing the interface, but here is just one (taken from unit test) using a struct and header: string str = "a,b,c\nHello,65,63.63\nWorld,123,3673.562"; struct Layout { int value; double other; string name; } auto records = csvText!Layout(str, ["b","c","a"]); Layout ans[2]; ans[0].name = "Hello"; ans[0].value = 65; ans[0].other = 63.63; ans[1].name = "World"; ans[1].value = 123; ans[1].other = 3673.562; int count; foreach (record; records) { assert(ans[count].name ==; assert(ans[count].value == record.value); assert(ans[count].other == record.other); count++; } assert(count == 2); The main implementation is in the function csvNextToken. I'm thinking it might be useful to have this function public as it will allow for writing a parser for or recovering from malformed data. In order to be memory efficient appender is reused for each iteration. However the default behavior does result in a copying being taken. To prevent the copy being made just provide the type as char[] string str = `one,two,"three ""quoted""","",` ~ "\"five\nnew line \"\nsix"; auto records = csvText!(char[])(str); foreach(record; records) { foreach(cell; record) { writeln(cell); } } If your structure stores char[] instead of string you will also observe the overwriting behavior, should this be fixed?. So feel free to suggest names, implementation correction, or documentation. Or giving a thumbs up. The more interest, the more interest I'll have in getting this done sooner :) 1. 2. 3.
Apr 04 2011
On Tue, 05 Apr 2011 01:44:34 -0400, Jesse Phillips <jessekphillips+d> wrote:I have implemented an input range based CSV parser that works on text input[1]. I combined my original implementation with some details of David's implementation[2]. It is not ready for formal review as I need to update and polish documentation and probably consolidate unit tests.[snip] * You should input ranges. It's fine to detect slicing and optimize for it, but you should support simple input ranges as well. * I'd think being able to retrieve the headings from the csv would be a good [optional] feature. * Exposing the tokenizer would be useful. * Regarding buffering, it's okay for the tokenizer to expose buffering in it's API (and users should be able to supply their own buffers), but I don't think an unbuffered version of csvText itself is correct; csvByRecord or csvText!(T).byRecord would be more appropriate. And anyways, since you're only using strings, why is there any buffering going on at all? string values should simply be sliced, not buffered. Buffering should only come into play with input ranges. * There should be a way to specify other separators; I've started using tab separated files as ','s show up in a lot of data. * Any thought of parsing a file into a tuple of arrays? Writing csv?
Apr 05 2011
Robert Jacques Wrote:* You should input ranges. It's fine to detect slicing and optimize for it, but you should support simple input ranges as well.This implementation only operates with input ranges, of text. I have another implementation which works on a slice-able forward range of anything. I stopped development because it didn't support input ranges, and Phobos must have this.* I'd think being able to retrieve the headings from the csv would be a good [optional] feature.Do you think it would be good for the interface to use an associative array. Maybe the heading could be the first thing to get from a RecordList. auto records = csvText(str); auto heading = records.heading; or shouldn't it be passed in as an empty array: string[] heading; auto records = csvText(str, heading);* Exposing the tokenizer would be useful.Good. I'm thinking I will use an output range of type char[] instead of Appender.* Regarding buffering, it's okay for the tokenizer to expose buffering in it's API (and users should be able to supply their own buffers), but I don't think an unbuffered version of csvText itself is correct;As I'm thinking of using an output range I believe it has the job of allowing a user specified buffer or not. I'm not sure if the interface for csvText or RecordList should allow for custom buffers.csvByRecord or csvText!(T).byRecord would be more appropriate.You always iterate CSV by record, what other option is there? If you desire an array for the record: auto records = csvText(str); foreach(record: records) auto arr = array(record); // ...And anyways, since you're only using strings, why is there any buffering going on at all? string values should simply be sliced, not buffered. Buffering should only come into play with input ranges.Input ranges do not provide slicing. On top of that you _must_ modify the returned data at times. So you can do buffering and slicing together which my other implementation will do, but as I said it won't support input ranges.* There should be a way to specify other separators; I've started using tab separated files as ','s show up in a lot of data.You can use a custom "comma" and "quote" the record break is not modifiable because it doesn't fit into a single character. I can make this available through csvText and am not exactly sure why I didn't.* Any thought of parsing a file into a tuple of arrays? Writing csv?A static CSV parser? I would hope CTFE would allow for using this parser, at some point. For writing I made a quick and dirty one to write structures to a file. But I have not considered adding such functionality to the library. Thank you for the comment. void writeStruct(string file, Layout data) { string[] elements; foreach(i, U; FieldTypeTuple!Layout) { elements ~= to!string(data.tupleof[i]); } string record; foreach(e; elements) { if(find(e, `"`, ",", "\n", "\r")[1] == 0) record ~= e ~ ","; else record ~= `"` ~ replace(e, `"`, `""`) ~ `",`; } std.file.append(file, record[0..$-1] ~ "\n"); }
Apr 05 2011
On Tue, 05 Apr 2011 12:45:59 -0400, Jesse Phillips <jessekphillips+D> wrote:Robert Jacques Wrote:The library should work with both and be efficient with both. i.e. detect at compile-time whether you have a string or an input range, and act accordingly.* You should input ranges. It's fine to detect slicing and optimize for it, but you should support simple input ranges as well.This implementation only operates with input ranges, of text. I have another implementation which works on a slice-able forward range of anything. I stopped development because it didn't support input ranges, and Phobos must have this. The latter makes it explicit that there should be headers, while with the former, you'd need to call heading before parsing the records, which could be a source of bugs. Then again, records.heading is more natural. Alternative syntax ideas: auto records = csvText(str, null); auto heading = records.heading; or auto records = csvText!(csvOptions.headers)(str); auto heading = records.heading;* I'd think being able to retrieve the headings from the csv would be a good [optional] feature.Do you think it would be good for the interface to use an associative array. Maybe the heading could be the first thing to get from a RecordList. auto records = csvText(str); auto heading = records.heading; or shouldn't it be passed in as an empty array: string[] heading; auto records = csvText(str, heading);Output range? You mean as a buffer? I'd think Appender is the better choice for that internally, but you could allow the user to pass in a char[] buffer to use as the basis of the appender.* Exposing the tokenizer would be useful.Good. I'm thinking I will use an output range of type char[] instead of Appender.An output range is not a buffer. A buffer requires a clear method and a data retrieval method. All output ranges provide is put.* Regarding buffering, it's okay for the tokenizer to expose buffering in it's API (and users should be able to supply their own buffers), but I don't think an unbuffered version of csvText itself is correct;As I'm thinking of using an output range I believe it has the job of allowing a user specified buffer or not. I'm not sure if the interface for csvText or RecordList should allow for custom buffers.Well, some of your example code included csvText!MyStruct(str,["my","headers"]); or possibly just csvText!MyStruct(str). Which would have either provide a forward range of MyStructs or an array of MyStruct. In either case, duplication of strings where appropriate should occur. Also, remember that records might not be manually processed; the user might forward it to map,filter,etc and therefore should be safe by default. A user should have to manually state that they are going to want a lazy buffered version.csvByRecord or csvText!(T).byRecord would be more appropriate.You always iterate CSV by record, what other option is there? If you desire an array for the record: auto records = csvText(str); foreach(record: records) auto arr = array(record); // ...Why do you need to do any modification? Part of the advantage of csv is that it's just text: you don't have to deal with escape characters, etc.And anyways, since you're only using strings, why is there any buffering going on at all? string values should simply be sliced, not buffered. Buffering should only come into play with input ranges.Input ranges do not provide slicing. On top of that you _must_ modify the returned data at times. So you can do buffering and slicing together which my other implementation will do, but as I said it won't support input ranges.By tuple I meant the tuple(5,7) kind, not the TypeTuple!(int,char) kind. Basically, auto records = csvText!(string,real)(str); string[] names = records._0; real[] grades = records._1; vs auto records = csvText!(Tuple!(string,"name",real,"grade"))(str); foreach(record; records) { writeln(," got ",record.grade); }* There should be a way to specify other separators; I've started using tab separated files as ','s show up in a lot of data.You can use a custom "comma" and "quote" the record break is not modifiable because it doesn't fit into a single character. I can make this available through csvText and am not exactly sure why I didn't.* Any thought of parsing a file into a tuple of arrays? Writing csv?A static CSV parser? I would hope CTFE would allow for using this parser, at some point.For writing I made a quick and dirty one to write structures to a file. But I have not considered adding such functionality to the library. Thank you for the comment. void writeStruct(string file, Layout data) { string[] elements; foreach(i, U; FieldTypeTuple!Layout) { elements ~= to!string(data.tupleof[i]); } string record; foreach(e; elements) { if(find(e, `"`, ",", "\n", "\r")[1] == 0) record ~= e ~ ","; else record ~= `"` ~ replace(e, `"`, `""`) ~ `",`; } std.file.append(file, record[0..$-1] ~ "\n"); }
Apr 05 2011
On Wed, 06 Apr 2011 01:53:19 -0400, Robert Jacques wrote:The library should work with both and be efficient with both. i.e. detect at compile-time whether you have a string or an input range, and act accordingly.I'm actually considering trying to benchmark my two implementations. However I really don't know a good setup for testing memory usage. At this time it is not a priority as specialization can be added without changing the interface or capabilities.I'm not fond of the csvOptions approach, but the combined explicit and ability to retrieve seems records = csvText(str); auto heading = records.heading; or shouldn't it be passed in as an empty array: string[] heading; auto records = csvText(str, heading);Hmm... The latter makes it explicit that there should be headers, while with the former, you'd need to call heading before parsing the records, which could be a source of bugs. Then again, records.heading is more natural. Alternative syntax ideas: auto records = csvText(str, null); auto heading = records.heading; or auto records = csvText!(csvOptions.headers)(str); auto heading = records.heading;Except for the exceptions thrown the tokenizer only needs an output range of char. csvText is buffered by using Appender internally. However the default is to make a copy of the data in the buffer, which is safer.An output range is not a buffer. A buffer requires a clear method and a data retrieval method. All output ranges provide is put.* Regarding buffering, it's okay for the tokenizer to expose buffering in it's API (and users should be able to supply their own buffers), but I don't think an unbuffered version of csvText itself is correct;As I'm thinking of using an output range I believe it has the job of allowing a user specified buffer or not. I'm not sure if the interface for csvText or RecordList should allow for custom buffers.The behavior when using string is to do a duplication, but char[] will not. I believe this provides access to both a safe and memory efficient iteration. But it is confusing and probably doesn't need to be provided.Well, some of your example code included csvText!MyStruct(str,["my","headers"]); or possibly just csvText!MyStruct(str). Which would have either provide a forward range of MyStructs or an array of MyStruct. In either case, duplication of strings where appropriate should occur. Also, remember that records might not be manually processed; the user might forward it to map,filter,etc and therefore should be safe by default. A user should have to manually state that they are going to want a lazy buffered version.csvByRecord or csvText!(T).byRecord would be more appropriate.You always iterate CSV by record, what other option is there? If you desire an array for the record: auto records = csvText(str); foreach(record: records) auto arr = array(record); // ...Why do you need to do any modification? Part of the advantage of csv is that it's just text: you don't have to deal with escape characters, etc.This is wrong. CSV does have escape characters, or more precisely an escaped quote.By tuple I meant the tuple(5,7) kind, not the TypeTuple!(int,char) kind. Basically, auto records = csvText!(string,real)(str); string[] names = records._0; real[] grades = records._1; vs auto records = csvText!(Tuple!(string,"name",real,"grade"))(str); foreach(record; records) { writeln(," got ",record.grade); }I'm not sure the second example would work with the current implementation. But thinking on this part, it might be better to wait for the DB API to be worked out and then it could use this module to provide such database queries.
Apr 06 2011
On 04/05/2011 05:32 PM, Robert Jacques wrote:* There should be a way to specify other separators; I've started using tab separated files as ','s show up in a lot of data.There are formats using control codes as separators, as well. Denis -- _________________ vita es estrany
Apr 05 2011