digitalmars.D - Forbid the use of method name "init"
- Frank Benoit (13/13) May 10 2008 "init" and other class properties are kind of shadow-keywords.
- Jarrett Billingsley (5/18) May 10 2008 This should extend to any semi-reserved name. The compiler used to allo...
- davidl (12/34) May 10 2008 a
- Bruno Medeiros (7/40) May 27 2008 I've added my reasoning to that bug report. I guess one could make a
"init" and other class properties are kind of shadow-keywords. class MyClass{ void init(){ } } The class is fine and can be used. Now someone attempts to insert this class into a container.... template Templ(T){ T t = T.init; // Compile error } The compiler should forbid the use of the method name "init", if the signature does not make any sense for an "init" property. It must be a static method, with a return value and no arguments.
May 10 2008
"Frank Benoit" <keinfarbton> wrote in message news:g052dt$qt4$1"init" and other class properties are kind of shadow-keywords. class MyClass{ void init(){ } } The class is fine and can be used. Now someone attempts to insert this class into a container.... template Templ(T){ T t = T.init; // Compile error } The compiler should forbid the use of the method name "init", if the signature does not make any sense for an "init" property. It must be a static method, with a return value and no arguments.This should extend to any semi-reserved name. The compiler used to allow redefinition of 'sizeof' and 'offsetof' but checks were added to disallow that. That mechanism should just be extended.
May 10 2008
=D4=DA Sun, 11 May 2008 05:46:57 +0800=A3=ACJarrett Billingsley = <kb3ctd2> =D0=B4=B5=C0:"Frank Benoit" <keinfarbton> wrote in message news:g052dt$qt4$1"init" and other class properties are kind of shadow-keywords. class MyClass{ void init(){ } } The class is fine and can be used. Now someone attempts to insert this class into a container.... template Templ(T){ T t =3D T.init; // Compile error } The compiler should forbid the use of the method name "init", if the signature does not make any sense for an "init" property. It must be =lowstatic method, with a return value and no arguments.This should extend to any semi-reserved name. The compiler used to al=redefinition of 'sizeof' and 'offsetof' but checks were added to disal=lowthat. That mechanism should just be extended.I filed a bug of forbiding the use of stringof method. But it's markd as= = invalid :( -- = =CA=B9=D3=C3 Opera =B8=EF=C3=FC=D0=D4=B5=C4=B5=E7=D7=D3=D3=CA=BC=FE=BF=CD= =BB=A7=B3=CC=D0=F2:
May 10 2008
davidl wrote:ÔÚ Sun, 11 May 2008 05:46:57 +0800£¬Jarrett Billingsley <kb3ctd2> дµÀ:I've added my reasoning to that bug report. I guess one could make a case for redefining 'init', but as for 'stringof', it should be the same as 'sizeof' and 'offsetof': unextendable, like Jarret mentioned. -- Bruno Medeiros - Software Developer, MSc. in CS/E graduate"Frank Benoit" <keinfarbton> wrote in message news:g052dt$qt4$1 filed a bug of forbiding the use of stringof method. But it's markd as invalid :("init" and other class properties are kind of shadow-keywords. class MyClass{ void init(){ } } The class is fine and can be used. Now someone attempts to insert this class into a container.... template Templ(T){ T t = T.init; // Compile error } The compiler should forbid the use of the method name "init", if the signature does not make any sense for an "init" property. It must be a static method, with a return value and no arguments.This should extend to any semi-reserved name. The compiler used to allow redefinition of 'sizeof' and 'offsetof' but checks were added to disallow that. That mechanism should just be extended.
May 27 2008