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digitalmars.D - make coff2omf free?

reply "Jarrett Billingsley" <kb3ctd2 yahoo.com> writes:
yeah i'll probably get shot down on this too but :P

now that i'm using D a lot more i've noticed an irritating trend - i can't
use most made-for-c++ stuff because it's all in COFF files.  additionally,
the borland OMF format is incompatible with the digitalmars OMF format.

being a teenager with almost no income and no credit card it's rather
difficult for me to buy things on the internet.  normally i'd buy the
"advanced tools" package but.. most of the stuff in there i either don't
need or already have in some other form.  i just can't justify paying $15
for the one program i need - coff2omf.

from what i understand it used to be free to download.  can it go back to
that?  please ;)
Aug 09 2004
next sibling parent reply "Carlos Santander B." <carlos8294 msn.com> writes:
"Jarrett Billingsley" <kb3ctd2 yahoo.com> escribi� en el mensaje
news:cf99ba$15ug$1 digitaldaemon.com
| yeah i'll probably get shot down on this too but :P
| now that i'm using D a lot more i've noticed an irritating trend - i can't
| use most made-for-c++ stuff because it's all in COFF files.  additionally,
| the borland OMF format is incompatible with the digitalmars OMF format.

recompile with dmc

Carlos Santander Bernal
Aug 09 2004
parent "Jarrett Billingsley" <kb3ctd2 yahoo.com> writes:
many things don't come with the source files.  which is where i'm screwed.
Aug 09 2004
prev sibling next sibling parent "Jarrett Billingsley" <kb3ctd2 yahoo.com> writes:
don't all rush to reply at once now!
Aug 10 2004
prev sibling parent "Jarrett Billingsley" <kb3ctd2 yahoo.com> writes:
oh well i got some replies through email.  don't worry about it.
Aug 10 2004