digitalmars.D - weird array-related bug (segfault) (at least)under linux (.d source included)
- himdel (29/29) Jul 18 2004 Greetings,
Greetings, I'm using the dmd compiler (v 0.95) (I believe - downloaded July 17th) under Linux (Redhat 9, kernel 2.4.26). I haven't had the chance to try it under Windows. I tried to make the source shortest possible while the bug still manifests, so don't think about it's usefulness (actually, I tried to create a letter frequency counter). The size of 233 isn't arbitrary, it manifests from 233 upwards. When I remove the foreach, it disappears. It also disappears when i call printf (ANYTHING); before the foreach or even before the int[233] b=... Removing the char[] f from frqcount () removes it also. Please, take a look at it. int main (char[][] args) { int[233] a = 0; foreach (char[] c; args) int[233] b = frqcount (c); return 0; } int[] frqcount (char[] fn) { int[233] l = 0; char[] f; return l; } Thank you, Martin HRADIL <himdel>
Jul 18 2004