c++.windows.32-bits - Interrupt 0Dh
Hi, i'm having a problem linking my files when i use winmm.dll My program is by now just some try to have wave-output: int main() { HWAVEOUT handle; WAVEFORMATEX flags; flags.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; flags.nChannels = 2; flags.nSamplesPerSec = 44100; flags.nAvgBytesPerSec = 176400; flags.nBlockAlign = 4; flags.cbSize = 0; MMRESULT result = waveOutOpen( handle,WAVE_MAPPER, &flags,0,0,WAVE_MAPPED); return 0; } That's it! Compiling: dmc -c playTest.cpp ..\lib\winmm.lib (winmm.lib was created using implib 7.6 B1n) => compiling very fine! Linking: link playTest.obj, playTest.exe, , ..\lib\winmm.lib Linker-output: INTERRUPT 0DH, GENERAL PROTECTION FAULT possible illegal address error code = 0000 eax = 00023E00 esi = 000200C7 flags = 3246 ds = 017F ebx = FACD0005 edi = 000000C0 eip = 00003E2C es = 01C7 ecx = 00000000 ebp = 00C09FFF cs = 019F fs = 01AF edx = 00000000 esp = 000000D2 ss = 017F gs = 0000 If I link without ..\lib\winmm.lib i get an unresolved symbol! Where is the problem???
Jun 15 2005
There's a winmm.lib in \dm\lib. Does that work for you?
Jun 18 2005