c++.windows.32-bits - how to remove console from win32 app?
Hi: I wrote a small win32 GUI-bassed application, but I can not remove the msdos console that is launched when I doubleclick on the program (the program is executed correctly, but that ugly black window also comes up!) Does somebody know how to compile it? (I'm using dmc command line compiler, I tried -WA switch but didn't work) Thanks...
Sep 11 2003
Try using the linker switch /exetype:windows. Also, make sure your program does not have a main(), which is only for console programs. "m.s.o." <m.s.o._member pathlink.com> wrote in message news:bjqbn1$b53$1 digitaldaemon.com...Hi: I wrote a small win32 GUI-bassed application, but I can not remove themsdosconsole that is launched when I doubleclick on the program (the program is executed correctly, but that ugly black window also comes up!) Does somebody know how to compile it? (I'm using dmc command linecompiler, Itried -WA switch but didn't work) Thanks...
Sep 11 2003