c++.windows.32-bits - Compiling a Simple C++ Console Program - number.cpp
- MTram (38/38) Nov 21 2002 Hi all, I hope I'm posting in the right place. I'm having trouble creat...
- Matthew Wilson (53/67) Nov 21 2002 Simple. Just type
Hi all, I hope I'm posting in the right place. I'm having trouble creating the exe file for a guess the number console program. I created the file using Microsoft Visual C++, but for a school project, I need to learn how to compile the program using the free Digital Mars C/C++ console compiler. I've never used a console compiler for C++ before. I've attached a copy of the source code. The error I get is along the lines that iostream.h can not be found. I probably have the compiler files stored in the wrong directory or haven't specified the right options for the dmc.exe file. I unzipped all the files into C:\dm\bin\ and my source file is located in the same directory. In addition to iostream.h, I'm also needing to include stdlib.h and time.h. Thanks in advance for your help :) If possible, please send e-mail to MattTram aol.com with response. Thanks, Matt begin 0644 number.cpp M(VEN8VQU9&4 /&EO<W1R96%M+F ^("\O(&9O<B!C;W5T(&%N9"!C:6X-"B-I M;F-L=61E(#QS=&1L:6(N:#X M;'5D92`\=&EM92YH/B`O+R!T;R!U<V4 =&AE('1I;64 9G5N8W1I;VX-" T* M=F]I9"!M86EN*"D-"GL-" DO+R!D96-L87)E(&%N9"!I;FET:6%L:7IE('9A M;FET:6%L:7IE(&5A8V =F%R:6%B;&4 =&\ 82!N=6UB97( <V\ =&AA="!G M"6=U97-S(#T ,#L- M*71I;64H3E5,3"DI.PT*"6YU;6)E<B`]("AR86YD*"D )2!M87A.=6UB97(I M<&EC:V5D(&)E='=E96X (B`\/"!M:6Y.=6UB97( /#P (B!A;F0 (B`\/"!M M87A.=6UB97( /#P (BXB(#P M;B`^/B!G=65S<SL-" D):68 *&=U97-S(#X ;G5M8F5R*0T*"0D)8V]U="`\ M/"`B66]U<B!G=65S<R!W87, =&]O(&AI9V A(B`\/"!E;F1L.PT*"0EI9B`H M;V\ ;&]W(2( /#P 96YD;#L-" E]('=H:6QE("AG=65S<R`A/2!N=6UB97(I M.PT*"6-O=70 /#P (D-O;F=R871S+"!Y;W4 9W5E<W-E9"!T:&4 ;G5M8F5R H(&EN("( /#P =')I97, /#P (B!T<FEE<R$B(#P\(&5N9&P[(`T*?75M ` end
Nov 21 2002
Simple. Just type dmc number.cpp In order for this to work, you'll need to have the following environment variables defined: INCLUDE LIB I'm including a command file (.cmd for NT/2000/XP, rename to .bat if you;re on 95/98/ME) that I use to set this all up for me. 1. If you have installed DMC++ to a drive other than C:, then you should define an environment variable for COMP_DRV, e.g. set COMP_DRV=G: 2. If you work on another drive than C:, then you should define an environment variable WORK_DRV, e.g. set WORK_DRV=H: 3. You should edit the definition of COMP_DIR to match your installation directory, eg. if you have installed to c:\dm, then change the line set COMP_DIR=%COMP_DRV%\PROGRAMS\DM\DM830\DM to set COMP_DIR=%COMP_DRV%\DM or simply to set COMP_DIR=C:\DM (in which case forget step 1 above) Once you have the include and lib environment variables set, you should be fine. Matthew "MTram" <MTram_member pathlink.com> wrote in message news:arjb1p$16lt$1 digitaldaemon.com...Hi all, I hope I'm posting in the right place. I'm having troublecreating theexe file for a guess the number console program. I created the file using Microsoft Visual C++, but for a school project, I need to learn how tocompilethe program using the free Digital Mars C/C++ console compiler. I'venever useda console compiler for C++ before. I've attached a copy of the sourcecode.The error I get is along the lines that iostream.h can not be found. Iprobablyhave the compiler files stored in the wrong directory or haven't specifiedtheright options for the dmc.exe file. I unzipped all the files intoC:\dm\bin\and my source file is located in the same directory. In addition toiostream.h,I'm also needing to include stdlib.h and time.h. Thanks in advance for your help :) If possible, please send e-mail to MattTram aol.com with response. Thanks, Mattbegin 666 dm830.cmd M/3T *"D 9V]T;R!G;W1?;F]?8V]M<%]D<G8-"F=O=&\ 9V]T7V-O;7!?9')V M<%]D<G8-" T*<F5M(%=O<FL 9')I=F4-"FEF(" E5T]22U]$4E8E*2 ]/2 H M*2!G;W1O(&=O=%]N;U]W;W)K7V1R= T*9V]T;R!G;W1?=V]R:U]D<G8-"CIG M" T*4$%42#TE0T]-4%]"24XE.R50051()3L-"G!A=& -"G-E="!)3D-,541% J3U)+7T125B4-"F-D("573U)+7T1)4B4-"F5C:&\ + T*8VUD+F5X90T* ` end
Nov 21 2002