c++.stlsoft - Some more blither from yours truly ...
- Matthew Wilson (14/14) Jul 30 2003 STLSoft-ies
STLSoft-ies There's now _even_more_ written blather from me. For those interested in efficient integer-to-string conversions, check out http://www.cuj.com/documents/s=8840/cujexp0309wilson/, which is the first installment in my new C/C++ User's Journal Expert's Forum. As the article mentions, the new improved WinSTL conversion libs are not yet available, and will be out with version 1.7.1 (which is due for mid/late August). However, the code is in the archive, but alas the archive does not seem to be available yete. I'll check with the CUJ webmaster and see about getting that fixed. In any case, the article's more about discussing the pros and cons of TSS than it is about just the WinSTL conversion stuff. I would, of course, be interested in any feedback, good or bad. :) Matthew
Jul 30 2003