c++.stl - STL book recommendation?
- Brett O'Hare (3/3) Aug 01 2004 Hi, I have just started learning C++ and was wondering if anyone could r...
- user domain.invalid (11/17) Aug 31 2004 I'd recommend Scott Meyer's Effective STL.
- Nicholas Jordan (14/17) Dec 18 2005 I concur with the recommended Scott Meyer's Effective STL....
Hi, I have just started learning C++ and was wondering if anyone could recommend a beginner book specifically on the STL? Thanks.
Aug 01 2004
I'd recommend Scott Meyer's Effective STL. It gives a formula involving first a container selection criteria, which should be good for a beginner. The best is Generic Programming and the STL, by Matthew H. Austern. It isn't for beginners, but introduces a new programming concept. Generic Programming is quite powerful and I believe deserves introduction in contempating the why of STL. The capacity of C++ to embrace alternate programming paradigm differentiates this language from all others. Its worth appreciating while learning C++ (complex as it is). Brett O'Hare wrote:Hi, I have just started learning C++ and was wondering if anyone could recommend a beginner book specifically on the STL? Thanks.
Aug 31 2004
In article <ceip0v$223c$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Brett O'Hare says...Hi, I have just started learning C++ and was wondering if anyone could recommend a beginner book specifically on the STL? Thanks.I concur with the recommended Scott Meyer's Effective STL.... I have read not just dozens of books - I have read at least a dozen on the subject of STL alone, they are all quite a challenge for a beginner ~ but the stuff you will run into has been thouroughly thought out by some very well credentialed workers in the field and the way STL goes about things provides a directed study I have found nowhere else ..... Problem is, Scott Meyers is the *only one* who has presented the work of STL in a manner and style that I can really comprehend. Some, or much of how STL works has to be detailed in how the compiler runs, and 'ahem' ,,,.... "Not all compiler authors have attained full compliance with the implementation of STL they use,...." My cat 'Rat Trap' can whup his dog Wolfie !....
Dec 18 2005