D.gnu - lexer for flex
- C.R.Chafer (4/4) Jun 11 2002 I have written a flex lexer for d - source attached
- Martin M. Pedersen (343/347) Jun 11 2002 It seems you have started what I did too :-) However, I ran into problem...
- Walter (1/1) Jun 11 2002 Why not just use lexer.c and parse.c more or less directly?
- C.R.Chafer (9/10) Jun 12 2002 No offence, but they are written in C++, which will not interface to BT...
- Martin M. Pedersen (8/9) Jun 12 2002 My reasons are the same as described by C.R.Chafer, portability and
- Erik de Castro Lopo (10/20) Jul 09 2004 Bison is also able to generate GLR parsers (since 1.50) via the
- Nicolas Lehuen (15/37) Oct 01 2004 I'm not expert in the parsing department, but I used ANTLR =
- Deja Augustine (4/35) Oct 02 2004 To the best of my knowledge, Andy Friesen on the d.D newsgroup posted
I have written a flex lexer for d - source attached please point out any bugs (bison parser to follow when written) C 2002/6/11
Jun 11 2002
"C.R.Chafer" <blackmarlin nospam.asean-mail.com> wrote in message news:ae5bmk$2u97$1 digitaldaemon.com...Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8Bit I have written a flex lexer for d - source attached please point out any bugs (bison parser to follow when written)It seems you have started what I did too :-) However, I ran into problems with the declaration grammar. The problem is that bison does not do N look-ahead that seems to be required by the D grammar - at least if "parse.c" is to be translated more or less directly. The problem is the Parse::is...() methods in "parse.c" that makes the grammar LALR(N). I have not figured out any way to solve this problem. Another problem is that you cannot easily destinguish type names from other names as in C. If you find your way around these problems, I would very much like to hear about it. I stopped for these reasons. I did the statements and expressions, though, and the grammar attached to this mail might help you or someone else getting started. I guess TOK_TYPENAME should not be defined as a token as i did, but I did not know better. After once having problems porting a flex generated lexer to an EBCDIC platform, I haven't used it since - so I don't have a .l file like you. But if you substitute the token names it should do. Regards, Martin M. Pedersen begin 666 grammar.y M+RHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ M.B!G<F%M;6%R+GDL=B Q+C0 ,C P,B\P-B\P,R R,#HT-3HT,"!M;7 17AP M("0-"B (" D4V]U<F-E.B O:&]M92]M;7 O87)C:&EV92]C=G-R;V]T+W!R M:B]D9G)O;G0O<W)C+V=R86UM87(N>2QV("0-" T**BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ M*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ M('1A9ST]5$]+7T1/0T-/34U%3E0 *3L-" T*(" (&EF(" :7-A<VT *2![ M*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BH- M*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ*BHJ M3TM?4U!!0T4-"B5T;VME;B 5$]+7T-/34U%3E0-"B5T;VME;B 5$]+7T1/ M0T-/34U%3E0-"B5T;VME;B 5$]+7T)!1$-(05(-" T*+RH 4W!E8VEA;"!H M96X (%1/2U]35%))3D=?3$E415)!3 T*)71O:V5N("!43TM?24Y414=%4E], M;W)D<R!I;B!A;'!H86)E=&EC86P ;W)D97( *B\-"B5T;VME;B 5$]+7T%" M(%1/2U]"250-"B5T;VME;B 5$]+7T)/1%D-"B5T;VME;B 5$]+7T)214%+ M5 T*)71O:V5N("!43TM?0TA!4 T*)71O:V5N("!43TM?0TQ!4U,-"B5T;VME M=&]K96X (%1/2U]$3U5"3$4-"B5T;VME;B 5$]+7T5,4T4-"B5T;VME;B M;B 5$]+7T9/4 T*)71O:V5N("!43TM?1T]43PT*)71O:V5N("!43TM?248- M=&]K96X (%1/2U])3 T*)71O:V5N("!43TM?24Y/550-"B5T;VME;B 5$]+ M4DE!3E0-"B5T;VME;B 5$]+7TQ/3D<-"B5T;VME;B 5$]+7TY%5PT*)71O M5$]+7U-93D-(4D].25I%1 T*)71O:V5N("!43TM?5$A)4PT*)71O:V5N("!4 M3TM?5$A23U<-"B5T;VME;B 5$]+7U12544-"B5T;VME;B 5$]+7U1260T* M)71O:V5N("!43TM?5%E0141%1 T*)71O:V5N("!43TM?54)95$4-"B5T;VME M3$].1PT*)71O:V5N("!43TM?54Y)3TX-"B5T;VME;B 5$]+7U532$]25 T* M)71O:V5N("!43TM?5D524TE/3 T*)71O:V5N("!43TM?5D])1 T*)71O:V5N M+PT*)71O:V5N("!43TM?4TQ!4T (" (" (" (" (" O*B O(" ("HO M"B5T;VME;B 5$]+7T1/5" (" (" (" (" (" +RH +B (" J+PT* M=&]K96X (%1/2U]$3U1?1$]47T1/5" (" (" ("\J("XN+B *B\-"B5T M;VME;B 5$]+7T%.1" (" (" (" (" (" +RH )B (" J+PT*)71O M96X (%1/2U]!3D1?04Y$(" (" (" (" ("\J("8F(" *B\-"B5T;VME M;B 5$]+7T]2(" (" (" (" (" (" +RH ?" 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Jun 11 2002
Why not just use lexer.c and parse.c more or less directly?
Jun 11 2002
Walter wrote:Why not just use lexer.c and parse.c more or less directly?No offence, but they are written in C++, which will not interface to BTL and would probably be a pain to interface to GCC. And anyway the best way to understand a language fully is to write a compiler for it. PS: Thanks to MMP for the parser yacc source, my version mainly consists of rebuilding a grammar I wrote some time ago to parse oomic - just got some shift/reduce conflicts to resolve. C 2002/6/12
Jun 12 2002
"Walter" <walter digitalmars.com> wrote in message news:ae60k2$iq5$1 digitaldaemon.com...Why not just use lexer.c and parse.c more or less directly?My reasons are the same as described by C.R.Chafer, portability and understanding. Also, using a tool like bison documents the grammar, makes it easier to maintain and experiment with, and it pinpoints ambiguties in the grammar. Regards, Martin M. Pedersen
Jun 12 2002
"Martin M. Pedersen" wrote:It seems you have started what I did too :-) However, I ran into problems with the declaration grammar. The problem is that bison does not do N look-ahead that seems to be required by the D grammar - at least if "parse.c" is to be translated more or less directly. The problem is the Parse::is...() methods in "parse.c" that makes the grammar LALR(N). I have not figured out any way to solve this problem. Another problem is that you cannot easily destinguish type names from other names as in C. If you find your way around these problems, I would very much like to hear about it. I stopped for these reasons.Bison is also able to generate GLR parsers (since 1.50) via the "%glr-parser" option. Have you looked that using this? Erik -- +-----------------------------------------------------------+ Erik de Castro Lopo nospam mega-nerd.com (Yes it's valid) +-----------------------------------------------------------+ Fundamentalist : Someone who is colour blind and yet wants everyone else to see the world with the same lack of colour.
Jul 09 2004
I'm not expert in the parsing department, but I used ANTLR = (http://www.antlr.org/) which is a LL(k) parser generator, outputing = well ? Regards, Nicolas Lehuen "Erik de Castro Lopo" <nospam mega-nerd.com> a =E9crit dans le message = de news:40EF24E3.B5BE2EB5 mega-nerd.com..."Martin M. Pedersen" wrote:problems=20 It seems you have started what I did too :-) However, I ran into =Nwith the declaration grammar. The problem is that bison does not do =thelook-ahead that seems to be required by the D grammar - at least if "parse.c" is to be translated more or less directly. The problem is =I haveParse::is...() methods in "parse.c" that makes the grammar LALR(N). =that younot figured out any way to solve this problem. Another problem is =you findcannot easily destinguish type names from other names as in C. If =it. Iyour way around these problems, I would very much like to hear about =stopped for these reasons.=20 Bison is also able to generate GLR parsers (since 1.50) via the=20 "%glr-parser" option. Have you looked that using this? =20 Erik --=20 +-----------------------------------------------------------+ Erik de Castro Lopo nospam mega-nerd.com (Yes it's valid) +-----------------------------------------------------------+ Fundamentalist : Someone who is colour blind and yet wants everyone else to see the world with the same lack of colour.
Oct 01 2004
Nicolas Lehuen wrote:I'm not expert in the parsing department, but I used ANTLR or C++. Maybe they could be nudged into generating D code as well ? Regards, Nicolas Lehuen "Erik de Castro Lopo" <nospam mega-nerd.com> a écrit dans le message de news:40EF24E3.B5BE2EB5 mega-nerd.com...To the best of my knowledge, Andy Friesen on the d.D newsgroup posted his D ANTLR grammar. Might be able to save yourself some work. -Deja"Martin M. Pedersen" wrote:It seems you have started what I did too :-) However, I ran into problems with the declaration grammar. The problem is that bison does not do N look-ahead that seems to be required by the D grammar - at least if "parse.c" is to be translated more or less directly. The problem is the Parse::is...() methods in "parse.c" that makes the grammar LALR(N). I have not figured out any way to solve this problem. Another problem is that you cannot easily destinguish type names from other names as in C. If you find your way around these problems, I would very much like to hear about it. I stopped for these reasons.Bison is also able to generate GLR parsers (since 1.50) via the "%glr-parser" option. Have you looked that using this? Erik -- +-----------------------------------------------------------+ Erik de Castro Lopo nospam mega-nerd.com (Yes it's valid) +-----------------------------------------------------------+ Fundamentalist : Someone who is colour blind and yet wants everyone else to see the world with the same lack of colour.
Oct 02 2004