D.gnu - see page at offline
How could I can see the visited pages when I am offline. If I have no proxcy server or any other software setting.
Apr 03 2003
What are you talking about. The D documentation? You can download it from: http://www.prowiki.org/wiki4d/wiki.cgi?LanguageSpecification But by download the D language you get an html directory /dmd/html/d/ that you can use by loading index.html I'm sorry if this isn't your answer desired, but you are rather vague with your question. "prokas" <prokas hotmail.com> wrote in message news:b6hs4e$gb2$1 digitaldaemon.com...How could I can see the visited pages when I am offline. If I have noproxcyserver or any other software setting.
Jul 31 2003