D - [BUG] Internal ..\ztc\cgcod.c 2241 AND weird Error on 3rd exec
- Manfred Nowak (63/63) Jan 15 2004 This code compiles and delivers the right result
This code compiles and delivers the right result <code> import std.regexp; import std.string; void main() { RegExp octDigit=new RegExp("[0-7]",null); char[] s="1234"; char[] o; o=format("%d %s\n",octDigit.test(s[2..4]),s[2..4]); printf(o); o=format("%d %s\n",octDigit.test(s[1..4]),s[1..4]); printf(o); o=format("%d %s\n",octDigit.test(s[0..4]),s[0..4]); printf(o); } </code> But changing the order of evaluation: <code> import std.regexp; import std.string; void main() { RegExp octDigit=new RegExp("[0-7]",null); char[] s="1234"; char[] o; o=format("%d %s\n",octDigit.test(s[0..4]),s[0..4]); printf(o); o=format("%d %s\n",octDigit.test(s[1..4]),s[1..4]); printf(o); o=format("%d %s\n",octDigit.test(s[2..4]),s[2..4]); printf(o); } </code> Leads to: "Internal error: ..\ztc\cgcod.c 2241" Deleting the superfluos slicing `[0..4]': <code> import std.regexp; import std.string; void main() { RegExp octDigit=new RegExp("[0-7]",null); char[] s="1234"; char[] o; o=format("%d %s\n",octDigit.test(s),s); printf(o); o=format("%d %s\n",octDigit.test(s[1..4]),s[1..4]); printf(o); o=format("%d %s\n",octDigit.test(s[2..4]),s[2..4]); printf(o); } </code> again compiles but delivers the wrong result `0' at the third execution: <protocol> 1 1234 1 234 0 34 </protocol> So long. -- Fight Spam! Join EuroCAUCE: http://www.euro.cauce.org/ 2EA56D6D4DC41ABA311615946D3248A1
Jan 15 2004