D - Interface Details
- Luke D (31/31) Oct 15 2003 I was looking at C# a while ago, and was thinking about learning Java. ...
- Matthew Wilson (52/83) Oct 15 2003 I don't know either way. However, the language-independent solution to t...
- Luke D (25/118) Oct 15 2003 I just tried a few things, and it seems like D is just like Java with th...
- Luke D (10/145) Oct 16 2003 Oh, I forgot to mention, by using your suggestion, you break the polymor...
- Matthew Wilson (28/181) Oct 16 2003 polymorphism
- Luke D (43/228) Oct 16 2003 Sorry, what I meant was that your suggestion doesn't work in D and Java ...
- Matthew Wilson (27/69) Oct 16 2003 because
- Luke D (18/29) Oct 19 2003 I haven't really worked with MI much so I don't know what all of the pro...
installed the Java SDK and was testing something with interfaces. I realized that I wasn't sure if this was possible in Java or D, so I wanted to ask. work in different ways, you can explicitly implement them by doing this: interface I1 { int method(); } interface I2 { int method(); } class Dirived : I1, I2 { int I1.method() // explicit implementation for I1 { return 1; } public int method() // implicit implementation for any other interfaces that have a method with this name, in this case I2 { return 2; } } Then you can call ((I1)DirivedInstance).method(); to get I1's implementation and ((I2)DirivedInstance).method() or simply DirivedInstance.method() for I2's implementation. Is there any way to achieve this in D? I'm not sure how this is done in Java, if it's even possible at all. By the way, I'm sorry if this has been asked before.
Oct 15 2003
I don't know either way. However, the language-independent solution to this is to use intermediate empty abstract classes to translate the names, as in interface I1 { int method(); } interface I2 { int method(); } class I1_ : I1 { abstract int I1_method(); int method() { return I1_method(); } } class I2_ : I2 { abstract int I2_method(); int method() { return I2_method(); } } class Dirived : I1_ , I2_ { int I1_method() { return 1; } int I2_method() { return 2; } having explained that, I'd now like to say that it stinks! It'd be great if D could work out a more elegant way ----- Original Message ----- From: "Luke D" <Luke_member pathlink.com> Newsgroups: D Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 12:13 PM Subject: Interface Detailsinstalled the Java SDK and was testing something with interfaces. Irealizedthat I wasn't sure if this was possible in Java or D, so I wanted to ask.meant towork in different ways, you can explicitly implement them by doing this: interface I1 { int method(); } interface I2 { int method(); } class Dirived : I1, I2 { int I1.method() // explicit implementation for I1 { return 1; } public int method() // implicit implementation for any other interfacesthathave a method with this name, in this case I2 { return 2; } } Then you can call ((I1)DirivedInstance).method(); to get I1'simplementation and((I2)DirivedInstance).method() or simply DirivedInstance.method() for I2's implementation. Is there any way to achieve this in D? I'm not sure how this is done inJava,if it's even possible at all. By the way, I'm sorry if this has been asked before.
Oct 15 2003
I just tried a few things, and it seems like D is just like Java with this and doesn't allow multiple implementations (if I'm right in saying that Java doesn't). Even C++ allows it (ok, maybe not even, C++ also allows multiple inheritence, though if something like this could be adopted, even that wouldn't be as large a problem) It doesn't allow implicit implementations with the explicit though. Here's the C++ code. I changed the name of the classes when I wrote the code, too lazy to change them back, and I don't think the old names make much sense in the context of C++ anyway. class Parent1 { public: virtual int method() = 0; }; class Parent2 { public: virtual int method() = 0; }; class Dirived : public Parent1, public Parent2 { public: int Parent1::method() {return 1;} int Parent2::method() {return 2;} }; In article <bml171$1s5g$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Matthew Wilson says...I don't know either way. However, the language-independent solution to this is to use intermediate empty abstract classes to translate the names, as in interface I1 { int method(); } interface I2 { int method(); } class I1_ : I1 { abstract int I1_method(); int method() { return I1_method(); } } class I2_ : I2 { abstract int I2_method(); int method() { return I2_method(); } } class Dirived : I1_ , I2_ { int I1_method() { return 1; } int I2_method() { return 2; } having explained that, I'd now like to say that it stinks! It'd be great if D could work out a more elegant way ----- Original Message ----- From: "Luke D" <Luke_member pathlink.com> Newsgroups: D Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 12:13 PM Subject: Interface Detailsinstalled the Java SDK and was testing something with interfaces. Irealizedthat I wasn't sure if this was possible in Java or D, so I wanted to ask.meant towork in different ways, you can explicitly implement them by doing this: interface I1 { int method(); } interface I2 { int method(); } class Dirived : I1, I2 { int I1.method() // explicit implementation for I1 { return 1; } public int method() // implicit implementation for any other interfacesthathave a method with this name, in this case I2 { return 2; } } Then you can call ((I1)DirivedInstance).method(); to get I1'simplementation and((I2)DirivedInstance).method() or simply DirivedInstance.method() for I2's implementation. Is there any way to achieve this in D? I'm not sure how this is done inJava,if it's even possible at all. By the way, I'm sorry if this has been asked before.
Oct 15 2003
Oh, I forgot to mention, by using your suggestion, you break the polymorphism you'd get with the multiple interfaces. I'm guessing you're just renaming the method names because multiple inheritence like that isn't legal in D, and in C++ the only advatage it would provide over the solution I just produced is being able to call the methods without a cast. I realize that by allowing multiple implementations like this, the changes that would have to be made to the compiler and vtable would made them more complex. In article <bml6jv$23lu$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Luke D says...I just tried a few things, and it seems like D is just like Java with this and doesn't allow multiple implementations (if I'm right in saying that Java doesn't). Even C++ allows it (ok, maybe not even, C++ also allows multiple inheritence, though if something like this could be adopted, even that wouldn't be as large a problem) It doesn't allow implicit implementations with the explicit though. Here's the C++ code. I changed the name of the classes when I wrote the code, too lazy to change them back, and I don't think the old names make much sense in the context of C++ anyway. class Parent1 { public: virtual int method() = 0; }; class Parent2 { public: virtual int method() = 0; }; class Dirived : public Parent1, public Parent2 { public: int Parent1::method() {return 1;} int Parent2::method() {return 2;} }; In article <bml171$1s5g$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Matthew Wilson says...I don't know either way. However, the language-independent solution to this is to use intermediate empty abstract classes to translate the names, as in interface I1 { int method(); } interface I2 { int method(); } class I1_ : I1 { abstract int I1_method(); int method() { return I1_method(); } } class I2_ : I2 { abstract int I2_method(); int method() { return I2_method(); } } class Dirived : I1_ , I2_ { int I1_method() { return 1; } int I2_method() { return 2; } having explained that, I'd now like to say that it stinks! It'd be great if D could work out a more elegant way ----- Original Message ----- From: "Luke D" <Luke_member pathlink.com> Newsgroups: D Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 12:13 PM Subject: Interface Detailsinstalled the Java SDK and was testing something with interfaces. Irealizedthat I wasn't sure if this was possible in Java or D, so I wanted to ask.meant towork in different ways, you can explicitly implement them by doing this: interface I1 { int method(); } interface I2 { int method(); } class Dirived : I1, I2 { int I1.method() // explicit implementation for I1 { return 1; } public int method() // implicit implementation for any other interfacesthathave a method with this name, in this case I2 { return 2; } } Then you can call ((I1)DirivedInstance).method(); to get I1'simplementation and((I2)DirivedInstance).method() or simply DirivedInstance.method() for I2's implementation. Is there any way to achieve this in D? I'm not sure how this is done inJava,if it's even possible at all. By the way, I'm sorry if this has been asked before.
Oct 16 2003
"Luke D" <Luke_member pathlink.com> wrote in message news:bmn4c1$1jcq$1 digitaldaemon.com...Oh, I forgot to mention, by using your suggestion, you break thepolymorphismyou'd get with the multiple interfaces.How so? You can call method() on I1, and it will call I1_method(), and similarly with I2. I never said it was nice - it's damned ugly! - but I don't see how it breaks polymorphismI'm guessing you're just renaming the method names because multiple inheritence like that isn't legal in D, andin C++the only advatage it would provide over the solution I just produced isbeingable to call the methods without a cast. I realize that by allowing multiple implementations like this, the changesthatwould have to be made to the compiler and vtable would made them morecomplex.theIn article <bml6jv$23lu$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Luke D says...this andI just tried a few things, and it seems like D is just like Java withmultipledoesn't allow multiple implementations (if I'm right in saying that Java doesn't). Even C++ allows it (ok, maybe not even, C++ also allowswouldn'tinheritence, though if something like this could be adopted, even thatthebe as large a problem) It doesn't allow implicit implementations withwhen Iexplicit though. Here's the C++ code. I changed the name of the classesnameswrote the code, too lazy to change them back, and I don't think the oldthismake much sense in the context of C++ anyway. class Parent1 { public: virtual int method() = 0; }; class Parent2 { public: virtual int method() = 0; }; class Dirived : public Parent1, public Parent2 { public: int Parent1::method() {return 1;} int Parent2::method() {return 2;} }; In article <bml171$1s5g$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Matthew Wilson says...I don't know either way. However, the language-independent solution toinis to use intermediate empty abstract classes to translate the names, asifinterface I1 { int method(); } interface I2 { int method(); } class I1_ : I1 { abstract int I1_method(); int method() { return I1_method(); } } class I2_ : I2 { abstract int I2_method(); int method() { return I2_method(); } } class Dirived : I1_ , I2_ { int I1_method() { return 1; } int I2_method() { return 2; } having explained that, I'd now like to say that it stinks! It'd be greatID could work out a more elegant way ----- Original Message ----- From: "Luke D" <Luke_member pathlink.com> Newsgroups: D Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 12:13 PM Subject: Interface Detailsask.installed the Java SDK and was testing something with interfaces. Irealizedthat I wasn't sure if this was possible in Java or D, so I wanted toarethis:meant towork in different ways, you can explicitly implement them by doinginterfacesinterface I1 { int method(); } interface I2 { int method(); } class Dirived : I1, I2 { int I1.method() // explicit implementation for I1 { return 1; } public int method() // implicit implementation for any otherI2'sthathave a method with this name, in this case I2 { return 2; } } Then you can call ((I1)DirivedInstance).method(); to get I1'simplementation and((I2)DirivedInstance).method() or simply DirivedInstance.method() forinimplementation. Is there any way to achieve this in D? I'm not sure how this is doneJava,if it's even possible at all. By the way, I'm sorry if this has been asked before.
Oct 16 2003
Sorry, what I meant was that your suggestion doesn't work in D and Java because they don't allow multiple inheritence of classes. To do something similar, you'd have to rename the methods, which brakes polymorphism (since you're not actually implementing the methods in the interface because you're renaming the methods. You're just supplying a new method). In C++ your suggestion's fine, but it doesn't really add much functionality over C++'s usual way to define explicit implementation (Child::Parent::Method() {}). I actually did think of a way to do something similar in Java and D, but it seems awkward (though powerful) and you'd have to be aware of the possibility of name conflicts when designing the interfaces and anything that uses the interfaces. Here's the D implementation interface I1 { void setI1(); int method(); } interface I2 { void setI2(); int method(); } class Dirived : I1, I2 { public: this() {Ix_method = &I1_method;} void setI1() {Ix_method = &I1_method;} void setI2() {Ix_method = &I2_method;} int method() {return Ix_method();} private: int I1_method() {return 1;} int I2_method() {return 2;} int delegate() Ix_method; } You'd have to call setI1() or setI2() before calling method() whenever you're not sure which implementation is being used. Seems very awkward, and probably not threadsafe. Another way it could be done is if the current cast of the class is passed so that the action could be decided in the method, but this would probably cause more overhead and worse written code than allowing multiple implementations. Again, there might be another way that I'm not aware of because I've not actually programmed in Java much, and I don't know anyone who has. In article <bmn519$1kg1$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Matthew Wilson says..."Luke D" <Luke_member pathlink.com> wrote in message news:bmn4c1$1jcq$1 digitaldaemon.com...Oh, I forgot to mention, by using your suggestion, you break thepolymorphismyou'd get with the multiple interfaces.How so? You can call method() on I1, and it will call I1_method(), and similarly with I2. I never said it was nice - it's damned ugly! - but I don't see how it breaks polymorphismI'm guessing you're just renaming the method names because multiple inheritence like that isn't legal in D, andin C++the only advatage it would provide over the solution I just produced isbeingable to call the methods without a cast. I realize that by allowing multiple implementations like this, the changesthatwould have to be made to the compiler and vtable would made them morecomplex.theIn article <bml6jv$23lu$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Luke D says...this andI just tried a few things, and it seems like D is just like Java withmultipledoesn't allow multiple implementations (if I'm right in saying that Java doesn't). Even C++ allows it (ok, maybe not even, C++ also allowswouldn'tinheritence, though if something like this could be adopted, even thatthebe as large a problem) It doesn't allow implicit implementations withwhen Iexplicit though. Here's the C++ code. I changed the name of the classesnameswrote the code, too lazy to change them back, and I don't think the oldthismake much sense in the context of C++ anyway. class Parent1 { public: virtual int method() = 0; }; class Parent2 { public: virtual int method() = 0; }; class Dirived : public Parent1, public Parent2 { public: int Parent1::method() {return 1;} int Parent2::method() {return 2;} }; In article <bml171$1s5g$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Matthew Wilson says...I don't know either way. However, the language-independent solution toinis to use intermediate empty abstract classes to translate the names, asifinterface I1 { int method(); } interface I2 { int method(); } class I1_ : I1 { abstract int I1_method(); int method() { return I1_method(); } } class I2_ : I2 { abstract int I2_method(); int method() { return I2_method(); } } class Dirived : I1_ , I2_ { int I1_method() { return 1; } int I2_method() { return 2; } having explained that, I'd now like to say that it stinks! It'd be greatID could work out a more elegant way ----- Original Message ----- From: "Luke D" <Luke_member pathlink.com> Newsgroups: D Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 12:13 PM Subject: Interface Detailsask.installed the Java SDK and was testing something with interfaces. Irealizedthat I wasn't sure if this was possible in Java or D, so I wanted toarethis:meant towork in different ways, you can explicitly implement them by doinginterfacesinterface I1 { int method(); } interface I2 { int method(); } class Dirived : I1, I2 { int I1.method() // explicit implementation for I1 { return 1; } public int method() // implicit implementation for any otherI2'sthathave a method with this name, in this case I2 { return 2; } } Then you can call ((I1)DirivedInstance).method(); to get I1'simplementation and((I2)DirivedInstance).method() or simply DirivedInstance.method() forinimplementation. Is there any way to achieve this in D? I'm not sure how this is doneJava,if it's even possible at all. By the way, I'm sorry if this has been asked before.
Oct 16 2003
"Luke D" <Luke_member pathlink.com> wrote in message news:bmn9g3$1qbj$1 digitaldaemon.com...Sorry, what I meant was that your suggestion doesn't work in D and Javabecausethey don't allow multiple inheritence of classes. To do somethingsimilar,you'd have to rename the methods, which brakes polymorphism (since you'renotactually implementing the methods in the interface because you're renamingthemethods. You're just supplying a new method). In C++ your suggestion'sfine,but it doesn't really add much functionality over C++'s usual way todefineexplicit implementation (Child::Parent::Method() {}).Understood. :)I actually did think of a way to do something similar in Java and D, butitseems awkward (though powerful) and you'd have to be aware of thepossibility ofname conflicts when designing the interfaces and anything that uses the interfaces. Here's the D implementation interface I1 { void setI1(); int method(); } interface I2 { void setI2(); int method(); } class Dirived : I1, I2 { public: this() {Ix_method = &I1_method;} void setI1() {Ix_method = &I1_method;} void setI2() {Ix_method = &I2_method;} int method() {return Ix_method();} private: int I1_method() {return 1;} int I2_method() {return 2;} int delegate() Ix_method; } You'd have to call setI1() or setI2() before calling method() wheneveryou'renot sure which implementation is being used. Seems very awkward, andprobablynot threadsafe. Another way it could be done is if the current cast oftheclass is passed so that the action could be decided in the method, butthiswould probably cause more overhead and worse written code than allowingmultipleimplementations. Again, there might be another way that I'm not aware of because I've not actually programmed in Java much, and I don't know anyone who has.Hmm. Dangerous, confusing and inefficient (in both time and space). I'd respectfully suggest this one not be adopted. However, you've raised some fine points, and it's an issue that needs sorting. I confess I'd forgotten that D didn't support MI when I drew up my suggestion. This is one area (of the *very* few) in which MI is very useful, and unless D can think up some mechanism to handle the problem you've highlighted, it's in trouble. Since the only real wart with MI is when having member variables, maybe D should consider having a restricted form of MI that allows methods, but not fields. Walter?
Oct 16 2003
In article <bmnapd$1s23$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Matthew Wilson says...Hmm. Dangerous, confusing and inefficient (in both time and space). I'd respectfully suggest this one not be adopted.Right, which is why I'd never use it if I didn't have to.However, you've raised some fine points, and it's an issue that needs sorting. I confess I'd forgotten that D didn't support MI when I drew up my suggestion. This is one area (of the *very* few) in which MI is very useful, and unless D can think up some mechanism to handle the problem you've highlighted, it's in trouble. Since the only real wart with MI is when having member variables, maybe D should consider having a restricted form of MI that allows methods, but not fields. Walter?I haven't really worked with MI much so I don't know what all of the problems are with it. The only ones that I know of are with name conflicts and virtual methods, both of which are solved by casting to a base class with only 1 implementation. I haven't heard of or encountered any problems with member variables. Could you could you show me an example or direct me to an article on this? I'd apreciate MI in D since I never really understood why it wasn't allowed in Java. However, with the example that I showed, simply allowing multiple implementations would be sufficient. Of course, there are problems that are best solved with MI. For instance, in Java, if you immitate MI by having 2 encapsulated classes and interfacing to both, and they both implement the same interface (sorry if that's hard to understand. I'm not a Java programmer, don't know what it's called) then to switch which class is called by the interface's methods, you need to pull some tricks like the one that I showed before. Also, you can only access protected members and override virtual protected methods with inheritence.
Oct 19 2003