D - sockets
- Carlos Santander B. (10/10) Jan 22 2003 Hi,
- Jonathan Andrew (5/11) Jan 22 2003 Pavel Minayev has created a library for sockets in D, I'm not sure how m...
Carlos Santander B.
Jan 23 2003
"Jonathan Andrew"
escribiσ en el mensaje -
Carlos Santander B.
Jan 23 2003
"Jonathan Andrew"
escribiσ en el mensaje - Jonathan Andrew (6/18) Jan 23 2003 I am probably mistaken, but it could be due to differences in the D comp...
- Mike Wynn (287/312) Jan 23 2003 My local fixes. to sockets.d
Hi, I'd like to know if someone has plans for implementing sockets in D. Not that I want to do it, because I have no idea how that'd be. ------------------------- Carlos Santander http://carlos3.netfirms.com/ --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.445 / Virus Database: 250 - Release Date: 2003-01-21
Jan 22 2003
In article <b0niaa$1uh5$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Carlos Santander B. says...Hi, I'd like to know if someone has plans for implementing sockets in D. Not that I want to do it, because I have no idea how that'd be. ------------------------- Carlos Santander http://carlos3.netfirms.com/Pavel Minayev has created a library for sockets in D, I'm not sure how mature it is, but you can check it out at http://int19h.tamb.ru/projects.html BTW, whatever happened to Pavel? -Jon
Jan 22 2003
"Jonathan Andrew" <Jonathan_member pathlink.com> escribiσ en el mensaje news:b0nuva$25tn$1 digitaldaemon.com... | In article <b0niaa$1uh5$1 digitaldaemon.com>, Carlos Santander B. says... | > | >Hi, | >I'd like to know if someone has plans for implementing sockets in D. | >Not that I want to do it, because I have no idea how that'd be. | > | > | >------------------------- | >Carlos Santander | >http://carlos3.netfirms.com/ | > | | Pavel Minayev has created a library for sockets in D, I'm not sure how mature | it is, but you can check it out at http://int19h.tamb.ru/projects.html | According to his website, they're complete. I'll check out. | BTW, whatever happened to Pavel? | | -Jon | | Not only him. Some others have *misteriously* disappeared... Many insightful comments are lost for them not being around anymore. Carlos Santander http://carlos3.netfirms.com/ --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.445 / Virus Database: 250 - Release Date: 2003-01-21
Jan 23 2003
"Jonathan Andrew" <Jonathan_member pathlink.com> escribiσ en el mensaje news:b0nuva$25tn$1 digitaldaemon.com... | Pavel Minayev has created a library for sockets in D, I'm not sure how mature | it is, but you can check it out at http://int19h.tamb.ru/projects.html | I'm trying to compile the socket project from Pavel. WinSock compiles just fine, but socket doesn't. I get this message (btw, I had to cast A LOT to SOCKET from int): socket.d: class IP 2duplicate union initialization for address What's that? Carlos Santander http://carlos3.netfirms.com/ --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.445 / Virus Database: 250 - Release Date: 2003-01-21
Jan 23 2003
I am probably mistaken, but it could be due to differences in the D compiler since socket.d was written. It may even use deprecated C functionality that was present in older versions of dmd. I'm guessing that socket hasn't been upgraded since Pavel last appeared here, and the compiler has gone through several revisions since then. -JonI'm trying to compile the socket project from Pavel. WinSock compiles just fine, but socket doesn't. I get this message (btw, I had to cast A LOT to SOCKET from int): socket.d: class IP 2duplicate union initialization for address What's that? Carlos Santander http://carlos3.netfirms.com/ --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.445 / Virus Database: 250 - Release Date: 2003-01-21
Jan 23 2003
My local fixes. to sockets.d "Jonathan Andrew" <Jonathan_member pathlink.com> wrote in message news:b0pmkr$414$1 digitaldaemon.com...I am probably mistaken, but it could be due to differences in the Dcompilersince socket.d was written. It may even use deprecated C functionalitythatwas present in older versions of dmd. I'm guessing that socket hasn't been upgraded since Pavel last appeared here, and the compiler has gone through several revisions since then. -JonjustI'm trying to compile the socket project from Pavel. WinSock compilesbegin 666 socket.d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I get this message (btw, I had to cast A LOT to SOCKET from int): socket.d: class IP 2duplicate union initialization for address What's that? ------------------------- Carlos Santander http://carlos3.netfirms.com/ --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.445 / Virus Database: 250 - Release Date: 2003-01-21
Jan 23 2003