D Links
- Language: Wiki4D
- Runtime library: Phobos
- Documentation: DocWiki
- Book: Wikibook
- Dprogramming Wiki
- Japanese language: D wiki
- Encyclopedia: Wikipedia
- Harmonia
- Dee Language
- The Tcler's Wiki: wiki.tcl.tk
- LinuxQuestions.org
- D-mode an emacs mode for D
- akide is an open source IDE written in D. Comes with D syntax colouring, D project wizard and DMD compiler support.
- Zeus for Windows comes with D compiler (*) and keywords predefined and has a ctags program (xtags.exe) that supports the D language. (*) For the D compiler to work within Zeus the user will need to download and install the compiler from www.digitalmars.com/d/. If it is already installed it should be automatic.
- Program editors customized for use with D .
- Bud tool for building D executables and libraries.
- DStress language conformance test suite.
- The Ragel State Machine Compiler compiles finite state machines from regular languages into executable D code.
- CanDyDoc shows how one can customize the Ddoc results with macros and style sheets.
- SynSoft's D Page provides a number of free D libraries. SynSoft is an imprint of Synesis Software, which provides free D, Java, .NET, Perl and Python libraries. SynSoft has contributed several modules to the D standard library, and is currently working on a standard template library - the DTL.
- Mango for server side programming.
- D MySQL Binding for Linux.
- D graphical User Interface (DUI) toolkit.
- Simple URL loading
library by Burton Radons.
Requires the DIG library
to be installed, although it doesn't use it, just digc.
Comes with documentation.
It has the functions:
- urlopen: Open a URL as a stream (http, file, and ftp schema supported).
- urlread: Open a URL and read its contents.
- urllistdir: List a directory, return an array of URLStat (file and ftp schema supported).
- urlencode, urldecode: Encode and decode the URL. The above functions expect a decoded URL.
- D Win32 COM libraries.
- Sam McCall's class-based string library and documentation.
- DFL D Forms Library
- GLee D (OpenGL 2.0).
- Empire, Wargame of the Century
- Old school chase action game A7Xpg.
- TUMIKI Fighters game.
- Torus Trooper game.
- Linux Journal: The D Programming Language
- Golem: Programmiersprache D 1.0 veröffentlicht
- Heise Online: Eleganter programmieren: D ist da
- OSnews: The D Programming Language
- Slashdot: The D Programming Language, Version 1.0
- Digg: Digital Mars - The D Programming Language
- Digg: The D Programming Language, Version 1.0
- Internetnews.com: When Is D Better Than C? When It's a Language.
- Bitwise magazine: The Great OOP Debate
- Bitwise magazine Issue #12, May 2006: Bitwise interviews Walter Bright and Dermot Hogan asks: Is the D language C 'Done Right'?.
- Windows Developer Network's Fall 2003 issue compares D with C, C++, C# and Java.
- Dr. Dobb's Portal D's the Real Deal -- Finally
- Dr. Dobb's January 2005 has a cover story on D
- Dr. Dobb's February 2002 cover story The D Programming Language
- Slashdot: C, Objective-C, C++... D! Future Or failure?
- Slashdot: The D Language Progresses
- Slashdot: The D Programming Language
- Digg: The Next Generation Programming Language: D
- Bruce Eckel's OO Programming Newsletter #30: New programming language: D
- OSnews April 19, 2004: A, B, C, ... D! The Programming Language
Comparisons and Benchmarks
Forums, Blogs, Journals
D Consultants, Professional Services
- Igesund Enterprise Software - System design, development and integration services
- OptiCode Professional services for Windows and Linux software development.
- dsource.org is an open source community for the D Programming Language. Its goal is to provide an environment conducive to open-source development, including forums, source-code control, bug-tracking, and distribution.
- DMedia is dedicated to multimedia development with D. It will include 2d and 3d graphics, sound programming and probably more.
- Check for a D user's group in your community.
- AFB's The D Language
- Why D isn't Java? By Daniel Yokomiso.
- Burton Radons has prepared a linux port of D . This is a very useful guide for anyone wanting to build a new code generator for D for a different processor.
- minddrome networks.
- Pavel's DedicateD site.
Lots of D
projects with source code,
news, etc.
The Pragmatic Programmers
Gnu D
compiler project on SourceForge.
The D
Journal (coming soon!)
The Code Moon
The OpenD project.
Open Directory: Computers: Programming: Languages: D.
- DDevil's
language shootout D benchmarks.
- Dprogramming.com
- DML, embedding D in HTML.
- Felix writes: "This archive contains a Windows shell for the DMD, DMC, BCC compilers. It is also extensible for all kinds of compilers. The configuration file syntax is very strict, but it works. A kind of Kriate's shell, but even more advanced."
- Justin's D Stuff
- MKoD
- D
Language (MKoD == Magikal Kingdom of Dreams)
Always expanding, currently the site contains projects (ex: like the Financial Pkg), examples (in plain D code, or a mix of D with Windows APIs), converted Win32 APIs from C to D (ex: ODBC32 and WinCon), technical references (D datatypes / size chart), general information (ex: how to install D and D programming 101), and D site banners. - Ares
- Elephant IDE
- D DBI database independent interface for the D programming language
- Harmonia
- Pelcis Place: D Tutorials.
- Unsorted D links.
- Walter Bright's SDWest 2004 presentation on D.
- rulesPlayer - a Windows front-end for MPlayer
Japanese Language
- The Digital Mars D site translated to Japanese.
- A tutorial of the D language.
- D wiki site
- Using using Direct3D9 in the D language.
- Windows header files.
- TUMIKI Fighters game implemented in D.
German Language
- Programmiersprache D, Deutsches D Buch, Autor: Manfred Hansen
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