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RTL_P00.PDF (Front matter; Table of Contents) RTL_P01.PDF (Part 1: Chapters 1 and 2) RTL_P02A.PDF (Part 2: Chapters 3 through 6) RTL_P02B.PDF (Part 2: Chapters 7 through 10) RTL_P02C.PDF (Part 2: Chapters 11 through 14) RTL_P02D.PDF (Part 2: Chapters 15 through 18) RTL_P02E.PDF (Part 2: Chapters 19 through 22) Note: Because Part 2 is very large, it is subdivided into several files, RTL_P02A.PDF through RTL_P02E.PDF. RTL_P03.PDF (Part 3: Chapters 23 through 24) RTL_P04.PDF (Part 4: Chapters 25 through 27) RTL_P05.PDF (Part 5: Appendixes A through C) RTL_P06.PDF (Index) Note: The Index is not useful for locating information online. However, if you print out the manual, the Index accurately specifies the page numbers on the printed pages.
Acrobat Reader allows you to print a manual "part," which is one or more chapters, or a range of pages. If you want to print a chapter, you must specify a range that corresponds to the page numbers specified in "Page Number Box" located in the Status Box at the bottom of the Acrobat Reader window. This is because the Acrobat uses the range 1 to n for each document (rather than the page numbers that appear on the displayed pages).