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digitalmars.dip.ideas - Rethink OOP access permissions

reply Daniel N <no public.email> writes:
This is an alternative to "private(this)".

I think it would be much more interesting if it was possible to 
separate read and write permissions instead.
(The syntax is just an example, not that important, just for 
illustration purposes.)

class C
     get(module) set(class) int x = 0;

'readonly' aswell.


struct Point
     public int X { get; init; }
     public int Y { get; init; }
     public readonly int Z { get; init; }

Instead of trying to cater to a single usecase ("private(this)"). 
We could get unix like access permissions instead? Some 
additional benefits would be fast access to read-only variables 
instead of an expensive function call.
Apr 27 2024
next sibling parent reply "Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole" <richard cattermole.co.nz> writes:
On 27/04/2024 9:25 PM, Daniel N wrote:
 This is an alternative to "private(this)".
 I think it would be much more interesting if it was possible to separate 
 read and write permissions instead.
 (The syntax is just an example, not that important, just for 
 illustration purposes.)
 class C
      get(module) set(class) int x = 0;
While I'm not against it, think about how this would be implemented. You would need an enum with all the different values for both getting and setting, I can already see some resistance there. Plus you'd need some arithmetic on the values, to see if you can perform operators (modify in place).

comes from Midori and one of the language authors Joe Duffy has compared it equivalently against D's previously.
Apr 27 2024
parent Daniel N <no public.email> writes:
On Saturday, 27 April 2024 at 12:37:14 UTC, Richard (Rikki) 
Andrew Cattermole wrote:
 On 27/04/2024 9:25 PM, Daniel N wrote:
 This is an alternative to "private(this)".
 I think it would be much more interesting if it was possible 
 to separate read and write permissions instead.
 (The syntax is just an example, not that important, just for 
 illustration purposes.)
 class C
      get(module) set(class) int x = 0;
While I'm not against it, think about how this would be implemented. You would need an enum with all the different values for both getting and setting, I can already see some resistance there. Plus you'd need some arithmetic on the values, to see if you can perform operators (modify in place).
You're right, it's not easy, but it could be simplified using bitfields instead of enums.
Apr 28 2024
prev sibling next sibling parent reply NotYouAgain <NotYouAgain gmail.com> writes:
On Saturday, 27 April 2024 at 09:25:13 UTC, Daniel N wrote:
 This is an alternative to "private(this)".
private(this) is trying a very specific problem - that can be demonstrated in the contrived code further below. That is, anyone other than the author will not know whether a mistake is in this code. Maybe even the author will miss it ;-( If there is a mistake, the compiler will be of no help here. But what is certain, most programmers who look at this code will not know whether a mistake is being made or not. And it precisely because oop in D is really mop (module-oriented-programming). D does however, provide a means to illude oo programmers into thinking they're doing oop, if they put each class in its own module, with no other code whatsoever. This makes the type a strong type, with compiler enforced guarantees, and it gives you the illusion that you're doing oop. But there is no more easier to grasp, easier to implement solution here, other than private(this). D claims to support oop, but when you really look into it, it's really mop, with the silly burden it places on you, that you have to put a class in its own module if your want oop like guarantees. How would your alterative compare to private(this) in the code below? class ClassWithPrivateField { private int privateField; // actually, I really wanted to do 'private(this)' here. this() { this.privateField = 42; } } class Subclass : ClassWithPrivateField { private int subPrivateField; this() { this.subPrivateField = 23; this.privateField = 52; // mmm .. this may or may not be a mistake. // without private(this) you cannot know. // you could use convention, but we all know // how well that scales ;-) } }
Apr 27 2024
parent reply Daniel N <no public.email> writes:
On Sunday, 28 April 2024 at 02:43:21 UTC, NotYouAgain wrote:
 On Saturday, 27 April 2024 at 09:25:13 UTC, Daniel N wrote:
 This is an alternative to "private(this)".
How would your alterative compare to private(this) in the code below? class ClassWithPrivateField { private int privateField; // actually, I really wanted to do 'private(this)' here. this() { this.privateField = 42; } } class Subclass : ClassWithPrivateField { private int subPrivateField; this() { this.subPrivateField = 23; this.privateField = 52; // mmm .. this may or may not be a mistake. // without private(this) you cannot know. // you could use convention, but we all know // how well that scales ;-) } }
I'm the first to admit the syntax of my proposal needs work, but I just wanted to get the discussion going. ```d get(class) set(class) int privateField; // equivalent with private(this) ``` By solving more than one usecase, the feature might appeal to more people.
Apr 28 2024
parent reply NotYouAgain <NotYouAgain gmail.com> writes:
On Sunday, 28 April 2024 at 07:30:13 UTC, Daniel N wrote:
 By solving more than one usecase, the feature might appeal to 
 more people.
fair enough. Perhaps we need both private(this) and protected(this). This unittest below will pass, but it really should not. That's because not just private, but also protected, is public inside the module. It one really must put one class in a module, and unittests in their own module as well, just to get the assurances of correctness, that other languages can already provide. D really is module-oriented-programming, not object-oriented-programming. module m; unittest { import std; ColoredPoint c = new ColoredPoint(2, 4); writefln("%s : %s", c.x, c.y); // 2 : 4 c.reset(); // actually this shouldn't even be allowed. It is not in the intent of the design. c.clear(); // only the clear() method should be using reset() writefln("%s : %s", c.x, c.y); // 0 : 0 } // Based on some code from: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se22/html/jls-8.html // I've change a few things though. class Point { private int x, y; this(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; }; protected void reset() { this.x = 0; this.y = 0; } // In D, protected means accessible to subclass, // and ALL other code within the module! // But clearly the intent here is for only the sublcass to access it // via it's public clear() method - which calls its base reset() method. // Other code in the module should not be accessing this reset() method. // But there is no way in D to express that intent. } class ColoredPoint : Point { this(int x, int y) { super(x, y); }; void clear() { reset(); } }
Apr 28 2024
parent Dom DiSc <dominikus scherkl.de> writes:
On Sunday, 28 April 2024 at 08:15:14 UTC, NotYouAgain wrote:
 This unittest below will pass, but it really should not.
There you have a point. Most of the time I like to be able to use private stuff in my unit-tests (white-box tests), but if the purpose of the test is to check for correct encapsulation (black-box tests), then it must not have access to this. On the other hand, one could argue that black-box tests _need_ to be in a different module, because else it's not a black-box to them anymore (writing a black-box test shall not modify the subject under test - which is impossible if it is in the same file).
Apr 30 2024
prev sibling parent reply Atila Neves <atila.neves gmail.com> writes:
On Saturday, 27 April 2024 at 09:25:13 UTC, Daniel N wrote:
 This is an alternative to "private(this)".

 I think it would be much more interesting if it was possible to 
 separate read and write permissions instead.
 (The syntax is just an example, not that important, just for 
 illustration purposes.)

One can always move the class to another module.
Feb 03
parent reply 12345swordy <alexanderheistermann gmail.com> writes:
On Monday, 3 February 2025 at 18:44:03 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
 On Saturday, 27 April 2024 at 09:25:13 UTC, Daniel N wrote:
 This is an alternative to "private(this)".

 I think it would be much more interesting if it was possible 
 to separate read and write permissions instead.
 (The syntax is just an example, not that important, just for 
 illustration purposes.)

One can always move the class to another module.
Which then you have to move other things that rely on accessing the class private variables/functions. - Alex
Feb 25
next sibling parent reply Mike Parker <aldacron gmail.com> writes:
On Tuesday, 25 February 2025 at 20:23:20 UTC, 12345swordy wrote:
 On Monday, 3 February 2025 at 18:44:03 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:

 Which then you have to move other things that rely on accessing 
 the class private variables/functions.

 - Alex
You make those private things package.
Feb 25
parent 12345swordy <alexanderheistermann gmail.com> writes:
On Wednesday, 26 February 2025 at 02:37:05 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
 On Tuesday, 25 February 2025 at 20:23:20 UTC, 12345swordy wrote:
 On Monday, 3 February 2025 at 18:44:03 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:

 Which then you have to move other things that rely on 
 accessing the class private variables/functions.

 - Alex
You make those private things package.
You could also make private things public as well. Which at that point I don't think that what the programmer meant nor want. - Alex
Feb 26
prev sibling parent reply Atila Neves <atila.neves gmail.com> writes:
On Tuesday, 25 February 2025 at 20:23:20 UTC, 12345swordy wrote:
 On Monday, 3 February 2025 at 18:44:03 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
 On Saturday, 27 April 2024 at 09:25:13 UTC, Daniel N wrote:
 This is an alternative to "private(this)".

 I think it would be much more interesting if it was possible 
 to separate read and write permissions instead.
 (The syntax is just an example, not that important, just for 
 illustration purposes.)

One can always move the class to another module.
Which then you have to move other things that rely on accessing the class private variables/functions. - Alex
Yes, which I'll argue is a good thing since it'll force you to think about how to best organise the code.
Mar 03
parent 12345swordy <alexanderheistermann gmail.com> writes:
On Monday, 3 March 2025 at 09:08:03 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
 On Tuesday, 25 February 2025 at 20:23:20 UTC, 12345swordy wrote:
 On Monday, 3 February 2025 at 18:44:03 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
 On Saturday, 27 April 2024 at 09:25:13 UTC, Daniel N wrote:
 This is an alternative to "private(this)".

 I think it would be much more interesting if it was possible 
 to separate read and write permissions instead.
 (The syntax is just an example, not that important, just for 
 illustration purposes.)

One can always move the class to another module.
Which then you have to move other things that rely on accessing the class private variables/functions. - Alex
Yes, which I'll argue is a good thing since it'll force you to think about how to best organise the code.
Code organization and encapsulation are orthogonal to each other. Intent matters more.
Mar 03