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digitalmars.dip.ideas - Infered Function Attributes

Currenly we have:
- Flags with different rules what can be called by what: pure, 
nothrow, static...
- Different syntax: pure,  nogc.

Idea - generalize attributes:
- Prefer only one syntax.
- Add syntax to define rules of attributes infering.
- Define this rules for current attributes in std library.
- Support any infered type, not only flags.
- Support by language server for showing inferred attributes.

Some use cases beyond the existing:

1. ** max_stack** - required stack size for calling function.

void xxx(); // defined  max_stack( X ) by compiler
void yyy()  max_stack( 128 ); // manually defined

bar() { // inferred  max_stack( B + max( X, 128 ) )

void foo() { // inferred  max_stack( F + B + max( X, 128 ) )

2. ** iterations,  allocations** - asymptotics of function.

 iterations( arr.length * log( arr.length ) ) // manual defined
 allocations( 1 ) // manual defined
void sort( Item )( Item[] arr );

// inferred  iterations( arr.length * ( arr[0].length * log( 
arr[0].length ) ) )
// inferred  allocations( 1 )
void sort( Item )( Item[][] arr ) {
     foreach( row; arr ) row.sort;

3. ** throws** - Exceptions that can be thrown by function.

 throws( NotFound )// manually defined
string read();

 throws( NoSpace ) // manually defined
string write( string data );

// inferred  throws( NotFound, NoSpace )
string update( path ) {
     write( read() );

// inferred  throws() aka nothrow
string tryUpdate( path ) {
     try {
         write( read() );
     } finally {}


I suggest we fantasize about this topic and come up with other 
useful applications for inferring function attributes.
Jan 06