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digitalmars.D - strange compiler error

reply "Michael" <pr m1xa.com> writes:
dmd extern.d
extern.d(22): Error: undefined identifier r, did you mean 
template tr(C1, C2, C3
, C4 = immutable(char))(C1[] str, const(C2)[] from, const(C3)[] 
to, const(C4)[]
modifiers = null)?
extern.d(22): Error: '__error' must be of integral or string 
type, it is a _erro

dmd extern.d
extern.d(23): Error: undefined identifier r, did you mean 
variable t?
extern.d(23): Error: '__error' must be of integral or string 
type, it is a _erro

It was typo. Sample code:

import std.stdio;
import std.typecons;

immutable string externFmt = "extern (C) %s %s (%s);";

enum FnType : ubyte { Unknown, Constructor, Function, 
GlobalFunction }

Tuple!(string[], FnType) parse(string source)
     return tuple(new string[2], FnType.Unknown);

void main(string[] args)

     foreach (line; stdin.byLine())
         auto result = parse(line.idup); // or missed idup
         //auto t = result[1]; // or typo here

         final switch (result[1])
             case FnType.Constructor: break;
             case FnType.Function: break;
             case FnType.GlobalFunction: break;
             case FnType.Unknown: break;

is it normal?
Feb 27 2013
parent reply =?UTF-8?B?QWxpIMOHZWhyZWxp?= <acehreli yahoo.com> writes:
On 02/27/2013 11:58 AM, Michael wrote:

 enum FnType : ubyte { Unknown, Constructor, Function, GlobalFunction }

 Tuple!(string[], FnType) parse(string source)
 return tuple(new string[2], FnType.Unknown);
Sorry, this doesn't answer your question but in general, if you are not going to pass the parameter to another function that requires a 'string', then it is better to define that function parameter as 'const char[]': Tuple!(string[], FnType) parse(const char[] source) { // ... } That way you wouldn't need to call .idup on a mutable argument. Ali
Feb 27 2013
parent "Michael" <pr m1xa.com> writes:
 Sorry, this doesn't answer your question but in general, if you 
 are not going to pass the parameter to another function that 
 requires a 'string', then it is better to define that function 
 parameter as 'const char[]':

 Tuple!(string[], FnType) parse(const char[] source)
     // ...

 That way you wouldn't need to call .idup on a mutable argument.

Oh, thank you very much ;)
Feb 27 2013