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digitalmars.D - std.range.zip performance

reply bearophile <bearophileHUGS lycos.com> writes:
While doing some benchmarks on the Clay language I've found something

I have timed a zip() done on two short arrays, and I have found this D version
too much slow compared to normal array code. Higher order functions like zip,
map, filter, etc are going to stay, they aren't toys, so I think the D compiler
has to digest them better.

(There is lot of of asm at the tail of this post, I don't know if some of t
will get cut away.)


Timings, seconds, best of 3:


Binary sizes, bytes:


Compilers and command line used:

DMD 2.051
clay compiler (hg id dec41ba07d58 tip, llvm r122866, Jan  5 2011)

clay -inline test1.clay -o test1.exe
dmd -O -release -inline test2.d
dmd -O -release -inline test3.d

To produce asm code with Clay:
clay -inline -asm test1.clay -o test1.s

Output: -1149672960 for all versions.


Code used:

main() {
    var a = Vector([18,10,17,14,19,23,11,0,6,0,17,25,5,4,19,21,17,13,5,7,11,22,23,17,24,7,11,11,1,28]);
    var b = Vector([9,12,1,4,1,18,11,6,5,18,24,15,26,14,24,8,17,26,23,17,3,28,27,0,9,27,0,19,13,25]);
    var tot = 0; // 32 bit signed int
    for (i in range(0, 50*1000*1000))
        for (x, y in zipped(a, b))
            tot += x + y;


import std.c.stdio: printf;
import std.range: zip;
void main() {
    auto a = [18,10,17,14,19,23,11,0,6,0,17,25,5,4,19,21,17,13,5,7,11,22,23,17,24,7,11,11,1,28];
    auto b = [9,12,1,4,1,18,11,6,5,18,24,15,26,14,24,8,17,26,23,17,3,28,27,0,9,27,0,19,13,25];
    int tot = 0;
    foreach (i; 0 .. 50_000_000)
        foreach (xy; zip(a, b))
            tot += xy[0] + xy[1];
    printf("%d\n", tot);


import std.c.stdio: printf;
void main() {
    auto a = [18,10,17,14,19,23,11,0,6,0,17,25,5,4,19,21,17,13,5,7,11,22,23,17,24,7,11,11,1,28];
    auto b = [9,12,1,4,1,18,11,6,5,18,24,15,26,14,24,8,17,26,23,17,3,28,27,0,9,27,0,19,13,25];
    int tot = 0;
    foreach (i; 0 .. 50_000_000)
        foreach (j; 0 .. a.length)
            tot += a[j] + b[j];
    printf("%d\n", tot);


import std.c.stdio: printf;
void main() {
    auto a = [18,10,17,14,19,23,11,0,6,0,17,25,5,4,19,21,17,13,5,7,11,22,23,17,24,7,11,11,1,28];
    auto b = [9,12,1,4,1,18,11,6,5,18,24,15,26,14,24,8,17,26,23,17,3,28,27,0,9,27,0,19,13,25];
    int tot = 0;
    foreach (i; 0 .. 50_000_000)
        foreach (j; 0 .. 30)
            tot += a[j] + b[j];
    printf("%d\n", tot);


    .align    16, 0x90

    xorl    %edx, %edx
    .align    16, 0x90

    addl    (%esi,%edx,4), %ecx
    addl    (%edi,%edx,4), %ecx
    incl    %edx
    cmpl    $30, %edx
    jne    LBB2_5

    decl    %eax
    jne    LBB2_4


LCE:        push    dword ptr 018h[ESP]
        mov    ESI,offset FLAT:_D3std5range14__T3ZipTAiTAiZ3Zip6__initZ
        push    dword ptr 018h[ESP]
        push    dword ptr 028h[ESP]
        push    dword ptr 028h[ESP]
        push    0
        lea    EDI,078h[ESP]
        lea    EAX,078h[ESP]
        call    near ptr
        mov    ESI,EAX
        lea    EDI,044h[ESP]
        lea    ESI,044h[ESP]
        lea    EDI,024h[ESP]
        lea    EAX,024h[ESP]
        call    near ptr _D3std5range14__T3ZipTAiTAiZ3Zip5emptyMFZb
        xor    AL,1
        je    L153
L11C:        lea    EAX,024h[ESP]
        call    near ptr
        mov    07Ch[ESP],EAX
        mov    ECX,07Ch[ESP]
        lea    EAX,024h[ESP]
        mov    080h[ESP],EDX
        add    ECX,080h[ESP]
        add    EBX,ECX
        call    near ptr _D3std5range14__T3ZipTAiTAiZ3Zip8popFrontMFZv
        lea    EAX,024h[ESP]
        call    near ptr _D3std5range14__T3ZipTAiTAiZ3Zip5emptyMFZb
        xor    AL,1
        jne    L11C
L153:        inc    EBP
        cmp    EBP,02FAF080h
        jb    LCE

4__T3ZipTAiTAiZ3Zip    comdat
        push    EBX
        mov    ECX,8[ESP]
        mov    EBX,014h[ESP]
        push    ESI
        mov    ESI,EAX
        mov    EDX,01Ch[ESP]
        mov    4[ESI],EDX
        mov    EDX,014h[ESP]
        mov    [ESI],EBX
        mov    EBX,010h[ESP]
        mov    010h[ESI],ECX
        mov    8[ESI],EBX
        mov    0Ch[ESI],EDX
        pop    ESI
        pop    EBX
        ret    014h

_D3std5range14__T3ZipTAiTAiZ3Zip5emptyMFZb    comdat
L0:        sub    ESP,05Ch
        mov    ECX,010h[EAX]
        test    ECX,ECX
        push    EBX
        push    ESI
        mov    ESI,EAX
        je    L21
        cmp    ECX,1
        je    LC3
        cmp    ECX,2
        je    L55
        jmp    near ptr LC3
L21:        mov    EBX,[ESI]
        mov    EDX,4[ESI]
        mov    0Ch[ESP],EBX
        mov    010h[ESP],EDX
        cmp    dword ptr 0Ch[ESP],0
        je    L4A
        mov    EBX,8[ESI]
        mov    EDX,0Ch[ESI]
        mov    014h[ESP],EBX
        mov    018h[ESP],EDX
        cmp    dword ptr 014h[ESP],0
        jne    LC3
L4A:        pop    ESI
        mov    EAX,1
        pop    EBX
        add    ESP,05Ch
L55:        mov    EBX,[ESI]
        mov    EDX,4[ESI]
        mov    ECX,offset
        mov    01Ch[ESP],EBX
        mov    020h[ESP],EDX
        mov    02Ch[ESP],EAX
        mov    030h[ESP],ECX
        cmp    dword ptr 01Ch[ESP],0
        setz    DL
        mov    EBX,8[ESI]
        mov    024h[ESP],EBX
        mov    ECX,0Ch[ESI]
        mov    028h[ESP],ECX
        cmp    dword ptr 024h[ESP],0
        setz    CL
        cmp    DL,CL
        mov    EDX,1
        je    L98
        xor    EDX,EDX
L98:        xor    DL,1
        je    LC3
        push    dword ptr FLAT:_DATA[054h]
        push    dword ptr FLAT:_DATA[050h]
        push    0ADEh
        mov    EAX,038h[ESP]
        mov    EDX,03Ch[ESP]
        mov    EBX,038h[ESP]
        call    EDX
        push    EDX
        push    EAX
        call    near ptr _D3std9exception7bailOutFAyaixAaZv
LC3:        pop    ESI
        xor    EAX,EAX
        pop    EBX
        add    ESP,05Ch

    assume    CS:_D3std5range14__T3ZipTAiTAiZ3Zip5frontMFNdZS3std8typecons14__T5TupleTiTiZ5Tuple
L0:        sub    ESP,028h
        mov    EDX,4[EAX]
        push    EBX
        push    ESI
        mov    ESI,EAX
        mov    EBX,[ESI]
        push    EDI
        mov    014h[ESP],EBX
        mov    018h[ESP],EDX
        cmp    dword ptr 014h[ESP],0
        je    L31
        lea    EDX,0Ch[ESP]
        mov    EBX,[ESI]
        push    EDX
        mov    EDX,4[ESI]
        mov    EAX,[EDX]
        push    4
        call    near ptr _D3std4conv16__T7emplaceTiTiZ7emplaceFAviZPi
        jmp short    L41
L31:        lea    ECX,0Ch[ESP]
        mov    EDI,4
        push    ECX
        push    EDI
        call    near ptr _D3std4conv14__T7emplaceTiZ7emplaceFAvZPi
L41:        mov    EBX,8[ESI]
        mov    ECX,0Ch[ESI]
        test    EBX,EBX
        je    L61
        lea    EDI,010h[ESP]
        mov    EDX,0Ch[ESI]
        mov    EAX,8[ESI]
        push    EDI
        mov    EAX,[EDX]
        push    4
        call    near ptr _D3std4conv16__T7emplaceTiTiZ7emplaceFAviZPi
        jmp short    L71
L61:        lea    ECX,010h[ESP]
        mov    ESI,4
        push    ECX
        push    ESI
        call    near ptr _D3std4conv14__T7emplaceTiZ7emplaceFAvZPi
L71:        mov    EDX,010h[ESP]
        mov    EAX,0Ch[ESP]
        pop    EDI
        pop    ESI
        pop    EBX
        add    ESP,028h

_D3std5range14__T3ZipTAiTAiZ3Zip8popFrontMFZv    comdat
L0:        sub    ESP,04Ch
        mov    ECX,010h[EAX]
        test    ECX,ECX
        push    EBX
        push    EBP
        push    ESI
        push    EDI
        mov    EDI,EAX
        je    L1F
        cmp    ECX,1
        je    L4A
        cmp    ECX,2
        je    L8C
        jmp    near ptr L142
L1F:        mov    ESI,[EDI]
        mov    EDX,4[EDI]
        dec    ESI
        mov    EBX,[EDI]
        add    EDX,4
        lea    EBP,8[EDI]
        mov    [EDI],ESI
        mov    4[EDI],EDX
        mov    ESI,0[EBP]
        mov    EDX,4[EBP]
        dec    ESI
        mov    EBX,0[EBP]
        add    EDX,4
        mov    0[EBP],ESI
        mov    4[EBP],EDX
        jmp    near ptr L142
L4A:        mov    ESI,[EDI]
        mov    ECX,4[EDI]
        test    ESI,ESI
        je    L63
        mov    ESI,[EDI]
        mov    EDX,4[EDI]
        dec    ESI
        mov    EBX,[EDI]
        add    EDX,4
        mov    [EDI],ESI
        mov    4[EDI],EDX
L63:        mov    ESI,8[EDI]
        mov    ECX,0Ch[EDI]
        test    ESI,ESI
        je    L142
        lea    EBP,8[EDI]
        mov    ESI,0[EBP]
        mov    EDX,4[EBP]
        dec    ESI
        mov    EBX,0[EBP]
        add    EDX,4
        mov    0[EBP],ESI
        mov    4[EBP],EDX
        jmp    near ptr L142
L8C:        mov    EBX,[EDI]
        mov    EDX,4[EDI]
        mov    ECX,offset
        mov    014h[ESP],EBX
        mov    018h[ESP],EDX
        mov    01Ch[ESP],EAX
        mov    020h[ESP],ECX
        cmp    dword ptr 014h[ESP],0
        setnz    DL
        xor    DL,1
        je    LD7
        mov    EDX,ECX
        push    dword ptr FLAT:_DATA[054h]
        push    dword ptr FLAT:_DATA[050h]
        push    0B86h
        mov    EAX,028h[ESP]
        mov    EBX,028h[ESP]
        call    EDX
        push    EDX
        push    EAX
        call    near ptr _D3std9exception7bailOutFAyaixAaZv
LD7:        mov    EAX,[EDI]
        mov    EDX,4[EDI]
        dec    EAX
        mov    EBX,[EDI]
        add    EDX,4
        mov    4[EDI],EDX
        mov    EDX,0Ch[EDI]
        mov    EBX,EDI
        mov    [EDI],EAX
        mov    EAX,8[EDI]
        mov    ECX,offset
        mov    024h[ESP],EAX
        mov    028h[ESP],EDX
        mov    02Ch[ESP],EBX
        mov    030h[ESP],ECX
        cmp    dword ptr 024h[ESP],0
        setnz    DL
        xor    DL,1
        je    L12F
        push    dword ptr FLAT:_DATA[054h]
        push    dword ptr FLAT:_DATA[050h]
        push    0B86h
        mov    EAX,038h[ESP]
        call    ECX
        push    EDX
        push    EAX
        call    near ptr _D3std9exception7bailOutFAyaixAaZv
L12F:        lea    ESI,8[EDI]
        mov    EBX,[ESI]
        mov    EDX,4[ESI]
        dec    EBX
        mov    EAX,[ESI]
        mov    [ESI],EBX
        add    EDX,4
        mov    4[ESI],EDX
L142:        pop    EDI
        pop    ESI
        pop    EBP
        pop    EBX
        add    ESP,04Ch

_D3std5range14__T3ZipTAiTAiZ3Zip5emptyMFZb    comdat
L0:        sub    ESP,05Ch
        mov    ECX,010h[EAX]
        test    ECX,ECX
        push    EBX
        push    ESI
        mov    ESI,EAX
        je    L21
        cmp    ECX,1
        je    LC3
        cmp    ECX,2
        je    L55
        jmp    near ptr LC3
L21:        mov    EBX,[ESI]
        mov    EDX,4[ESI]
        mov    0Ch[ESP],EBX
        mov    010h[ESP],EDX
        cmp    dword ptr 0Ch[ESP],0
        je    L4A
        mov    EBX,8[ESI]
        mov    EDX,0Ch[ESI]
        mov    014h[ESP],EBX
        mov    018h[ESP],EDX
        cmp    dword ptr 014h[ESP],0
        jne    LC3
L4A:        pop    ESI
        mov    EAX,1
        pop    EBX
        add    ESP,05Ch
L55:        mov    EBX,[ESI]
        mov    EDX,4[ESI]
        mov    ECX,offset
        mov    01Ch[ESP],EBX
        mov    020h[ESP],EDX
        mov    02Ch[ESP],EAX
        mov    030h[ESP],ECX
        cmp    dword ptr 01Ch[ESP],0
        setz    DL
        mov    EBX,8[ESI]
        mov    024h[ESP],EBX
        mov    ECX,0Ch[ESI]
        mov    028h[ESP],ECX
        cmp    dword ptr 024h[ESP],0
        setz    CL
        cmp    DL,CL
        mov    EDX,1
        je    L98
        xor    EDX,EDX
L98:        xor    DL,1
        je    LC3
        push    dword ptr FLAT:_DATA[054h]
        push    dword ptr FLAT:_DATA[050h]
        push    0ADEh
        mov    EAX,038h[ESP]
        mov    EDX,03Ch[ESP]
        mov    EBX,038h[ESP]
        call    EDX
        push    EDX
        push    EAX
        call    near ptr _D3std9exception7bailOutFAyaixAaZv
LC3:        pop    ESI
        xor    EAX,EAX
        pop    EBX
        add    ESP,05Ch

_D3std4conv16__T7emplaceTiTiZ7emplaceFAviZPi    comdat
L0:        push    EAX
        mov    EDX,offset
        push    EBX
        push    ESI
        cmp    dword ptr 010h[ESP],4
        sbb    ECX,ECX
        inc    ECX
        push    ECX
        lea    EBX,0Ch[ESP]
        push    EDX
        push    EBX
        call    near ptr
        mov    ECX,014h[ESP]
        mov    EAX,014h[ESP]
        mov    ESI,8[ESP]
        mov    [ECX],ESI
        pop    ESI
        pop    EBX
        pop    ECX
        ret    8

(I have not included all the code, like _D3std9exception7bailOutFAyaixAaZv).


LDE:    xor    EBX,EBX
        cmp    010h[ESP],BL
        je    LF5
LE6:    mov    ECX,[EBX*4][EAX]
        add    ECX,[EBX*4][EDI]
        add    ESI,ECX
        inc    EBX
        cmp    EBX,014h[ESP]
        jb    LE6
LF5:    inc    EDX
        cmp    EDX,02FAF080h
        jb    LDE


LBF:    xor    EBX,EBX
LC1:    mov    ECX,[EBX*4][EAX]
        add    ECX,[EBX*4][EDI]
        add    ESI,ECX
        inc    EBX
        cmp    EBX,01Eh
        jb    LC1
        inc    EDX
        cmp    EDX,02FAF080h
        jb    LBF

Feb 15 2011
next sibling parent bearophile <bearophileHUGS lycos.com> writes:
I have done one more test, with a much simpler zip(). The code is now faster,
but it seems there's no hope to have an acceptable performance. Maybe D needs a
built-in zip as Clay.



Timings, seconds, best of 3:


import std.c.stdio: printf;

struct zip {
    int[] arr1, arr2;
    size_t i;

    static struct Element { int _0, _1; }

    this(int[] a1, int[] a2)
        in {
            assert(a1.length == a2.length);
        } body {
            arr1 = a1;
            arr2 = a2;

    bool empty() {
        return i >= arr1.length;

     property Element front() {
        return Element(arr1[i], arr2[i]);

    void popFront() {

void main() {
    auto a = [18,10,17,14,19,23,11,0,6,0,17,25,5,4,19,21,17,13,5,7,11,22,23,17,24,7,11,11,1,28];
    auto b = [9,12,1,4,1,18,11,6,5,18,24,15,26,14,24,8,17,26,23,17,3,28,27,0,9,27,0,19,13,25];
    int tot = 0;
    foreach (i; 0 .. 50_000_000)
        foreach (xy; zip(a, b))
            tot += xy._0 + xy._1;
    printf("%d\n", tot);


LCE:        mov 024h[ESP],EBX
        lea EBX,054h[ESP]
        xor EDX,EDX
        mov [EBX],EDX
        mov EAX,014h[ESP]
        lea ESI,054h[ESP]
        mov 4[EBX],EDX
        lea EDI,034h[ESP]
        mov 8[EBX],EDX
        mov 0Ch[EBX],EDX
        mov 010h[EBX],EDX
        mov EDX,018h[ESP]
        mov 058h[ESP],EDX
        mov EDX,020h[ESP]
        mov 054h[ESP],EAX
        mov EAX,01Ch[ESP]
        mov 05Ch[ESP],EAX
        mov 060h[ESP],EDX
        mov ECX,044h[ESP]
        cmp ECX,034h[ESP]
        jae L167
L11D:       mov EBX,044h[ESP]
        mov EDX,038h[ESP]
        mov ESI,[EBX*4][EDX]
        mov EAX,034h[ESP]
        mov EDX,040h[ESP]
        mov ECX,[EBX*4][EDX]
        mov 078h[ESP],ECX
        mov EAX,03Ch[ESP]
        mov EDX,078h[ESP]
        mov 074h[ESP],ESI
        mov EAX,074h[ESP]
        mov EBX,074h[ESP]
        mov 070h[ESP],EDX
        add EBX,070h[ESP]
        add EBP,EBX
        inc dword ptr 044h[ESP]
        mov ESI,044h[ESP]
        mov 06Ch[ESP],EAX
        cmp ESI,034h[ESP]
        jb  L11D
L167:       mov EBX,024h[ESP]
        inc EBX
        cmp EBX,02FAF080h
        jb  LCE

Feb 15 2011
prev sibling parent reply Andrei Alexandrescu <SeeWebsiteForEmail erdani.org> writes:
Initial: 58 seconds.

Eliminated the switch in popFront: 53s.

Replaced emplace with assignment: 23s.

Specialized emplace for non-struct types, reinserted: 23s.

Eliminated the loop in empty (replaced with return ranges[0].empty;): 17s.

I'm sure there are ways to further improve this, but there are a few 
difficulties. Each pass through the loop the code must transport values 
from the two arrays into a specific format and then distribute them for 
further calculation. Then, upon each popFront two words must be touched 
because arrays hold pointer+length, not pointer+pointer (as probably 
would be better since ranges are around).

Nice analysis!


On 2/15/11 6:24 PM, bearophile wrote:
 While doing some benchmarks on the Clay language I've found something

 I have timed a zip() done on two short arrays, and I have found this D version
too much slow compared to normal array code. Higher order functions like zip,
map, filter, etc are going to stay, they aren't toys, so I think the D compiler
has to digest them better.

 (There is lot of of asm at the tail of this post, I don't know if some of t
will get cut away.)


 Timings, seconds, best of 3:


 Binary sizes, bytes:


 Compilers and command line used:

 DMD 2.051
 clay compiler (hg id dec41ba07d58 tip, llvm r122866, Jan  5 2011)

 clay -inline test1.clay -o test1.exe
 dmd -O -release -inline test2.d
 dmd -O -release -inline test3.d

 To produce asm code with Clay:
 clay -inline -asm test1.clay -o test1.s

 Output: -1149672960 for all versions.


 Code used:

 main() {
      var a = Vector([18,10,17,14,19,23,11,0,6,0,17,25,5,4,19,21,17,13,5,7,11,22,23,17,24,7,11,11,1,28]);
      var b = Vector([9,12,1,4,1,18,11,6,5,18,24,15,26,14,24,8,17,26,23,17,3,28,27,0,9,27,0,19,13,25]);
      var tot = 0; // 32 bit signed int
      for (i in range(0, 50*1000*1000))
          for (x, y in zipped(a, b))
              tot += x + y;


 import std.c.stdio: printf;
 import std.range: zip;
 void main() {
      auto a = [18,10,17,14,19,23,11,0,6,0,17,25,5,4,19,21,17,13,5,7,11,22,23,17,24,7,11,11,1,28];
      auto b = [9,12,1,4,1,18,11,6,5,18,24,15,26,14,24,8,17,26,23,17,3,28,27,0,9,27,0,19,13,25];
      int tot = 0;
      foreach (i; 0 .. 50_000_000)
          foreach (xy; zip(a, b))
              tot += xy[0] + xy[1];
      printf("%d\n", tot);


 import std.c.stdio: printf;
 void main() {
      auto a = [18,10,17,14,19,23,11,0,6,0,17,25,5,4,19,21,17,13,5,7,11,22,23,17,24,7,11,11,1,28];
      auto b = [9,12,1,4,1,18,11,6,5,18,24,15,26,14,24,8,17,26,23,17,3,28,27,0,9,27,0,19,13,25];
      int tot = 0;
      foreach (i; 0 .. 50_000_000)
          foreach (j; 0 .. a.length)
              tot += a[j] + b[j];
      printf("%d\n", tot);


 import std.c.stdio: printf;
 void main() {
      auto a = [18,10,17,14,19,23,11,0,6,0,17,25,5,4,19,21,17,13,5,7,11,22,23,17,24,7,11,11,1,28];
      auto b = [9,12,1,4,1,18,11,6,5,18,24,15,26,14,24,8,17,26,23,17,3,28,27,0,9,27,0,19,13,25];
      int tot = 0;
      foreach (i; 0 .. 50_000_000)
          foreach (j; 0 .. 30)
              tot += a[j] + b[j];
      printf("%d\n", tot);


      .align    16, 0x90

      xorl    %edx, %edx
      .align    16, 0x90

      addl    (%esi,%edx,4), %ecx
      addl    (%edi,%edx,4), %ecx
      incl    %edx
      cmpl    $30, %edx
      jne    LBB2_5

      decl    %eax
      jne    LBB2_4


 LCE:        push    dword ptr 018h[ESP]
          mov    ESI,offset FLAT:_D3std5range14__T3ZipTAiTAiZ3Zip6__initZ
          push    dword ptr 018h[ESP]
          push    dword ptr 028h[ESP]
          push    dword ptr 028h[ESP]
          push    0
          lea    EDI,078h[ESP]
          lea    EAX,078h[ESP]
          call    near ptr
          mov    ESI,EAX
          lea    EDI,044h[ESP]
          lea    ESI,044h[ESP]
          lea    EDI,024h[ESP]
          lea    EAX,024h[ESP]
          call    near ptr _D3std5range14__T3ZipTAiTAiZ3Zip5emptyMFZb
          xor    AL,1
          je    L153
 L11C:        lea    EAX,024h[ESP]
          call    near ptr
          mov    07Ch[ESP],EAX
          mov    ECX,07Ch[ESP]
          lea    EAX,024h[ESP]
          mov    080h[ESP],EDX
          add    ECX,080h[ESP]
          add    EBX,ECX
          call    near ptr _D3std5range14__T3ZipTAiTAiZ3Zip8popFrontMFZv
          lea    EAX,024h[ESP]
          call    near ptr _D3std5range14__T3ZipTAiTAiZ3Zip5emptyMFZb
          xor    AL,1
          jne    L11C
 L153:        inc    EBP
          cmp    EBP,02FAF080h
          jb    LCE

4__T3ZipTAiTAiZ3Zip    comdat
          push    EBX
          mov    ECX,8[ESP]
          mov    EBX,014h[ESP]
          push    ESI
          mov    ESI,EAX
          mov    EDX,01Ch[ESP]
          mov    4[ESI],EDX
          mov    EDX,014h[ESP]
          mov    [ESI],EBX
          mov    EBX,010h[ESP]
          mov    010h[ESI],ECX
          mov    8[ESI],EBX
          mov    0Ch[ESI],EDX
          pop    ESI
          pop    EBX
          ret    014h

 _D3std5range14__T3ZipTAiTAiZ3Zip5emptyMFZb    comdat
 L0:        sub    ESP,05Ch
          mov    ECX,010h[EAX]
          test    ECX,ECX
          push    EBX
          push    ESI
          mov    ESI,EAX
          je    L21
          cmp    ECX,1
          je    LC3
          cmp    ECX,2
          je    L55
          jmp    near ptr LC3
 L21:        mov    EBX,[ESI]
          mov    EDX,4[ESI]
          mov    0Ch[ESP],EBX
          mov    010h[ESP],EDX
          cmp    dword ptr 0Ch[ESP],0
          je    L4A
          mov    EBX,8[ESI]
          mov    EDX,0Ch[ESI]
          mov    014h[ESP],EBX
          mov    018h[ESP],EDX
          cmp    dword ptr 014h[ESP],0
          jne    LC3
 L4A:        pop    ESI
          mov    EAX,1
          pop    EBX
          add    ESP,05Ch
 L55:        mov    EBX,[ESI]
          mov    EDX,4[ESI]
          mov    ECX,offset
          mov    01Ch[ESP],EBX
          mov    020h[ESP],EDX
          mov    02Ch[ESP],EAX
          mov    030h[ESP],ECX
          cmp    dword ptr 01Ch[ESP],0
          setz    DL
          mov    EBX,8[ESI]
          mov    024h[ESP],EBX
          mov    ECX,0Ch[ESI]
          mov    028h[ESP],ECX
          cmp    dword ptr 024h[ESP],0
          setz    CL
          cmp    DL,CL
          mov    EDX,1
          je    L98
          xor    EDX,EDX
 L98:        xor    DL,1
          je    LC3
          push    dword ptr FLAT:_DATA[054h]
          push    dword ptr FLAT:_DATA[050h]
          push    0ADEh
          mov    EAX,038h[ESP]
          mov    EDX,03Ch[ESP]
          mov    EBX,038h[ESP]
          call    EDX
          push    EDX
          push    EAX
          call    near ptr _D3std9exception7bailOutFAyaixAaZv
 LC3:        pop    ESI
          xor    EAX,EAX
          pop    EBX
          add    ESP,05Ch

_T5TupleTiTiZ5Tuple    comdat
      assume    CS:_D3std5range14__T3ZipTAiTAiZ3Zip5frontMFNdZS3std8typecons14__T5TupleTiTiZ5Tuple
 L0:        sub    ESP,028h
          mov    EDX,4[EAX]
          push    EBX
          push    ESI
          mov    ESI,EAX
          mov    EBX,[ESI]
          push    EDI
          mov    014h[ESP],EBX
          mov    018h[ESP],EDX
          cmp    dword ptr 014h[ESP],0
          je    L31
          lea    EDX,0Ch[ESP]
          mov    EBX,[ESI]
          push    EDX
          mov    EDX,4[ESI]
          mov    EAX,[EDX]
          push    4
          call    near ptr _D3std4conv16__T7emplaceTiTiZ7emplaceFAviZPi
          jmp short    L41
 L31:        lea    ECX,0Ch[ESP]
          mov    EDI,4
          push    ECX
          push    EDI
          call    near ptr _D3std4conv14__T7emplaceTiZ7emplaceFAvZPi
 L41:        mov    EBX,8[ESI]
          mov    ECX,0Ch[ESI]
          test    EBX,EBX
          je    L61
          lea    EDI,010h[ESP]
          mov    EDX,0Ch[ESI]
          mov    EAX,8[ESI]
          push    EDI
          mov    EAX,[EDX]
          push    4
          call    near ptr _D3std4conv16__T7emplaceTiTiZ7emplaceFAviZPi
          jmp short    L71
 L61:        lea    ECX,010h[ESP]
          mov    ESI,4
          push    ECX
          push    ESI
          call    near ptr _D3std4conv14__T7emplaceTiZ7emplaceFAvZPi
 L71:        mov    EDX,010h[ESP]
          mov    EAX,0Ch[ESP]
          pop    EDI
          pop    ESI
          pop    EBX
          add    ESP,028h

 _D3std5range14__T3ZipTAiTAiZ3Zip8popFrontMFZv    comdat
 L0:        sub    ESP,04Ch
          mov    ECX,010h[EAX]
          test    ECX,ECX
          push    EBX
          push    EBP
          push    ESI
          push    EDI
          mov    EDI,EAX
          je    L1F
          cmp    ECX,1
          je    L4A
          cmp    ECX,2
          je    L8C
          jmp    near ptr L142
 L1F:        mov    ESI,[EDI]
          mov    EDX,4[EDI]
          dec    ESI
          mov    EBX,[EDI]
          add    EDX,4
          lea    EBP,8[EDI]
          mov    [EDI],ESI
          mov    4[EDI],EDX
          mov    ESI,0[EBP]
          mov    EDX,4[EBP]
          dec    ESI
          mov    EBX,0[EBP]
          add    EDX,4
          mov    0[EBP],ESI
          mov    4[EBP],EDX
          jmp    near ptr L142
 L4A:        mov    ESI,[EDI]
          mov    ECX,4[EDI]
          test    ESI,ESI
          je    L63
          mov    ESI,[EDI]
          mov    EDX,4[EDI]
          dec    ESI
          mov    EBX,[EDI]
          add    EDX,4
          mov    [EDI],ESI
          mov    4[EDI],EDX
 L63:        mov    ESI,8[EDI]
          mov    ECX,0Ch[EDI]
          test    ESI,ESI
          je    L142
          lea    EBP,8[EDI]
          mov    ESI,0[EBP]
          mov    EDX,4[EBP]
          dec    ESI
          mov    EBX,0[EBP]
          add    EDX,4
          mov    0[EBP],ESI
          mov    4[EBP],EDX
          jmp    near ptr L142
 L8C:        mov    EBX,[EDI]
          mov    EDX,4[EDI]
          mov    ECX,offset
          mov    014h[ESP],EBX
          mov    018h[ESP],EDX
          mov    01Ch[ESP],EAX
          mov    020h[ESP],ECX
          cmp    dword ptr 014h[ESP],0
          setnz    DL
          xor    DL,1
          je    LD7
          mov    EDX,ECX
          push    dword ptr FLAT:_DATA[054h]
          push    dword ptr FLAT:_DATA[050h]
          push    0B86h
          mov    EAX,028h[ESP]
          mov    EBX,028h[ESP]
          call    EDX
          push    EDX
          push    EAX
          call    near ptr _D3std9exception7bailOutFAyaixAaZv
 LD7:        mov    EAX,[EDI]
          mov    EDX,4[EDI]
          dec    EAX
          mov    EBX,[EDI]
          add    EDX,4
          mov    4[EDI],EDX
          mov    EDX,0Ch[EDI]
          mov    EBX,EDI
          mov    [EDI],EAX
          mov    EAX,8[EDI]
          mov    ECX,offset
          mov    024h[ESP],EAX
          mov    028h[ESP],EDX
          mov    02Ch[ESP],EBX
          mov    030h[ESP],ECX
          cmp    dword ptr 024h[ESP],0
          setnz    DL
          xor    DL,1
          je    L12F
          push    dword ptr FLAT:_DATA[054h]
          push    dword ptr FLAT:_DATA[050h]
          push    0B86h
          mov    EAX,038h[ESP]
          call    ECX
          push    EDX
          push    EAX
          call    near ptr _D3std9exception7bailOutFAyaixAaZv
 L12F:        lea    ESI,8[EDI]
          mov    EBX,[ESI]
          mov    EDX,4[ESI]
          dec    EBX
          mov    EAX,[ESI]
          mov    [ESI],EBX
          add    EDX,4
          mov    4[ESI],EDX
 L142:        pop    EDI
          pop    ESI
          pop    EBP
          pop    EBX
          add    ESP,04Ch

 _D3std5range14__T3ZipTAiTAiZ3Zip5emptyMFZb    comdat
 L0:        sub    ESP,05Ch
          mov    ECX,010h[EAX]
          test    ECX,ECX
          push    EBX
          push    ESI
          mov    ESI,EAX
          je    L21
          cmp    ECX,1
          je    LC3
          cmp    ECX,2
          je    L55
          jmp    near ptr LC3
 L21:        mov    EBX,[ESI]
          mov    EDX,4[ESI]
          mov    0Ch[ESP],EBX
          mov    010h[ESP],EDX
          cmp    dword ptr 0Ch[ESP],0
          je    L4A
          mov    EBX,8[ESI]
          mov    EDX,0Ch[ESI]
          mov    014h[ESP],EBX
          mov    018h[ESP],EDX
          cmp    dword ptr 014h[ESP],0
          jne    LC3
 L4A:        pop    ESI
          mov    EAX,1
          pop    EBX
          add    ESP,05Ch
 L55:        mov    EBX,[ESI]
          mov    EDX,4[ESI]
          mov    ECX,offset
          mov    01Ch[ESP],EBX
          mov    020h[ESP],EDX
          mov    02Ch[ESP],EAX
          mov    030h[ESP],ECX
          cmp    dword ptr 01Ch[ESP],0
          setz    DL
          mov    EBX,8[ESI]
          mov    024h[ESP],EBX
          mov    ECX,0Ch[ESI]
          mov    028h[ESP],ECX
          cmp    dword ptr 024h[ESP],0
          setz    CL
          cmp    DL,CL
          mov    EDX,1
          je    L98
          xor    EDX,EDX
 L98:        xor    DL,1
          je    LC3
          push    dword ptr FLAT:_DATA[054h]
          push    dword ptr FLAT:_DATA[050h]
          push    0ADEh
          mov    EAX,038h[ESP]
          mov    EDX,03Ch[ESP]
          mov    EBX,038h[ESP]
          call    EDX
          push    EDX
          push    EAX
          call    near ptr _D3std9exception7bailOutFAyaixAaZv
 LC3:        pop    ESI
          xor    EAX,EAX
          pop    EBX
          add    ESP,05Ch

 _D3std4conv16__T7emplaceTiTiZ7emplaceFAviZPi    comdat
 L0:        push    EAX
          mov    EDX,offset
          push    EBX
          push    ESI
          cmp    dword ptr 010h[ESP],4
          sbb    ECX,ECX
          inc    ECX
          push    ECX
          lea    EBX,0Ch[ESP]
          push    EDX
          push    EBX
          call    near ptr
          mov    ECX,014h[ESP]
          mov    EAX,014h[ESP]
          mov    ESI,8[ESP]
          mov    [ECX],ESI
          pop    ESI
          pop    EBX
          pop    ECX
          ret    8

 (I have not included all the code, like _D3std9exception7bailOutFAyaixAaZv).


 LDE:    xor    EBX,EBX
          cmp    010h[ESP],BL
          je    LF5
 LE6:    mov    ECX,[EBX*4][EAX]
          add    ECX,[EBX*4][EDI]
          add    ESI,ECX
          inc    EBX
          cmp    EBX,014h[ESP]
          jb    LE6
 LF5:    inc    EDX
          cmp    EDX,02FAF080h
          jb    LDE


 LBF:    xor    EBX,EBX
 LC1:    mov    ECX,[EBX*4][EAX]
          add    ECX,[EBX*4][EDI]
          add    ESI,ECX
          inc    EBX
          cmp    EBX,01Eh
          jb    LC1
          inc    EDX
          cmp    EDX,02FAF080h
          jb    LBF

Feb 15 2011
next sibling parent reply spir <denis.spir gmail.com> writes:
On 02/16/2011 03:36 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 Initial: 58 seconds.

 Eliminated the switch in popFront: 53s.

 Replaced emplace with assignment: 23s.

 Specialized emplace for non-struct types, reinserted: 23s.

 Eliminated the loop in empty (replaced with return ranges[0].empty;): 17s.

 I'm sure there are ways to further improve this, but there are a few
 difficulties. Each pass through the loop the code must transport values from
 the two arrays into a specific format and then distribute them for further
 calculation. Then, upon each popFront two words must be touched because arrays
 hold pointer+length, not pointer+pointer (as probably would be better since
 ranges are around).

 Nice analysis!
Bearophile, is clay's zip func lazy. Else, it could explain part of its performance, don't you think? Denis
Feb 16 2011
parent dennis luehring <dl.soluz gmx.net> writes:
Am 16.02.2011 10:25, schrieb spir:
 On 02/16/2011 03:36 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
  Initial: 58 seconds.

  Eliminated the switch in popFront: 53s.

  Replaced emplace with assignment: 23s.

  Specialized emplace for non-struct types, reinserted: 23s.

  Eliminated the loop in empty (replaced with return ranges[0].empty;): 17s.

  I'm sure there are ways to further improve this, but there are a few
  difficulties. Each pass through the loop the code must transport values from
  the two arrays into a specific format and then distribute them for further
  calculation. Then, upon each popFront two words must be touched because arrays
  hold pointer+length, not pointer+pointer (as probably would be better since
  ranges are around).

  Nice analysis!
Bearophile, is clay's zip func lazy. Else, it could explain part of its performance, don't you think? Denis
why should it - what can lazyness help here?
Feb 16 2011
prev sibling parent bearophile <bearophileHUGS lycos.com> writes:

 I'm sure there are ways to further improve this, but there are a few
difficulties. Each pass through the loop the code must transport values from
the two arrays into a specific format and then distribute them for further
calculation. Then, upon each popFront two words must be touched because arrays
hold pointer+length, not pointer+pointer (as probably would be better since
ranges are around).<
HOFs as zip/map/filter aren't D built-ins as in Python, but they are basic language constructs. If the D front-end becomes a bit aware of what a zip is, it probably becomes able to optimize away most or all those data movements. constructor) shows there's more space for improvements, optimization-wise. In the Haskell Prelude (a standard module imported and compiled before any user code) shows the implementation of zip(l1,l2) and zip3(l1,l2,l3): zip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)] zip = zipWith (,) zip3 :: [a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [(a,b,c)] zip3 = zipWith3 (,,) zipWith :: (a->b->c) -> [a]->[b]->[c] zipWith z (a:as) (b:bs) = z a b : zipWith z as bs zipWith _ _ _ = [] zipWith3 :: (a->b->c->d) -> [a]->[b]->[c]->[d] zipWith3 z (a:as) (b:bs) (c:cs) = z a b c : zipWith3 z as bs cs zipWith3 _ _ _ _ = [] They are tiny compared to Phobos code. They are efficient enough, and they have no corner cases. ---------------------- spir:
is clay's zip func lazy.<
It seems lazy, it's not an array of records, and the printing function refuses to print it. Bye, bearophile
Feb 16 2011