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digitalmars.D - range.save

reply Freddy <Hexagonalstar64 gmail.com> writes:
Does anyone else think range.save is a hack? I often find myself 
forgetting to call range.save in my generic code with my 
unittests working fine. Also, working with a range of ranges may 
forget to call range.save.(Ex: [1,2,4].repeat)
Nov 19 2015
next sibling parent reply Rikki Cattermole <alphaglosined gmail.com> writes:
On 20/11/15 10:30 AM, Freddy wrote:
 Does anyone else think range.save is a hack? I often find myself
 forgetting to call range.save in my generic code with my unittests
 working fine. Also, working with a range of ranges may forget to call
 range.save.(Ex: [1,2,4].repeat)
Not really. If you forget it, then things won't work since it'll be empty ;)
Nov 19 2015
parent Ilya <ilyayaroshenko gmail.com> writes:
On Friday, 20 November 2015 at 02:47:17 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 
 On 20/11/15 10:30 AM, Freddy wrote:
 Does anyone else think range.save is a hack? I often find 
 forgetting to call range.save in my generic code with my 
 working fine. Also, working with a range of ranges may forget 
 to call
 range.save.(Ex: [1,2,4].repeat)
Not really. If you forget it, then things won't work since it'll be empty ;)
If range is class. For most of structs like Iota range.save returns just itself.
Nov 19 2015
prev sibling next sibling parent reply =?UTF-8?Q?S=c3=b6nke_Ludwig?= <sludwig rejectedsoftware.com> writes:
Am 19.11.2015 um 22:30 schrieb Freddy:
 Does anyone else think range.save is a hack? I often find myself
 forgetting to call range.save in my generic code with my unittests
 working fine. Also, working with a range of ranges may forget to call
 range.save.(Ex: [1,2,4].repeat)
I think that .save is a serious design flaw in the range API and there must me countless theoretical or future bugs lurking in todays code bases, only working by chance due to undefined algorithm behavior. The problem is that all of the alternatives that were discussed all had different trade-offs and solving the .save issue would lead to other issues/limitations (or at least AFAIR there hasn't been a suggestion where that wouldn't be the case). And since we now already have an API, that wouldn't help anyway. Maybe we could inject code into existing ranges that, in debug mode, at least causes assertions to trigger whenever an operation is done on an outdated copy of an input range (or of a non '.save'd forward range). That could then be advertised as a standard pattern for user defined ranges ("mixin RangeSemantics;").
Nov 20 2015
parent reply Andrei Alexandrescu <SeeWebsiteForEmail erdani.org> writes:
On 11/20/2015 04:42 AM, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
 I think that .save is a serious design flaw in the range API
How would you redo it? -- Andrei
Nov 20 2015
parent reply =?UTF-8?Q?S=c3=b6nke_Ludwig?= <sludwig rejectedsoftware.com> writes:
Am 20.11.2015 um 16:37 schrieb Andrei Alexandrescu:
 On 11/20/2015 04:42 AM, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
 I think that .save is a serious design flaw in the range API
How would you redo it? -- Andrei
That's why I wrote that the alternatives had their own issues - I unfortunately don't have a solution to this either. Making usage errors fail loudly at runtime is the only one improvement I had in mind that wouldn't result in unacceptable code breakage. Now if we could exclude reference type ranges from the picture* and ignore the fact that this would break tons of code, I think making input ranges non-copyable and using the postblit constructor to do the job of save() would be the right approach. Recently this was mentioned somewhere and the counter argument was that this wouldn't work for wrapper ranges: struct FilterRange(R) { private R _input; this(R input) { _input = input; // error: R not copyable } // ... } But it does work! struct FilterRange(R) { private R _input; this(R input) { swap(_input, input); // fine! } // ... } Passing a range into such a wrapper range can still be done directly in case of rvalues: FilterRange!MyRange(MyRange(...)) L-values require an explicit "move" call (which is a good thing): MyRange r; auto fr = FilterRange(r.move); The lowering of "foreach" to "for" would also have to be adjusted accordingly. The main drawback of using postblit for forward ranges is that it might happen that it gets invoked accidentally, resulting in hidden performance issues (IMO better than correctness issues, but anyway). That could either be mitigated by performing substantial work lazily instead of directly in this(this), or by keeping support for save() in addition to this(this), so that a valid forward range could still disable this(this) if it's costly and expose the copy functionality through save() instead. * To still support reference type ranges, we could turn this around and define a copyref() method that creates a new range that references the same internal range object. The advantage is that this way around failure to call copyref() will result in an immediate error.
Nov 20 2015
next sibling parent Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisProg gmx.com> writes:
On Friday, 20 November 2015 at 16:35:01 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
 The lowering of "foreach" to "for" would also have to be 
 adjusted accordingly.
I'm actually wondering if we should change it even to support the way that we currently do things. The problem is that the semantics of copying a range are undefined. They depend entirely on how the range is implemented (value types, reference types, and pseudo-reference types all act differently when copied). The result is that if you want generic range-based code to work with all range types, you can never use a range after it's been copied unless it's assigned a new value - and foreach does a copy! foreach(e; range) { // do stuff } -> for(auto __c = range; !__c.empty; __c.popFront()) { auto e = __c.front; // do stuff } So, in generic code, once you use foreach on a range, you can't use it again. Something like foreach(e; range) { if(cond) break; } // do something with range again is inherently broken. You're pretty much forced to use a naked for loop, e.g. for(; !range.empty; range.popFront()) { auto e = range.front; if(cond) break; } // do something with range So, what we really want is probably something more like foreach(e; range) { // do stuff } -> for(; !range.empty; range.popFront()) { auto e = range.front; // do stuff } Unfortunately, that _does_ risk breaking some code with forward ranges - but only because they're being implicitly saved, which is arguably a bug. So, I'd be inclined to argue that the change should be made - if nothing else, because any attempts to break out of the loop are screwed with the currently lowering, and pure input ranges can't be saved to work around the problem, meaning that they're doubly screwed. Now, that does have the downside of making foreach work differently for arrays, since they don't use the normal range lowering (rather, they're effectively saved), which means that we're still pretty much screwed... So, maybe what we need to do is have the foreach lowering check for save and just call it if it exists so that pure input ranges get for(; !range.empty; range.popFront()) { auto e = range.front; // do stuff } whereas forward ranges get for(auto __c = range.save; !__c.empty; __c.popFront()) { auto e = __c.front; // do stuff } That's more complicated, but it avoids breaking code while still making it so that input ranges and foreach aren't quite so broken - though it means that input ranges and forward ranges act differently with foreach. But the alternative is basically tell folks that they need to call save explicitly when using foreach on forward ranges in generic code and to tell them that they should never use foreach on pure input ranges unless they intend to iterate over the whole range. save tries to solve the copying problem with ranges, but the overall situation is _far_ worse than just trying to make it so that reference type ranges have a way to be copied properly. - Jonathan M Davis
Nov 20 2015
prev sibling parent reply Andrei Alexandrescu <SeeWebsiteForEmail erdani.org> writes:
On 11/20/2015 11:34 AM, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
 Am 20.11.2015 um 16:37 schrieb Andrei Alexandrescu:
 On 11/20/2015 04:42 AM, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
 I think that .save is a serious design flaw in the range API
How would you redo it? -- Andrei
That's why I wrote that the alternatives had their own issues - I unfortunately don't have a solution to this either. Making usage errors fail loudly at runtime is the only one improvement I had in mind that wouldn't result in unacceptable code breakage. Now if we could exclude reference type ranges from the picture* and ignore the fact that this would break tons of code, I think making input ranges non-copyable and using the postblit constructor to do the job of save() would be the right approach.
(had this in my other's laptop outbox for a while) The baseline was STL's input iterators, which were quite bad - there's no syntactic distinction between input and forward iterators, which makes the entire matter a convention. That's not the case for any other iterators - code using their capabilities won't compile with weaker iterators (nice). So initially I thought a simple solution would be this: struct MyForwardRange { enum bool isForward = true; ... empty, front, popFront ... } enum isForwardRange(R) = is(typeof(R.isForward)) && R.isForward; Then there's no need for .save(), and isForward!R can be used for constraints etc. Reference forward ranges are not supported but then that's liberating (fewer complications), rare, and easy to work around by wrapping. Looking back, the only reason for which I didn't go that way was fear; I simply hadn't seen such an idiom and I was afraid it'd be too nonconformist. Introspection was new and back then quite arcane, and the idioms were unclear. So I went with a more conventional solution of adding one method. Today that's the way I'd do it, and in fact it is the way the new collections will work exactly that way - if a type exposes isStdCollection then it commits to implementing the collection primitives as specified. As of right now the situation with ranges is suboptimal - you need to use .save() but if you don't the sheer copy works most of the time, just not always. It may be nice to improve on that a bit, for example to require input ranges that are not forward ranges to indeed have reference semantics. Or require forward ranges to define .save() but only with the body { return this; }. Either of these would break code. Andrei
Nov 26 2015
next sibling parent Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisProg gmx.com> writes:
On Thursday, 26 November 2015 at 17:23:07 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:
 As of right now the situation with ranges is suboptimal - you 
 need to use .save() but if you don't the sheer copy works most 
 of the time, just not always. It may be nice to improve on that 
 a bit, for example to require input ranges that are not forward 
 ranges to indeed have reference semantics. Or require forward 
 ranges to define .save() but only with the body { return this; 
 }. Either of these would break code.
As long as a range has semantics very similar to a dynamic array, it works great, but as soon as it doesn't, it tends to fall apart in subtle ways. The current situation is simply too error-prone and unwieldy IMHO. It works great in the common case but definitely falls apart at the edges. And even if you're diligent about getting it right, the number of calls to save that are required is ridiculous. So, while I completely agree that we want to avoid breaking code if we can, I'm also increasingly convinced that we should look at what would need to be done to make ranges clean to use without being error-prone and see if we can get there with minimal breaking changes. Regardless, if we _do_ make breaking changes with regards to ranges, we need to be very sure that we want to make them. - Jonathan M Davis
Nov 26 2015
prev sibling parent reply Joseph Rushton Wakeling <joseph.wakeling webdrake.net> writes:
On Thursday, 26 November 2015 at 17:23:07 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:
 So initially I thought a simple solution would be this:

 struct MyForwardRange
     enum bool isForward = true;
     ... empty, front, popFront ...

 enum isForwardRange(R) =
   is(typeof(R.isForward)) && R.isForward;

 Then there's no need for .save(), and isForward!R can be used 
 for constraints etc. Reference forward ranges are not supported 
 but then that's liberating (fewer complications), rare, and 
 easy to work around by wrapping.
By "reference forward range" do you mean a reference type (per se) or any range that contains an internal reference type (e.g. a range whose private data includes a dynamic array)?
Nov 27 2015
parent reply Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisProg gmx.com> writes:
On Friday, 27 November 2015 at 08:53:26 UTC, Joseph Rushton 
Wakeling wrote:
 On Thursday, 26 November 2015 at 17:23:07 UTC, Andrei 
 Alexandrescu wrote:
 So initially I thought a simple solution would be this:

 struct MyForwardRange
     enum bool isForward = true;
     ... empty, front, popFront ...

 enum isForwardRange(R) =
   is(typeof(R.isForward)) && R.isForward;

 Then there's no need for .save(), and isForward!R can be used 
 for constraints etc. Reference forward ranges are not 
 supported but then that's liberating (fewer complications), 
 rare, and easy to work around by wrapping.
By "reference forward range" do you mean a reference type (per se) or any range that contains an internal reference type (e.g. a range whose private data includes a dynamic array)?
Obviously, Andrei will have to answer to know what he meant, but with regards to ranges, I would consider a reference type to be one where in auto copy = range; doing anything to copy or range does the exact same thing to the other, because they refer to the exact same state. Something like save is required to get a separate range where popping elements from one will not affect the other. Contrast that with a value type where copy and range are completely separate. And then there are ranges where the copy shares _some_ state with the original but not all, which as far as save goes is pretty much the same as a reference type but means that you can't rely on mutating one having the same effect on the other one either (the easiest example would be a range that would otherwise be a reference type but caches front). Based on that view of things, dynamic arrays definitely are value types. Obviously, if you start doing stuff that would mutate their elements, then they aren't really value types, but if all you're doing is iterating over them, then they're essentially value types. What we lose without save (or something else to replace it) is the ability to have any range types that aren't value types (or which essentially behave like them). So, a range which is a dynamic array or a simple wrapper around a dynamic array is fine, because copying the range is enough, but anything where a copy is not the same as save would have been will no longer work. Using postblit constructors like Sonke suggested solves _some_ of that problem, but not all of it, since that doesn't work with classes, and const doesn't work with postblit constructors, whereas we could make it work with save. The loss of classes poses the problem that non-templated functions can't really be made to work with ranges. And the loss of reference type ranges in general definitely is a problem for some uses cases. But the more I look at the semantics involved, the more inclined I am to argue that trying to have the same code work for both value types and reference types is questionable at best. On top of that, pure input ranges almost need to be reference types (though they can currently work as pseudo-reference types at least some of the time), and forward ranges really need to be value types (at least as much as dynamic arrays are anyway) if we don't want to have to call save everywhere. I'm starting to think that it would be better to have pure input ranges have to be reference types and forward ranges have to be value types and then be very careful about which functions work with both rather than simply treating all forward ranges like pure input ranges that can also be copied via save. - Jonathan M Davis
Nov 27 2015
next sibling parent reply Joseph Rushton Wakeling <joseph.wakeling webdrake.net> writes:
On Friday, 27 November 2015 at 09:20:23 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
 Obviously, Andrei will have to answer to know what he meant, 
 but with regards to ranges, I would consider a reference type 
 to be one where in

 auto copy = range;

 doing anything to copy or range does the exact same thing to 
 the other, because they refer to the exact same state. 
 Something like save is required to get a separate range where 
 popping elements from one will not affect the other.
Unfortunately it's a bit more complicated than that, because it's readily possible to have ranges where auto copy = range; ... will copy _some_ of the internals by value, and some by reference -- e.g. a range whose private data includes some integer values and a dynamic array. That's not necessarily a problem if the reference-type data does not influence the range's behaviour (e.g. you're doing forward iteration over a container accessed by ref), but it's readily possible to imagine a range design where auto copy = range; copy.popFront(); ... will affect range's state without updating it to the _same_ state as copy.
Nov 27 2015
parent Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisProg gmx.com> writes:
On Friday, 27 November 2015 at 10:17:46 UTC, Joseph Rushton 
Wakeling wrote:
 On Friday, 27 November 2015 at 09:20:23 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
 Obviously, Andrei will have to answer to know what he meant, 
 but with regards to ranges, I would consider a reference type 
 to be one where in

 auto copy = range;

 doing anything to copy or range does the exact same thing to 
 the other, because they refer to the exact same state. 
 Something like save is required to get a separate range where 
 popping elements from one will not affect the other.
Unfortunately it's a bit more complicated than that, because it's readily possible to have ranges where auto copy = range; ... will copy _some_ of the internals by value, and some by reference -- e.g. a range whose private data includes some integer values and a dynamic array. That's not necessarily a problem if the reference-type data does not influence the range's behaviour (e.g. you're doing forward iteration over a container accessed by ref), but it's readily possible to imagine a range design where auto copy = range; copy.popFront(); ... will affect range's state without updating it to the _same_ state as copy.
Yes. I discussed that in my post, though maybe I wasn't clear enough. But such a range requires save just as much as a full-on reference type does, so ultimately it's pretty much in the same boat as far as save goes. It's also a serious problem for pure input ranges to such ranges exist, since then even if you can assume that any range which can implement save does implement save, you still can't guarantee that an input range is a reference type, which becomes a serious problem when an input range is copied. e.g. foreach(e; range) { if(cond) break; } range.popFront(); could be fine if you can guarantee that the range is a reference type, but if you can't guarantee that (as is currently the case), then as soon as you use a pure input range with a foreach loop, you can't use it anymore, because it's copied as part of the lowering. To get around that, you can use a for loop directly, but the fact that pure input ranges aren't currently guaranteed to be reference types definitely makes it harder to write consistent, correct code with pure input ranges. As it stands, forward ranges have the same problem, but by calling save, you can ensure that the copy is separate from the original and ensure that iterating the original after the loop is fine (though if you want reference semantics, you would still have to use a for loop), but pure input ranges don't have a way to ensure consistency like that other than maybe wrapping the range in another type which you can guarantee is a reference type. Regardless, even if we require that pure input ranges be reference types and that forward ranges be value types (at least insomuch as copying them results in a separate range with the same state like with save), we then still have the problem that pure input ranges and forward ranges have different semantics. But as long as dynamic arrays are ranges, it's not like we could force all ranges to be reference types, and that wouldn't be good for efficiency anyway, since it would almost certainly mean more heap allocations just so that they can be reference types. - Jonathan M Davis
Nov 27 2015
prev sibling parent reply Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisProg gmx.com> writes:
On Friday, 27 November 2015 at 09:20:23 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
 I'm starting to think that it would be better to have pure 
 input ranges have to be reference types and forward ranges have 
 to be value types and then be very careful about which 
 functions work with both rather than simply treating all 
 forward ranges like pure input ranges that can also be copied 
 via save.
Another piece of this puzzle to consider is that unless a range is a value type (or at least acts like a value type as long as you don't mutate its elements) or has save called on it, then it fundamentally doesn't work with lazy ranges. So, at minimum, we need to consider making it so that lazy ranges require forward ranges (and then, assuming that we continue to have save, the lazy ranges need to always call save on the range that they're given). - Jonathan M Davis
Nov 27 2015
parent reply Joseph Rushton Wakeling <joseph.wakeling webdrake.net> writes:
On Friday, 27 November 2015 at 11:31:14 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
 Another piece of this puzzle to consider is that unless a range 
 is a value type (or at least acts like a value type as long as 
 you don't mutate its elements) or has save called on it, then 
 it fundamentally doesn't work with lazy ranges. So, at minimum, 
 we need to consider making it so that lazy ranges require 
 forward ranges (and then, assuming that we continue to have 
 save, the lazy ranges need to always call save on the range 
 that they're given).
Ah, interesting you should bring that up, as it's exactly the challenge of doing random number generation via a range interface ;-) I'm looking at this problem from a slightly different angle, which is that for a non-deterministic range (which is a subset of possible InputRanges) to be lazy, it matters that the value of .front is not evaluated until the first call to .front; and this "not yet determined" property needs to be restored after .popFront() is called. Basically, you require _true_ laziness rather than the kind of pseudo-laziness that most Phobos ranges display, where the initial value of .front is determined in the constructor, and .popFront() determines the next value of .front "eagerly". (N.B. "Non-deterministic" here includes pseudo-non-deterministic ranges, such as pseudo-RNGs.)
Nov 27 2015
parent reply Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisProg gmx.com> writes:
On Friday, 27 November 2015 at 11:45:38 UTC, Joseph Rushton 
Wakeling wrote:
 On Friday, 27 November 2015 at 11:31:14 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
 Another piece of this puzzle to consider is that unless a 
 range is a value type (or at least acts like a value type as 
 long as you don't mutate its elements) or has save called on 
 it, then it fundamentally doesn't work with lazy ranges. So, 
 at minimum, we need to consider making it so that lazy ranges 
 require forward ranges (and then, assuming that we continue to 
 have save, the lazy ranges need to always call save on the 
 range that they're given).
Ah, interesting you should bring that up, as it's exactly the challenge of doing random number generation via a range interface ;-) I'm looking at this problem from a slightly different angle, which is that for a non-deterministic range (which is a subset of possible InputRanges) to be lazy, it matters that the value of .front is not evaluated until the first call to .front; and this "not yet determined" property needs to be restored after .popFront() is called. Basically, you require _true_ laziness rather than the kind of pseudo-laziness that most Phobos ranges display, where the initial value of .front is determined in the constructor, and .popFront() determines the next value of .front "eagerly". (N.B. "Non-deterministic" here includes pseudo-non-deterministic ranges, such as pseudo-RNGs.)
Well, you can have a pure input range which is lazy, but what you can't do is wrap it in another lazy range. A prime example would be something like auto first5 = range.take(5); range.popFront(); range.popFront(); // first5 now refers to elements 2 through 6 rather than 0 through 4 Either take needs to actually get a separate copy of the range (i.e. use save), or the range can't be used after take has been called. So, wrapping the range in a lazy range does still work on some level - but only as long as you don't use the range for anything else other than through that lazy range, and I don't know of any way to restrict that except by either disallowing pure input ranges with lazy range wrappers (which is arguably over restrictive) or by simply telling people not to use a pure input range after passing it to a lazy range (which is obviously error-prone, because it's not enforced in any way). Whether the original range was lazy or not doesn't really matter. It's the fact that it's not a value type that screws things. - Jonathan M Davis
Nov 27 2015
parent reply Joseph Rushton Wakeling <joseph.wakeling webdrake.net> writes:
On Friday, 27 November 2015 at 11:57:37 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
 Well, you can have a pure input range which is lazy, but what 
 you can't do is wrap it in another lazy range. A prime example 
 would be something like

     auto first5 = range.take(5);
     // first5 now refers to elements 2 through 6 rather than 0 
 through 4
Hmm well, I think it depends on how you approach the question of what is "correct" there. If range is a RNG then that behaviour could arguably be OK; the 5 numbers extracted from the RNG are evaluated as you consume them, and that's all right. This is where I'm wishing I knew Haskell better, because I'm increasingly suspecting that InputRanges ought to be thought of in much the same way as Haskell considers IO.
Nov 27 2015
parent reply Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisProg gmx.com> writes:
On Friday, 27 November 2015 at 12:06:02 UTC, Joseph Rushton 
Wakeling wrote:
 On Friday, 27 November 2015 at 11:57:37 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
 Well, you can have a pure input range which is lazy, but what 
 you can't do is wrap it in another lazy range. A prime example 
 would be something like

     auto first5 = range.take(5);
     // first5 now refers to elements 2 through 6 rather than 0 
 through 4
Hmm well, I think it depends on how you approach the question of what is "correct" there. If range is a RNG then that behaviour could arguably be OK; the 5 numbers extracted from the RNG are evaluated as you consume them, and that's all right.
Well, if you're dealing with a pseudo-random generator with a specific seed, I'm not sure that it's okay, though obviously for a fully random number generator, it wouldn't matter. The real problem is that this affects _any_ input range that's a reference type, not just random number generators, and the order very much matters for most range types. The problem can be fixed for forward ranges via save, but not for pure input ranges. And it's even worse with pure input ranges if they're not required to be full-on reference types, since then who knows what the state of the range is after it's copied to be passed into take. Right now, generic code can't use any range that's passed to take (or any function like it) after it's been passed in, because it's undefined behavior given the varying, possible semantics when copying a range, though calling save first obviously gets around that problem for forward ranges. But it's pretty certain that there's lots of code out there that actually depends on that undefined behavior acting like it does with dynamic arrays, because that's what most ranges do.
 This is where I'm wishing I knew Haskell better, because I'm 
 increasingly suspecting that InputRanges ought to be thought of 
 in much the same way as Haskell considers IO.
Possibly, but because almost everything in Haskell is both functional and lazy, you don't really get the problem of popFront being called after the call to take. - Jonathan M Davis
Nov 27 2015
parent reply Joseph Rushton Wakeling <joseph.wakeling webdrake.net> writes:
On Friday, 27 November 2015 at 12:16:34 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
 Well, if you're dealing with a pseudo-random generator with a 
 specific seed, I'm not sure that it's okay, though obviously 
 for a fully random number generator, it wouldn't matter.
I think the distinction here is artificial. If `range` is a random number generator, then `take` has no right to expect its output to be deterministic or consistent in any way. When we come to input ranges in general, that's surely a factor we need to take into account. Can the InputRange actually be relied on as a deterministic iteration, but one where we can't save our state? Or should it be treated as simply a source of data, about which one can make no assumptions regarding its consistency? I think answering that question -- and maybe distinguishing the two cases if possible -- feeds into how to address the subsequent problems you describe.
 Possibly, but because almost everything in Haskell is both 
 functional and lazy, you don't really get the problem of 
 popFront being called after the call to take.
I'm not sure that's really true. I'm reasonably sure that I can (given some source of IO) do something like (pseudo-code because my Haskell is rusty), do lazyData = something_that_lazily_reads_5_entries_from_the_IO_entity read_some_data_from_IO read_some_data_from_IO do_something_with_lazyData If the source of IO is the standard random number generator of Haskell, for example, it'll behave like the input range/popFront example.
Nov 27 2015
parent Joseph Rushton Wakeling <joseph.wakeling webdrake.net> writes:
On Friday, 27 November 2015 at 13:46:37 UTC, Joseph Rushton 
Wakeling wrote:
 I think the distinction here is artificial.  If `range` is a 
 random number generator
... should read, "If `range` is a random number generator (even a pseudo-random one)".
Nov 27 2015
prev sibling parent reply Freddy <Hexagonalstar64 gmail.com> writes:
On Thursday, 19 November 2015 at 21:30:23 UTC, Freddy wrote:
Another problem I noticed with ranges is that all functionality is unionized. Ranges are expected to be able to popFront,Index,popBack, randomly possibly forcing ranges to carry unneeded buffers if indexing or popBack in never used. On possible solution is to have .retroRange and .indexRange On forward/input ranges.
Nov 23 2015
parent reply Steven Schveighoffer <schveiguy yahoo.com> writes:
On 11/23/15 7:10 PM, Freddy wrote:
 On Thursday, 19 November 2015 at 21:30:23 UTC, Freddy wrote:
Another problem I noticed with ranges is that all functionality is unionized. Ranges are expected to be able to popFront,Index,popBack, randomly possibly forcing ranges to carry unneeded buffers if indexing or popBack in never used.
surely you mean opIndex? Note that ranges are required to implement front, popFront, and empty. That's it, then it is a range. Even save isn't required unless you want it to be a forward range. But yes, a fundamental requirement is to be able to get the front element repeatedly. This necessitates a buffer or "saving of state". -Steve
Nov 23 2015
next sibling parent Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisProg gmx.com> writes:
On Tuesday, 24 November 2015 at 01:03:36 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:
 But yes, a fundamental requirement is to be able to get the 
 front element repeatedly. This necessitates a buffer or "saving 
 of state".
Either that or the same operation/calculation is done every time you call front, and it results in the same value (e.g. the result of map calls its predicate every time that you cal front on it). In any case, regardless of how it's done, front needs to always return the same value until popFront is called, and how that's done can vary. - Jonathan M Davis
Nov 23 2015
prev sibling parent reply Freddy <Hexagonalstar64 gmail.com> writes:
On Tuesday, 24 November 2015 at 01:03:36 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:
 surely you mean opIndex? Note that ranges are required to 
 implement front, popFront, and empty. That's it, then it is a 
 range. Even save isn't required unless you want it to be a 
 forward range.
I meant .indexableRange, random access may require extra buffers or stack space that take space even when random access isn't used, and I'm asking for optional members(.retroRange, .indexableRange)
 But yes, a fundamental requirement is to be able to get the 
 front element repeatedly. This necessitates a buffer or "saving 
 of state".
Not quite what I was thinking. I was saying that ranges that implement back,popBack may need to implement a backwards buffer along a forward buffer even if the backwards buffer is never used.
Nov 23 2015
parent reply Steven Schveighoffer <schveiguy yahoo.com> writes:
On 11/23/15 8:38 PM, Freddy wrote:

 Not quite what I was thinking. I was saying that ranges that implement
 back,popBack may need to implement a backwards buffer along a forward
 buffer even if the backwards buffer is never used.
Maybe you are saying that if you want to implement indexing, you must also implement back and popBack? Note that if you don't implement something, it just doesn't get qualified as that type of range, so it's definitely possible to have indexing, but not back and popBack (although if range[$-1] is possible, then wouldn't that easily qualify as back?). So I don't really understand still. I think your issue may be better described with an example. -Steve
Nov 23 2015
parent Freddy <Hexagonalstar64 gmail.com> writes:
On Tuesday, 24 November 2015 at 01:53:39 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:
I can't quite think of an example right now but there was a thread about this a few years ago. http://forum.dlang.org/thread/twnymbxfdmqupsfjfjul forum.dlang.org
Nov 24 2015