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digitalmars.D - opAssign in mixins

Can anybody tell me if the following should work?

template TProp(T)
	T _value;

	T opAssign(T v)
		_value = v;
		return v;

class Test
	mixin TProp!(int) intProp;
	mixin TProp!(char[]) stringProp;

void main()
	auto test = new Test;
	test.intProp = 1;
	test.stringProp = "A value";	

The compiler outputs:
test.d(12): function test.Test.TProp!(int).opAssign conflicts with
test.Test.TProp!(char[]).opAssign at test.d(12)
test.d(12): function test.main.TProp!(int).opAssign conflicts with
test.main.TProp!(char[]).opAssign at test.d(12)

It is semantically equivalent to the working code which creates no

template TProp(T)
	T _value;

	T set(T v)
		_value = v;
		return v;

class Test
	mixin TProp!(int) intProp;
	mixin TProp!(char[]) stringProp;

void main()
	auto test = new Test;
	test.stringProp.set("A value");	
Dec 16 2006