digitalmars.D - 'naked' keyword
- Duane Bailey (14/14) Jan 01 2009 I am currently porting LDC to PowerPC and, hopefully, eventually the PO...
- bearophile (15/26) Jan 02 2009 I agree. putting "naked" as function attribute seems more correct.
- Duane Bailey (4/5) Jan 02 2009 The problem is, the 'naked' keyword remove the prologue and epilogue, wh...
- Don (28/50) Jan 02 2009 review the problems that the D language presents LLVM.
- Duane Bailey (2/8) Jan 02 2009 Hmm, that makes sense.
- Tomas Lindquist Olsen (75/75) Jan 06 2009 Content-Disposition: inline
- Don (9/128) Jan 07 2009 I don't understand those last two sentences. Does it mean that you'd
- Tomas Lindquist Olsen (81/81) Jan 07 2009 Content-Disposition: inline
- Sean Kelly (2/2) Jan 07 2009 Um... perhaps next time don't base64 encode the message.
- Denis Koroskin (2/4) Jan 07 2009 I have no problem reading his message. It's just PHP News Reader (pnews)...
- Don (3/126) Jan 07 2009 Yes. And that's awesome! It means my existing Bigint naked asm code in
I am currently porting LDC to PowerPC and, hopefully, eventually the POWER and CELL platforms as well. The first bit requires me to port the inline assembler, allowing me to review the problems that the D language presents LLVM. LLVM is not a toy virtual machine. It is, perhaps, the most flexible and powerful compiler toolset ever, spanning massive numbers of computing platforms. It even supports (in a limited manner) the PIC16 platform, require insane constraints: there are no registers, memory can only be accessed in one byte amounts, and some processors only have 35 instructions. LLVM, however, is not able to do everything. For some reason, its current API does not allow the restriction of prologue and epilogue generation; to allow so would not make sense: the language itself depends on the maintenance of the stack. The only way to establish a 'naked' function in *c* is to 'omit' the frame pointer—technically not allowed in most OS's ABIs—and then explicitly avoid using all variables (and hence the stack), OR to use top level assembly to write the assembly yourself. Now, neither of those options are really what D should use, but I have some other recommendations based on this. 'naked' functions should not be allowed to have any D, except to reference arguments passed to it. In other words, it should not touch the stack. in fact, there's really no reason at all to have the 'naked' statement in the inline assembly. It's not a property of the assembly, it's a property of the *function*. And because D code should not be used (except perhaps for macros?), 'naked' functions should intrinsically be assembly functions. So, I recommend the following: + Remove the naked keyword as an assembly 'instruction'. + Instate it as a function property, similarly to 'extern (C)'. So you might see the following declaration: extern naked void flushIDT() { mov EAX, [ESP+4] lidt [EAX] ret } Though, if the assembly is implicit, it might be better to rename the keyword 'asm' or something like that to make it clearer. Anyway, these changes will, in my humble opinion, make the language cleaner and my life easier because I can simply declare this function by myself. Cheers! -Duane
Jan 01 2009
Duane Bailey:+ Remove the naked keyword as an assembly 'instruction'. + Instate it as a function property, similarly to 'extern (C)'. So you might see the following declaration: extern naked void flushIDT() { mov EAX, [ESP+4] lidt [EAX] ret }I agree. putting "naked" as function attribute seems more correct. As they say: "Wisdom begins by calling things by their right names." Putting back the asm{} is a compromise syntax, useful to remove a special case from one of the stages of the compiler: naked void flushIDT() { asm { mov EAX, [ESP+4] lidt [EAX] ret } }except to reference arguments passed to it. In other words, it should not touch the stack.< And because D code should not be used (except perhaps for macros?),<I don't fully understand what you say. From my very limited experiments with naked functions I think I may enjoy to add some I/O into naked functions: to be able to define new variables before the asm and to copy registers into some variable before the final return. What I am asking here may make useless the "naked" attribute, in such case please ignore what I have said here. Bye, bearophile
Jan 02 2009
bearophile Wrote:From my very limited experiments with naked functions I think I may enjoy to add some I/O into naked functions: to be able to define new variables before the asm and to copy registers into some variable before the final return. What I am asking here may make useless the "naked" attribute, in such case please ignore what I have said here.The problem is, the 'naked' keyword remove the prologue and epilogue, which set up the stack frame, i.e. allocates space for variables. So any D code used in a naked function must A) either not use any stack space, a tricky proposition, or B) wait until a bit of assembly does the prologue itself. Cheers! -Duane
Jan 02 2009
Duane Bailey wrote:I am currently porting LDC to PowerPC and, hopefully, eventually the POWER and CELL platforms as well. The first bit requires me to port the inline assembler, allowing me toreview the problems that the D language presents LLVM. Cool!!!!LLVM is not a toy virtual machine. It is, perhaps, the most flexible and powerful compiler toolset ever, spanning massive numbers of computing platforms. It even supports (in a limited manner) the PIC16 platform, require insane constraints: there are no registers, memory can only be accessed in one byte amounts, and some processors only have 35 instructions.That's pretty impressive. I'm currently using a PIC, but it's so memory-limited it's hard to believe D ever being workable on it.LLVM, however, is not able to do everything. For some reason, its current API does not allow the restriction of prologue and epilogue generation; to allow so would not make sense: the language itself depends on the maintenance of the stack. The only way to establish a 'naked' function in *c* is to 'omit' the frame pointer—technically not allowed in most OS's ABIs—and then explicitly avoid using all variables (and hence the stack), OR to use top level assembly to write the assembly yourself. Now, neither of those options are really what D should use, but I have some other recommendations based on this. 'naked' functions should not be allowed to have any D, except to reference arguments passed to it. In other words, it should not touch the stack. in fact, there's really no reason at all to have the 'naked' statement in the inline assembly. It's not a property of the assembly, it's a property of the *function*. And because D code should not be used (except perhaps for macros?), 'naked' functions should intrinsically be assembly functions.I agree with this. Mixing run-time D and naked asm doesn't make any sense. But, something which I've done which is _very_ useful is to mixin CTFE functions. You get something like: void foo() { asm { naked; } mixin(someasm("EBX")); // becomes asm {mov EAX, EBX; } asm { ret; } } char [] someasm(char [] c) { return "asm { mov EAX," ~ c ~"; }"; } I see this as crucial functionality since it gives you an unbelievably powerful macro language in the assembler. So, I recommend the following:+ Remove the naked keyword as an assembly 'instruction'. + Instate it as a function property, similarly to 'extern (C)'. So you might see the following declaration: extern naked void flushIDT() { mov EAX, [ESP+4] lidt [EAX] ret }It doesn't need to part of the function signature, though, does it?Though, if the assembly is implicit, it might be better to rename the keyword 'asm' or something like that to make it clearer. Anyway, these changes will, in my humble opinion, make the language cleaner and my life easier because I can simply declare this function by myself.Because of what I wrote above, I think this removes too much functionality. I think it would be quite reasonable, though, to make non-asm code generation illegal inside a naked function. BTW this probably includes contracts (at present, contracts don't work for naked functions even in DMD). Would that restriction be enough?Cheers! -Duane
Jan 02 2009
Don Wrote:Because of what I wrote above, I think this removes too much functionality. I think it would be quite reasonable, though, to make non-asm code generation illegal inside a naked function. BTW this probably includes contracts (at present, contracts don't work for naked functions even in DMD). Would that restriction be enough?Hmm, that makes sense.
Jan 02 2009
Content-Disposition: inline T24gRnJpLCBKYW4gMiwgMjAwOSBhdCA5OjIxIEFNLCBEb24gPG5vc3BhbUBub3NwYW0uY29tPiB3 cm90ZToKCj4gRHVhbmUgQmFpbGV5IHdyb3RlOgo+Cj4+IEkgYW0gY3VycmVudGx5IHBvcnRpbmcg TERDICB0byBQb3dlclBDIGFuZCwgaG9wZWZ1bGx5LCBldmVudHVhbGx5IHRoZQo+PiBQT1dFUiBh bmQgQ0VMTCBwbGF0Zm9ybXMgYXMgd2VsbC4gVGhlIGZpcnN0IGJpdCByZXF1aXJlcyBtZSB0byBw b3J0IHRoZQo+PiBpbmxpbmUgYXNzZW1ibGVyLCBhbGxvd2luZyBtZSB0bwo+Pgo+IHJldmlldyB0 aGUgcHJvYmxlbXMgdGhhdCB0aGUgRCBsYW5ndWFnZSBwcmVzZW50cyBMTFZNLgo+IENvb2whISEh Cj4KPgo+PiBMTFZNIGlzIG5vdCBhIHRveSB2aXJ0dWFsIG1hY2hpbmUuIEl0IGlzLCBwZXJoYXBz LCB0aGUgbW9zdCBmbGV4aWJsZSBhbmQKPj4gcG93ZXJmdWwgY29tcGlsZXIgdG9vbHNldCBldmVy LCBzcGFubmluZyBtYXNzaXZlIG51bWJlcnMgb2YgY29tcHV0aW5nCj4+IHBsYXRmb3Jtcy4gSXQg ZXZlbiBzdXBwb3J0cyAoaW4gYSBsaW1pdGVkIG1hbm5lcikgdGhlIFBJQzE2IHBsYXRmb3JtLAo+ PiByZXF1aXJlIGluc2FuZSBjb25zdHJhaW50czogdGhlcmUgYXJlIG5vIHJlZ2lzdGVycywgbWVt b3J5IGNhbiBvbmx5IGJlCj4+IGFjY2Vzc2VkIGluIG9uZSBieXRlIGFtb3VudHMsIGFuZCBzb21l 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Jan 06 2009
Tomas Lindquist Olsen wrote:On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 9:21 AM, Don <nospam <mailto:nospam>> wrote: Duane Bailey wrote: I am currently porting LDC to PowerPC and, hopefully, eventually the POWER and CELL platforms as well. The first bit requires me to port the inline assembler, allowing me to review the problems that the D language presents LLVM. Cool!!!! LLVM is not a toy virtual machine. It is, perhaps, the most flexible and powerful compiler toolset ever, spanning massive numbers of computing platforms. It even supports (in a limited manner) the PIC16 platform, require insane constraints: there are no registers, memory can only be accessed in one byte amounts, and some processors only have 35 instructions. That's pretty impressive. I'm currently using a PIC, but it's so memory-limited it's hard to believe D ever being workable on it. LLVM, however, is not able to do everything. For some reason, its current API does not allow the restriction of prologue and epilogue generation; to allow so would not make sense: the language itself depends on the maintenance of the stack. The only way to establish a 'naked' function in *c* is to 'omit' the frame pointer—technically not allowed in most OS's ABIs—and then explicitly avoid using all variables (and hence the stack), OR to use top level assembly to write the assembly yourself. Now, neither of those options are really what D should use, but I have some other recommendations based on this. 'naked' functions should not be allowed to have any D, except to reference arguments passed to it. In other words, it should not touch the stack. in fact, there's really no reason at all to have the 'naked' statement in the inline assembly. It's not a property of the assembly, it's a property of the *function*. And because D code should not be used (except perhaps for macros?), 'naked' functions should intrinsically be assembly functions. I agree with this. Mixing run-time D and naked asm doesn't make any sense. But, something which I've done which is _very_ useful is to mixin CTFE functions. You get something like: void foo() { asm { naked; } mixin(someasm("EBX")); // becomes asm {mov EAX, EBX; } asm { ret; } } char [] someasm(char [] c) { return "asm { mov EAX," ~ c ~"; }"; } I see this as crucial functionality since it gives you an unbelievably powerful macro language in the assembler. it should be no problem to merge asm blocks in a function, the only problem is mixing normal dcode in there as well. I've decided to make this an error in LDC since there is no sensible way to implement D-style function parameters *and* make sure the function really is naked. function parameters in llvm are ssa values, so you manually have to alloca a stack slot and copy the argument into that to make sure the parameter is an l-valueI don't understand those last two sentences. Does it mean that you'd only allow 'naked' on extern(C) functions? Or only that mixing D and naked asm would be illegal? By the way, in DMD, mixing naked and D code only works if you put a "push EBP; mov EBP, ESP;" before the first bit of D code, which isn't documented anywhere as far as I know; and I don't know how to make inner functions work. So it's pretty much unspecified behaviour right now. , I could probably come up withsome more reasons, but I think this is sufficient reason to simply drop that (ill-defined) feature. *NOTE: naked is not yet 100% implemented in ldc So, I recommend the following: + Remove the naked keyword as an assembly 'instruction'. + Instate it as a function property, similarly to 'extern (C)'. So you might see the following declaration: extern naked void flushIDT() { mov EAX, [ESP+4] lidt [EAX] ret } It doesn't need to part of the function signature, though, does it? Though, if the assembly is implicit, it might be better to rename the keyword 'asm' or something like that to make it clearer. Anyway, these changes will, in my humble opinion, make the language cleaner and my life easier because I can simply declare this function by myself. Because of what I wrote above, I think this removes too much functionality. I think it would be quite reasonable, though, to make non-asm code generation illegal inside a naked function. BTW this probably includes contracts (at present, contracts don't work for naked functions even in DMD). Would that restriction be enough? Cheers! -Duane
Jan 07 2009
Content-Disposition: inline T24gV2VkLCBKYW4gNywgMjAwOSBhdCAxMjo0MSBQTSwgRG9uIDxub3NwYW1Abm9zcGFtLmNvbT4g d3JvdGU6Cgo+IFRvbWFzIExpbmRxdWlzdCBPbHNlbiB3cm90ZToKPgo+PiBPbiBGcmksIEphbiAy LCAyMDA5IGF0IDk6MjEgQU0sIERvbiA8bm9zcGFtQG5vc3BhbS5jb20gPG1haWx0bzoKPj4gbm9z cGFtQG5vc3BhbS5jb20+PiB3cm90ZToKPj4KPj4gICAgRHVhbmUgQmFpbGV5IHdyb3RlOgo+Pgo+ PiAgICAgICAgSSBhbSBjdXJyZW50bHkgcG9ydGluZyBMREMgIHRvIFBvd2VyUEMgYW5kLCBob3Bl ZnVsbHksCj4+ICAgICAgICBldmVudHVhbGx5IHRoZSBQT1dFUiBhbmQgQ0VMTCBwbGF0Zm9ybXMg YXMgd2VsbC4gVGhlIGZpcnN0IGJpdAo+PiAgICAgICAgcmVxdWlyZXMgbWUgdG8gcG9ydCB0aGUg aW5saW5lIGFzc2VtYmxlciwgYWxsb3dpbmcgbWUgdG8KPj4KPj4gICAgcmV2aWV3IHRoZSBwcm9i bGVtcyB0aGF0IHRoZSBEIGxhbmd1YWdlIHByZXNlbnRzIExMVk0uCj4+ICAgIENvb2whISEhCj4+ Cj4+Cj4+Cj4+ICAgICAgICBMTFZNIGlzIG5vdCBhIHRveSB2aXJ0dWFsIG1hY2hpbmUuIEl0IGlz LCBwZXJoYXBzLCB0aGUgbW9zdAo+PiAgICAgICAgZmxleGlibGUgYW5kIHBvd2VyZnVsIGNvbXBp bGVyIHRvb2xzZXQgZXZlciwgc3Bhbm5pbmcgbWFzc2l2ZQo+PiAgICAgICAgbnVtYmVycyBvZiBj 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aWRlciB0YWtpbmcgdGhlIGFkZHJlc3Mgb2YgYSBwYXJhbWV0ZXIgdGhhdCBpcyBwYXNzZWQgYnkg dmFsdWUgaW4gRUFYLAp0aGlzIHdpbGwgYWxsb2NhdGUgYSBzdGFjayBzbG90Li4uCgpIb3BlIEkg d2FzIGEgYml0IG1vcmUgY2xlYXIgdGhpcyB0aW1lIDopCg==
Jan 07 2009
Um... perhaps next time don't base64 encode the message. Sean
Jan 07 2009
On Wed, 07 Jan 2009 21:48:33 +0300, Sean Kelly <sean> wrote:Um... perhaps next time don't base64 encode the message. SeanI have no problem reading his message. It's just PHP News Reader (pnews) is buggy.
Jan 07 2009
Tomas Lindquist Olsen wrote:On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 12:41 PM, Don <nospam <mailto:nospam>> wrote: Tomas Lindquist Olsen wrote: On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 9:21 AM, Don <nospam <mailto:nospam> <mailto:nospam <mailto:nospam>>> wrote: Duane Bailey wrote: I am currently porting LDC to PowerPC and, hopefully, eventually the POWER and CELL platforms as well. The first bit requires me to port the inline assembler, allowing me to review the problems that the D language presents LLVM. Cool!!!! LLVM is not a toy virtual machine. It is, perhaps, the most flexible and powerful compiler toolset ever, spanning massive numbers of computing platforms. It even supports (in a limited manner) the PIC16 platform, require insane constraints: there are no registers, memory can only be accessed in one byte amounts, and some processors only have 35 instructions. That's pretty impressive. I'm currently using a PIC, but it's so memory-limited it's hard to believe D ever being workable on it. LLVM, however, is not able to do everything. For some reason, its current API does not allow the restriction of prologue and epilogue generation; to allow so would not make sense: the language itself depends on the maintenance of the stack. The only way to establish a 'naked' function in *c* is to 'omit' the frame pointer—technically not allowed in most OS's ABIs—and then explicitly avoid using all variables (and hence the stack), OR to use top level assembly to write the assembly yourself. Now, neither of those options are really what D should use, but I have some other recommendations based on this. 'naked' functions should not be allowed to have any D, except to reference arguments passed to it. In other words, it should not touch the stack. in fact, there's really no reason at all to have the 'naked' statement in the inline assembly. It's not a property of the assembly, it's a property of the *function*. And because D code should not be used (except perhaps for macros?), 'naked' functions should intrinsically be assembly functions. I agree with this. Mixing run-time D and naked asm doesn't make any sense. But, something which I've done which is _very_ useful is to mixin CTFE functions. You get something like: void foo() { asm { naked; } mixin(someasm("EBX")); // becomes asm {mov EAX, EBX; } asm { ret; } } char [] someasm(char [] c) { return "asm { mov EAX," ~ c ~"; }"; } I see this as crucial functionality since it gives you an unbelievably powerful macro language in the assembler. it should be no problem to merge asm blocks in a function, the only problem is mixing normal dcode in there as well. I've decided to make this an error in LDC since there is no sensible way to implement D-style function parameters *and* make sure the function really is naked. function parameters in llvm are ssa values, so you manually have to alloca a stack slot and copy the argument into that to make sure the parameter is an l-value I don't understand those last two sentences. Does it mean that you'd only allow 'naked' on extern(C) functions? Or only that mixing D and naked asm would be illegal? Sorry, I can see I was a bit unclear. All I meant was that I can't sensibly implement naked and allow arbitrary D code in the mix as well, it's either or... naked should eventually work fine for any calling conventions, it'll just bail out with an error if you try and mix D in between the asm blocks. By the way, in DMD, mixing naked and D code only works if you put a "push EBP; mov EBP, ESP;" before the first bit of D code, which isn't documented anywhere as far as I know; and I don't know how to make inner functions work. So it's pretty much unspecified behaviour right now. nested delegates inside naked functions pose some problems, since they will modify the stack frame as well (like allowing full access to function parameters, like taking the address of one, which was what I was trying to talk about in my reply) Consider taking the address of a parameter that is passed by value in EAX, this will allocate a stack slot... Hope I was a bit more clear this time :)Yes. And that's awesome! It means my existing Bigint naked asm code in Tango should work on LDC without modification.
Jan 07 2009