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digitalmars.D - multiple-item traversal ranges


I take the opportunity of opSlice() now seemingly working (see // thread) to 
talk about one of the last annoying points for everyday use of ranges for 
traversal: the absence of "key-ed traversal", or more generally "multi-item 
traversal", as in:
     foreach (k,v ; myTable) {...}
After some thought on the topic, I would push for a solution where collection 
types which should provide such multi-item traversal methods, would define a 
specific struct, eg:

struct Map (K,V) {
     struct Pair { K key ; V value; }
     struct Range {
          property Pair front () {
             assert (! this.empty);
             Return Pair(...);
     Range opSlice () {
         return Range(this);

The advantages of this solution are:
1. It only uses struct: a builtin, simple & efficient feature.
2. It works *now*, as is; it is just a standard to promote.
3. It trivially allows multiple ranges for the same collection type.
4. It is easy to use & understand on the caller side:

     foreach (pair ; map) {
	doSomethingWith(pair.key, pair.value);

     foreach (record ; table) {
	doSomethingWith(record.name, record.phone, record.mail);

vita es estrany
Mar 30 2011