digitalmars.D.learn - vibe.d mongodb connections
- Benjamin Thaut (23/23) Jan 02 2015 I'm currently trying around with vibe.d and I'm confused about the
I'm currently trying around with vibe.d and I'm confused about the MongoDB example: import vibe.d; MongoClient client; void test() { auto coll = client.getCollection("test.collection"); foreach (doc; coll.find(["name": "Peter"])) logInfo("Found entry: %s", doc.toJson()); } shared static this() { client = connectMongoDB(""); } "client" is TLS but is initialized within a shared module consturctor, meaning that only the main thread will have a initialized db-connection. says: "Thus, the MongoClient instance can - and should - be shared among all fibers in a thread by storing in in a thread local variable." So wouldn't it make more sense that the MongoDB example initializes the "client" variable in a "static this()" instead of a "shared static this()" ? Kind Regards Benjamin Thaut
Jan 02 2015