digitalmars.D.learn - std.parallelism example throws exception
- Jay Norwood (31/31) Aug 07 2015 I tried to create a working example from the std.parallelism
- Jay Norwood (8/8) Aug 07 2015 This appears to work ... at least, no exception:
- Jay Norwood (7/7) Aug 07 2015 This also works.
- Jay Norwood (13/13) Aug 07 2015 and, finally, this works using the, as in the
- Jay Norwood (46/46) Aug 07 2015 Unfortunately, this is not a very good example for
I tried to create a working example from the std.parallelism code, and it throws with empty strings with length 1 being passed to to!double. Anyone have a working example? I'm building on Windows with 2.067.1 dmd. import std.parallelism; import std.algorithm; import std.stdio; import std.conv; import std.math; import std.range; import std.file; void main() { auto fn = "numberList.txt"; auto f = File(fn,"w"); scope(exit) std.file.remove(fn); foreach (i ; iota(10.0,2_000.0)){ f.writefln("%g",i+0.5); } f.close(); auto lineRange = File(fn).byLine(); auto dupedLines =!"a.idup"(lineRange); auto nums =!(to!double)(dupedLines); auto logs =!log10(nums); double sum = 0; foreach(elem; logs) { sum += elem; } writeln("sum=",sum); }
Aug 07 2015
This appears to work ... at least, no exception: auto sm = File(fn).byLine( .map!"a.chomp"() .map!"a.idup"() .map!(to!double) .map!"a.log10"() .sum(); writeln("sum=",sm);
Aug 07 2015
This also works. auto sm = File(fn).byLineCopy() .map!"a.chomp"() .map!(to!double) .map!"a.log10"() .sum(); writeln("sum=",sm);
Aug 07 2015
and, finally, this works using the, as in the std.parallelism example. So, the trick appears to be that the call to chomp is needed. auto lineRange = File(fn).byLineCopy(); auto chomped =!"a.chomp"(lineRange); auto nums =!(to!double)(chomped); auto logs =!log10(nums); double sum = 0; foreach(elem; logs) { sum += elem; } writeln("sum=",sum);
Aug 07 2015
Unfortunately, this is not a very good example for std.parallelism, since the measured times are better using the calls. I know from past experience that std.parallelism routines can work well when the work is spread out correctly, so this example could be improved. This is parallel D:\visd\map\map\Release>map sum=1.17335e+07 time msecs:1242 Non-parallel D:\visd\map\map\Release>map sum=1.17335e+07 time msecs:970 I think this example import std.parallelism; import std.algorithm; import std.stdio; import std.conv; import std.math; import std.range; import std.file; import std.datetime; void main() { auto fn = "numberList.txt"; auto f = File(fn,"w"); scope(exit) std.file.remove(fn); foreach (i ; iota(10.0,2_000_000.0)){ f.writefln("%g",i+0.5); } f.close(); std.datetime.StopWatch sw; sw.start(); auto lineRange = File(fn).byLineCopy(); auto chomped =!"a.chomp"(lineRange); auto nums =!(to!double)(chomped); auto logs =!log10(nums); double sum = 0; foreach(elem; logs) { sum += elem; } long tm = sw.peek().msecs; writeln("sum=",sum); writeln("time msecs:", tm); }
Aug 07 2015