digitalmars.D.learn - static functions?
- p0xel (12/12) May 20 2012 I pretty sure I'm an idiot.
- p0xel (3/3) May 20 2012 This seems to work when the class is in the same file as main(),
- jerro (7/10) May 20 2012 When you write "import foo;" and then, the compiler
- Mike Parker (8/17) May 20 2012 Or even better, name your module foo.d, and name your class Foo. Then...
I pretty sure I'm an idiot. [code] class foo { public static int bar() { return 0; } } [/code] How do I call bar() without creating an instance of foo? results in "Error: undefined identifier 'bar'" I'm having a really hard time finding anything related to D in general.
May 20 2012
This seems to work when the class is in the same file as main(), but if I move it to it's own file and use "import foo" it errors. What am I missing?
May 20 2012
On Sunday, 20 May 2012 at 21:19:14 UTC, p0xel wrote:This seems to work when the class is in the same file as main(), but if I move it to it's own file and use "import foo" it errors. What am I missing?When you write "import foo;" and then, the compiler thinks that you a referring to a global function bar in module foo. To call static function bar of class foo in module foo write Or you could write "import foo : foo;" to import just the class foo from module foo and not the entire module.
May 20 2012
On 5/21/2012 6:32 AM, jerro wrote:On Sunday, 20 May 2012 at 21:19:14 UTC, p0xel wrote:Or even better, name your module foo.d, and name your class Foo. Then... import foo; void main() {; } That's also the general convention.This seems to work when the class is in the same file as main(), but if I move it to it's own file and use "import foo" it errors. What am I missing?When you write "import foo;" and then, the compiler thinks that you a referring to a global function bar in module foo. To call static function bar of class foo in module foo write Or you could write "import foo : foo;" to import just the class foo from module foo and not the entire module.
May 20 2012