digitalmars.D.learn - static array is no range?
- Sebastiaan Koppe (22/22) Sep 05 2015 ```
- cym13 (18/40) Sep 05 2015 You can do instead:
- Sebastiaan Koppe (32/46) Sep 05 2015 While I like speed, 95% of my applications can be 4x as slow, and
``` import std.algorithm; char[1024] buffer; buffer.find("LOCATION: "); // get error about how all the different versions of find don't match ``` ``` import std.algorithm; char[1024] buffer; buffer[0..$].find("LOCATION: "); // works as expected ``` Before trying the slice I manually pragma(msg) all the template constraints to see why it was failing. Apparently a static array is not a ForwardRange. Now, there is probably a good reason for that, that is not what I want to discuss. The point is that it is rather hard to find out what went wrong. What I would like the compiler to emit is this: `Error: buffer is not a ForwardRange`. But I know that wouldn't be so easy. At least the compiler shouldn't show me candidates with non-matching arguments length (e.g. `std.algorithm.searching.find(alias pred, InputRange)(InputRange haystack) if (isInputRange!InputRange)`)
Sep 05 2015
On Saturday, 5 September 2015 at 11:12:17 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe wrote:``` import std.algorithm; char[1024] buffer; buffer.find("LOCATION: "); // get error about how all the different versions of find don't match ``` ``` import std.algorithm; char[1024] buffer; buffer[0..$].find("LOCATION: "); // works as expected ```You can do instead: buffer[].find("LOCATION: ");Before trying the slice I manually pragma(msg) all the template constraints to see why it was failing. Apparently a static array is not a ForwardRange. Now, there is probably a good reason for that, that is not what I want to discuss. The point is that it is rather hard to find out what went wrong. What I would like the compiler to emit is this: `Error: buffer is not a ForwardRange`. But I know that wouldn't be so easy. At least the compiler shouldn't show me candidates with non-matching arguments length (e.g. `std.algorithm.searching.find(alias pred, InputRange)(InputRange haystack) if (isInputRange!InputRange)`)Yes, static arrays aren't ranges. The main reason is that static arrays are value type (ie: you copy them arround when passing them to functions which usually has a huge cost) where ranges are reference type (no copy, lighter, not always better as it makes optimisation more complicated). The standard library is designed arround ranges to make sure that you are not copying 1024-bytes long structures arround by accident: you'd have to do that explicitely. As a consequence, you must generally slice arrays when passing them to phobos functions (not always true but a good rule of thumb). That said, if you want to benefit from array-specific optimisations such as loop-unrolling you are generally better of using a good old foreach and implementing the logic yourself. Yes, it is sad, I agree.
Sep 05 2015
On Sunday, 6 September 2015 at 00:25:10 UTC, cym13 wrote:Yes, static arrays aren't ranges. The main reason is that static arrays are value type (ie: you copy them arround when passing them to functions which usually has a huge cost) where ranges are reference type (no copy, lighter, not always better as it makes optimisation more complicated). The standard library is designed arround ranges to make sure that you are not copying 1024-bytes long structures arround by accident: you'd have to do that explicitely. As a consequence, you must generally slice arrays when passing them to phobos functions (not always true but a good rule of thumb).That actually makes a lot of sense.That said, if you want to benefit from array-specific optimisations such as loop-unrolling you are generally better of using a good old foreach and implementing the logic yourself. Yes, it is sad, I agree.While I like speed, 95% of my applications can be 4x as slow, and no-one would give a damn. Plus, I have only limited time so I try to be efficient by writing as little code as possible (while still getting work done.) What I was trying to say is that endorsed idiomatic D code (UFCS combined with function overloading+constraints), produces terrible error messages. Which means every newcomer sees that awful stuff and decides to implement said algorithm himself. That is not productivity. This is arguably the poorest and most neglected aspect of D. Without messing up internals the best I can think of is this: ``` auto forwardRange(alias R)() { import std.traits; import std.range; static if(!isForwardRange!(typeof(R))) static assert(0,"Nonono... "~__traits(identifier,R)~" not a ForwardRange"); return R; } unittest { char[1024] buffer; import std.algorithm; forwardRange!buffer.find("LOCATION: "); } ``` Which is ugly as hell, and probably even worse than the current state.
Sep 05 2015