digitalmars.D.learn - small template and mixin frustration...
- WhatMeWorry (61/61) Jun 06 2015 // First attempt
- sigod (11/21) Jun 06 2015 Why are you trying to use `mixin` while you can just call
- WhatMeWorry (20/20) Jun 06 2015 The solution was so trivial that I'm sorry I even posted. Here's
- sigod (2/8) Jun 06 2015
// First attempt string myDebug(string someSymbol) { string doubleQuotes = "\" = \", "; string s = "writeln(__traits(identifier, " ~ someSymbol ~ ")," ~ doubleQuotes ~ someSymbol ~ ");" ; return s; } // 2nd attempt - more generic - compile time errors at point of call. string myDebug2(T)(T someSymbol) { string doubleQuotes = "\" = \", "; string s = "writeln(__traits(identifier, " ~ to!string(someSymbol) ~ ")," ~ doubleQuotes ~ to!string(someSymbol) ~ ");" ; return s; } // I thought just straight text replacement like here, but this fails at // compile in the code block itself (this is not a function, right?) template myDebug3(alias someSymbol) { string doubleQuotes = "\" = \", "; writeln(__traits(identifier, " ~ someSymbol ~ ")," ~ doubleQuotes ~ someSymbol ~ ");" ; } Trying to create the following statement programatically: writeln(__traits(identifier, someSymbol), " = ", someSymbol); GLfloat[6] staticVerts = [0.0, 1.0,-1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0]; int i = 7; mixin (myDebug("staticVerts")); // This one works with output following mixin (myDebug("i")); // This one works with output following staticVerts = [0, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1] i = 7 So I thought it would be cool to get rid of the requirement for the arguments to be strings. That would make it simpler and also I could verify the arguments themselves. What amazed me about D, was that I thought a typo like mixin (myDebug("taticVert")) would result in a run-time error. but the compiler actually catches it! However, with that said, I've spent so many hours beating my head against the wall that it has now become a matter of pride. So, mixin (myDebug2(staticVerts)); // Fails with the following... mixin (myDebug2(i)); // Fails with the following... MeGlWindow.d(72): Error: variable staticVerts cannot be read at compile time MeGlWindow.d(72): called from here: myDebug2(staticVerts) MeGlWindow.d(72): Error: argument to mixin must be a string, not (myDebug2(staticVerts)) of type string MeGlWindow.d(73): Error: variable i cannot be read at compile time MeGlWindow.d(73): called from here: myDebug2(i) MeGlWindow.d(73): Error: argument to mixin must be a string, not (myDebug2(i)) of type string Is what I'm trying to do possible? Any suggestions or tips? Thanks.
Jun 06 2015
On Saturday, 6 June 2015 at 19:42:41 UTC, WhatMeWorry wrote:Trying to create the following statement programatically: writeln(__traits(identifier, someSymbol), " = ", someSymbol); GLfloat[6] staticVerts = [0.0, 1.0,-1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0]; int i = 7; mixin (myDebug("staticVerts")); // This one works with output following mixin (myDebug("i")); // This one works with output following staticVerts = [0, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1] i = 7Why are you trying to use `mixin` while you can just call function? E.g. ``` GLfloat[6] staticVerts = [0.0, 1.0,-1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0]; int i = 7; log(staticVerts); log(i); ``` (`log` is just an example.)
Jun 06 2015
The solution was so trivial that I'm sorry I even posted. Here's what worked for me: void myDebug(alias symbol)() { string equalSign = " = "; writeln(symbol.stringof ~ equalSign, symbol); } The calls: myDebug!i(); myDebug!staticVerts; myDebug!boat; myDebug!str; Produced: i = 7 staticVerts = [0, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1] boat = 3.333 str = Hey, this works Thanks again to Ali's wonderful book. Or more specifically, section 78.3.4 alias template parameters, p. 517. How does .stringof, differ from __traits(identifier... ?
Jun 06 2015
On Saturday, 6 June 2015 at 21:52:32 UTC, WhatMeWorry wrote:How does .stringof, differ from __traits(identifier... ? Using `.stringof` for code generation is not recommended, as the internal representation of a type or expression can change between different compiler versions. Instead you should prefer to use the `identifier` trait, or one of the Phobos helper functions such as `fullyQualifiedName`.
Jun 06 2015