digitalmars.D.learn - reading from file
- Namal (10/10) Dec 13 2016 Hello, comming from C++, I find it hard to remember and
- bluecat (24/34) Dec 13 2016 import std.stdio;
- rikki cattermole (16/25) Dec 13 2016 import std.stdio : File;
- Namal (2/2) Dec 13 2016 Sorry if I wasn't clear. The array should be two demensional and
- Namal (2/4) Dec 13 2016 Also, it should be saved as an integer.
- =?UTF-8?Q?Ali_=c3=87ehreli?= (14/18) Dec 13 2016 Here is another one:
- Ali (11/15) Dec 13 2016 And extending Ali's solution you can actually get the data in to
- KaattuPoochi (6/16) Dec 15 2016 1. For any non-trivial matrices (with 500 lines) runs DMD 2.072.1
- =?UTF-8?Q?Ali_=c3=87ehreli?= (19/37) Dec 15 2016 If appropriate, you can filter out all empty lines. Added .map!strip and...
- Stefan Koch (4/23) Dec 16 2016 Most likely you are using a 64bit ldc, and a 32bit dmd.
- =?UTF-8?Q?Ali_=c3=87ehreli?= (28/46) Dec 16 2016 Just to note, there are 501 arrays generated at compile. You can reduce
- KaattuPoochi (2/8) Dec 30 2016 Thanks Ali, this is neat!!
Hello, comming from C++, I find it hard to remember and understand how reading from file should be done in D. Especially since I am not very good in functional programming. So I have a file which looks like this: 1,2,3,4 5,6,7,8 9,11,11,12 and so on How could I read it row by row and create an array accordingly without reading the comma?
Dec 13 2016
On Tuesday, 13 December 2016 at 15:42:16 UTC, Namal wrote:Hello, comming from C++, I find it hard to remember and understand how reading from file should be done in D. Especially since I am not very good in functional programming. So I have a file which looks like this: 1,2,3,4 5,6,7,8 9,11,11,12 and so on How could I read it row by row and create an array accordingly without reading the comma?import std.stdio; import std.string: strip; import std.algorithm: splitter, each; import std.array: array; void main() { //prepare variables File file = File("new.txt", "r"); string[] arr; //read file while(!file.eof) { file .readln .strip .splitter(",") .array .each!(n => arr ~= n); } arr.writeln; } //here is my attempt. copy, paste, run the program to see if it is what you want. //feel free to ask any questions about my code, it isn't perfect but it works.
Dec 13 2016
On 14/12/2016 4:42 AM, Namal wrote:Hello, comming from C++, I find it hard to remember and understand how reading from file should be done in D. Especially since I am not very good in functional programming. So I have a file which looks like this: 1,2,3,4 5,6,7,8 9,11,11,12 and so on How could I read it row by row and create an array accordingly without reading the comma?import std.stdio : File; import std.algorithm : splitter, count; import std.conv : to; foreach(line; File("myfile.csv", "r").byLine) { int[] linetemp; linetemp.length = line.count(",") + 1; size_t i; foreach(num; line.splitter(",")) { linetemp[i] = to!int(num); i++; } // ... = linetemp.dup; } This could be done a lot simpler especially with std.csv help for your case. But this should work with only one allocation per line.
Dec 13 2016
Sorry if I wasn't clear. The array should be two demensional and each line in text line should be a row in that 2x2 array.
Dec 13 2016
On Tuesday, 13 December 2016 at 16:57:40 UTC, Namal wrote:Sorry if I wasn't clear. The array should be two demensional and each line in text line should be a row in that 2x2 array.Also, it should be saved as an integer.
Dec 13 2016
On 12/13/2016 08:59 AM, Namal wrote:On Tuesday, 13 December 2016 at 16:57:40 UTC, Namal wrote:Here is another one: import std.stdio; import std.algorithm; import std.array; import std.conv; void main() { auto a = File("deneme.txt") .byLine .map!(line => line.splitter(',').map!(to!int).array) .array; writeln(a); } AliSorry if I wasn't clear. The array should be two demensional and each line in text line should be a row in that 2x2 array.Also, it should be saved as an integer.
Dec 13 2016
On Tuesday, 13 December 2016 at 16:59:17 UTC, Namal wrote:On Tuesday, 13 December 2016 at 16:57:40 UTC, Namal wrote:And extending Ali's solution you can actually get the data in to a two dimentional array at compile time and have it in static memory with a small adjustment: static immutable matrix = import("data.txt") .split("\n") .map!(a => a.split(",").map!(to!int).array) .array; void main() { writeln(matrix); }Sorry if I wasn't clear. The array should be two demensional and each line in text line should be a row in that 2x2 array.Also, it should be saved as an integer.
Dec 13 2016
On Tuesday, 13 December 2016 at 21:13:26 UTC, Ali wrote:And extending Ali's solution you can actually get the data in to a two dimentional array at compile time and have it in static memory with a small adjustment: static immutable matrix = import("data.txt") .split("\n") .map!(a => a.split(",").map!(to!int).array) .array; void main() { writeln(matrix); }1. For any non-trivial matrices (with 500 lines) runs DMD 2.072.1 out of memory (2GB). Not sure if this is a known bug. Works fine with LDC 1.0.0. 2. The EOL on the last line results in an empty row in the end. Is there a way to overcome this?
Dec 15 2016
On 12/15/2016 10:47 PM, KaattuPoochi wrote:On Tuesday, 13 December 2016 at 21:13:26 UTC, Ali wrote:Compile time features are awesome but currenty very inefficient. :)And extending Ali's solution you can actually get the data in to a two dimentional array at compile time and have it in static memory with a small adjustment: static immutable matrix = import("data.txt") .split("\n") .map!(a => a.split(",").map!(to!int).array) .array; void main() { writeln(matrix); }1. For any non-trivial matrices (with 500 lines) runs DMD 2.072.1 out of memory (2GB). Not sure if this is a known bug. Works fine with LDC The EOL on the last line results in an empty row in the end. Is there a way to overcome this?If appropriate, you can filter out all empty lines. Added .map!strip and .filter: import std.stdio; import std.algorithm; import std.array; import std.conv; import std.string; void main() { auto a = File("deneme.txt") .byLine .map!strip .filter!(line => !line.empty) .map!(line => line.splitter(',').map!(to!int).array) .array; writeln(a); } Ali
Dec 15 2016
On Friday, 16 December 2016 at 06:47:15 UTC, KaattuPoochi wrote:On Tuesday, 13 December 2016 at 21:13:26 UTC, Ali wrote:Most likely you are using a 64bit ldc, and a 32bit dmd. Since I am pretty sure the ldc guys have no CTFE patches. I am working on fixing that problem.And extending Ali's solution you can actually get the data in to a two dimentional array at compile time and have it in static memory with a small adjustment: static immutable matrix = import("data.txt") .split("\n") .map!(a => a.split(",").map!(to!int).array) .array; void main() { writeln(matrix); }1. For any non-trivial matrices (with 500 lines) runs DMD 2.072.1 out of memory (2GB). Not sure if this is a known bug. Works fine with LDC 1.0.0. 2. The EOL on the last line results in an empty row in the end. Is there a way to overcome this?
Dec 16 2016
On 12/15/2016 10:47 PM, KaattuPoochi wrote:On Tuesday, 13 December 2016 at 21:13:26 UTC, Ali wrote:Just to note, there are 501 arrays generated at compile. You can reduce that number to 1 if you know the width and the height of the matrix. The following solution reads everything into a single array and then uses it as an int[N][]: import std.algorithm; import std.conv; import std.array; import std.stdio; static immutable buffer = import("deneme.txt") .splitter .map!(a => a.splitter(',').map!(to!int)) .joiner .array; // Assume these are known or are calculated at compile time: enum width = 4; enum height = 3; immutable int[width][] matrix; shared static this() { matrix = (cast(immutable(int[width])*)buffer.ptr)[0..height]; // Make sure we did not copy into matrix assert(cast(void*)matrix.ptr == cast(void*)buffer.ptr); } void main() { writeln(matrix); }And extending Ali's solution you can actually get the data in to a two dimentional array at compile time and have it in static memory with a small adjustment: static immutable matrix = import("data.txt") .split("\n") .map!(a => a.split(",").map!(to!int).array) .array; void main() { writeln(matrix); }1. For any non-trivial matrices (with 500 lines) runs DMD 2.072.1 out of memory (2GB). Not sure if this is a known bug. Works fine with LDC The EOL on the last line results in an empty row in the end. Is there a way to overcome this?As an added bonus, the solution above does not suffer from empty lines. Ali
Dec 16 2016
On Friday, 16 December 2016 at 08:03:22 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:shared static this() { matrix = (cast(immutable(int[width])*)buffer.ptr)[0..height]; // Make sure we did not copy into matrix assert(cast(void*)matrix.ptr == cast(void*)buffer.ptr); }Thanks Ali, this is neat!!
Dec 30 2016