digitalmars.D.learn - oauth, Twitter, and
- Taylor Gronka (34/34) Jun 15 2015 Hello,
- Adam D. Ruppe (17/23) Jun 15 2015 I haven't actually used the twitter search api for like a year
- Adam D. Ruppe (15/15) Jun 15 2015 Here's a working example using to search:
- wobbles (39/73) Jun 15 2015 You can use vibe.d to send requests rather than going the
- Taylor Gronka (1/1) Jun 15 2015 You two are phenomenal! Thanks!
- wobbles (11/12) Jun 15 2015 Oh, replaceMap is a custom funciton I wrote too...
Hello, I've picked up a web design project, and I would love to use vibe.d/dlang. I need to use oauth to search on a number of web api's, such as searching for Twitter tweets. I tried using Adam's oauth (Thanks!). However, it doesn't appear support the validation needed for searching Twitter. Now I'm looking at, and this is my thought: is HTTP.addRequestHeader(key, val) able to set the oauth authentication headers? It would look a bit odd, but if something like this works, then it wouldn't be difficult to code for each set of headers specifically: auto client = HTTP(""); // not sure if https should be set here or somewhere else string bearerUrl = ""; client.addRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic eHZ6MWV2RlM0d0VFUFRHRUZQSEJvZzpMOHFxOVBaeVJnNmllS0dFS2hab2xHQzB2SldMdzhpRUo4OERSZHlPZw"); client.postData("grant_type=client_credentials"); client.perform(); (The above example is based on Step 2 of this page) Of course, the oauth headers look a bit different, but I imagine it being something like this: client.addRequestHeader("Authorization", "OAuth2 token: \"string\", tokensecret: \"string\", appkey, \"string\" ..."); \\ not sure if that's how to escape quotes in dlang Can I get some guidance on this? I would really like to use dlang, but I can't afford to be stuck on this for too long. I'd be happy to try and write a modification of Adam's code, but I lack experience, so it's a slow process for me. I'd also be happy to write up little tutorials/blogposts about how I accomplish various tasks. Thanks,
Jun 15 2015
On Monday, 15 June 2015 at 14:41:32 UTC, Taylor Gronka wrote:I tried using Adam's oauth (Thanks!). However, it doesn't appear support the validation needed for searching Twitter. haven't actually used the twitter search api for like a year now... but looking at the docs, it doesn't look like it has changed much, you should still be able to get to it by modifying the tweet function in my lib. Though, my thing only really supports the user model (I wrote it because we needed to send tweets on behalf of various users) rather than the application authorization. But, application auth is the easier of the two!client.addRequestHeader("Authorization", "OAuth2 token: \"string\", tokensecret: \"string\", appkey, \"string\" ..."); \\ not sure if that's how to escape quotes in dlangThat looks basically right to me, without actually running it, it should do what you need for the search. One thing you could do btw is to get the bearer token manually, then copy/paste it right into your code and use it like a password. Then the code can skip the Authorization: Basic step and only worry about the Bearer part. Give me a sec, I'll write up an example using just the using this strategy.
Jun 15 2015
Here's a working example using to search: I show how you can get a token from the command line and code that I think will also work from in the top comment. Once you get that token, paste it in here, pulling it out of the json. Then you can run the code below. It is pretty simple to use the oauth2 things: you just set that authorization header: client.addRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " ~ bearer_token); And be sure to use https in the url, and the rest is just a basic http request and read. OAuth 1, needed to tweet for other users, is a lot more complicated and that's where you want to look back at the library if you need to do that. (My tweet() function in there is the one to use.)
Jun 15 2015
On Monday, 15 June 2015 at 14:41:32 UTC, Taylor Gronka wrote:Hello, I've picked up a web design project, and I would love to use vibe.d/dlang. I need to use oauth to search on a number of web api's, such as searching for Twitter tweets. I tried using Adam's oauth (Thanks!). However, it doesn't appear support the validation needed for searching Twitter. Now I'm looking at, and this is my thought: is HTTP.addRequestHeader(key, val) able to set the oauth authentication headers? It would look a bit odd, but if something like this works, then it wouldn't be difficult to code for each set of headers specifically: auto client = HTTP(""); // not sure if https should be set here or somewhere else string bearerUrl = ""; client.addRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic eHZ6MWV2RlM0d0VFUFRHRUZQSEJvZzpMOHFxOVBaeVJnNmllS0dFS2hab2xHQzB2SldMdzhpRUo4OERSZHlPZw"); client.postData("grant_type=client_credentials"); client.perform(); (The above example is based on Step 2 of this page) Of course, the oauth headers look a bit different, but I imagine it being something like this: client.addRequestHeader("Authorization", "OAuth2 token: \"string\", tokensecret: \"string\", appkey, \"string\" ..."); \\ not sure if that's how to escape quotes in dlang Can I get some guidance on this? I would really like to use dlang, but I can't afford to be stuck on this for too long. I'd be happy to try and write a modification of Adam's code, but I lack experience, so it's a slow process for me. I'd also be happy to write up little tutorials/blogposts about how I accomplish various tasks. Thanks,You can use vibe.d to send requests rather than going the lowlevel curl library. Check out the requestHTTP method [1] From code I've written in the past, your setup looks correct. This is some vibe.d code I've used to get a refresh token from Youtube (I know it's different from twitter, but the idea is the same) YoutubeToken is a local struct that contains the access_token we need to perform searches/post videos etc in any subsequent requests. /** * Returns a new YoutubeToken */ public YoutubeToken getRefreshToken(){ string url = ""; string postBody = "client_id=$CLIENT_ID$&client_secret=$CLIENT_SECRET$&refresh_token=$REFRESH_TOKEN$&grant_type=$GRANT_TYPE$" .replaceMap( [ "$CLIENT_ID$" : credentials.clientID, "$CLIENT_SECRET$" : credentials.clientSecret, "$REFRESH_TOKEN$" : credentials.refreshToken, "$GRANT_TYPE$" : "refresh_token" ] ); logInfo("Getting new refresh token with URL: %s and postBody: %s", url, postBody); auto response = requestHTTP(url, (scope req){ req.method = HTTPMethod.POST; req.contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; req.writeBody(cast(ubyte[])postBody); }).bodyReader.readAllUTF8().parseJsonString; return YoutubeToken(response["access_token"].get!string, response["expires_in"].get!long, response["token_type"].get!string ); } [1]
Jun 15 2015
On Monday, 15 June 2015 at 15:23:43 UTC, Taylor Gronka wrote:You two are phenomenal! Thanks!Oh, replaceMap is a custom funciton I wrote too... Eases replacing multiple values in a string with 1 function call. I wont pretend that it's fast as it allocates a lot of memory :) public string replaceMap(string str, string[string] keys){ import std.array; foreach(key, val; keys){ str = str.replace(key, val); } return str; }
Jun 15 2015