digitalmars.D.learn - mysql-native + vibe.d example
- crimaniak (41/41) Jun 29 2017 Hi!
- Martin Tschierschke (8/17) Jun 30 2017 Sorry, can not help, but would be very interested to learn how to
- tetyys (3/6) Jun 30 2017 seems like it's already fixed
- crimaniak (2/9) Jun 30 2017 Yes, this is relevant fix. Thanks!
Hi! Moving my project from mysql-lited to mysql-native I faced the problem with null pointer error inside of mysql-native: Log: SELECT id FROM versionupdate ORDER BY id Task terminated with unhandled exception: etc.linux.memoryerror.NullPointerError src/etc/linux/memoryerror.d(325) ---------------- ??:? void etc.linux.memoryerror.sigsegvUserspaceProcess(void*) [0x102ebad] ??:? void etc.linux.memoryerror.sigsegvDataHandler() [0x102eaee] ../../.dub/packages/mysql-native-1.1.0/mysql-native/source/mysql/result.d:466 const(pure nothrow property bool function()) mysql.result.ResultRange.isValid [0xdf1626] ../../.dub/packages/mysql-native-1.1.0/mysql-native/source/mysql/result.d:536 void mysql.result.ResultRange.close() [0xdf1cb8] ../../.dub/packages/mysql-native-1.1.0/mysql-native/source/mysql/result.d:460 void mysql.result.ResultRange.__dtor() [0xdf15cc] ../../.dub/packages/mysql-native-1.1.0/mysql-native/source/mysql/result.d:430 ref return mysql.result.ResultRange mysql.result.ResultRange.opAssign(mysql.result.ResultRange) [0xdf1dba] source/vcm/sqlWrapper.d:63 mysql.result.ResultRange vcm.sqlWrapper.SqlWrapper.query!().query(immutable(char)[]) [0xdd57e3] source/updater/manager.d:92 void updater.manager.UpdateManager.update() [0xd74886] source/app.d:81 void app.prepareDb().__lambda1() [0xcfe740] ../../.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.7.31/vibe-d/source/vibe/core/core.d:595 void vibe.core.core.makeTaskFuncInfo!(void delegate()).makeTaskFuncInfo(ref void delegate()).callDelegate(vibe.core.core.TaskFuncInfo*) [0xc5b703] ../../.dub/packages/vibe-d-0.7.31/vibe-d/source/vibe/core/core.d:1224 void [0xf6a916] ??:? void [0x107f17b] ??:? fiber_entryPoint [0x107eede] ??:? [0xffffffff] Code fragment: string s = Sql(sqlString, args).toString!MysqlDialect; writeln(s);stdout.flush; // debugging... if(conn.__conn() is null) // debugging... throw new Exception("connection is null"); ResultRange result; // synchronized (mutex) result = conn.query(s); // <-- sqlWrapper.d:63 is here It seems I am doing something wrong so myself-native fails to detect it in isValid(). So I search for example how to use mysql-native in real multi-threaded vibe.d application with usage of MySQLPool. Please do not point me to basic example provided with package because it is single thread. Thanks.
Jun 29 2017
On Friday, 30 June 2017 at 00:52:28 UTC, crimaniak wrote:Hi! Moving my project from mysql-lited to mysql-native I faced the problem with null pointer error inside of mysql-native:[...]It seems I am doing something wrong so myself-native fails to detect it in isValid(). So I search for example how to use mysql-native in real multi-threaded vibe.d application with usage of MySQLPool. Please do not point me to basic example provided with package because it is single thread. Thanks.Sorry, can not help, but would be very interested to learn how to do a real multi-threaded vibe.d with mysql So if you find a solution, please make an simplified example for vibe.d documentation! Sönke might include it into vibe.d docs.
Jun 30 2017
On Friday, 30 June 2017 at 00:52:28 UTC, crimaniak wrote:Hi! Moving my project from mysql-lited to mysql-native I faced the problem with null pointer error inside of mysql-native:seems like it's already fixed
Jun 30 2017
On Friday, 30 June 2017 at 16:18:33 UTC, tetyys wrote:On Friday, 30 June 2017 at 00:52:28 UTC, crimaniak wrote:Yes, this is relevant fix. Thanks!Hi! Moving my project from mysql-lited to mysql-native I faced the problem with null pointer error inside of mysql-native:seems like it's already fixed
Jun 30 2017