digitalmars.D.learn - my first D program (and benchmark against perl)
- perlancar (105/105) Nov 11 2015 Here's my first non-hello-world D program, which is a direct
- Edwin van Leeuwen (11/20) Nov 11 2015 Not sure if this will be faster, but you could try rewriting the
- Rikki Cattermole (77/179) Nov 11 2015 I turned it into mostly using large allocations, instead of small ones.
- Rikki Cattermole (6/209) Nov 11 2015 I didn't realize that leftJustify strips out whitespace. Just throw an
- perlancar (11/20) Nov 12 2015 Hi Rikki,
- Daniel Kozak via Digitalmars-d-learn (6/32) Nov 12 2015 V Thu, 12 Nov 2015 12:13:10 +0000
- Daniel Kozak (68/102) Nov 12 2015 import std.stdio;
- Daniel Kozak (6/12) Nov 12 2015 this is faster for DMD and ldc:
- perlancar (4/21) Nov 12 2015 Nice! Seems like I can get a further 100% improvement in speed
- Andrea Fontana (8/17) Nov 11 2015 Did you try rdmd -O -noboundscheck -release yourscript.d ?
- H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-learn (8/21) Nov 11 2015 [...]
- cym13 (46/51) Nov 11 2015 My computer seems to agree (note that I did those a bunch of time
- perlancar (5/12) Nov 12 2015 I just did. It improves speed from 17.127s to 14.831s. Nice, but
- Daniel Kozak (46/59) Nov 12 2015 Main problem is with allocations and with stripLeft, here is my
- Daniel Kozak via Digitalmars-d-learn (50/125) Nov 12 2015 V Thu, 12 Nov 2015 09:12:32 +0000
- Tobias Pankrath (4/7) Nov 12 2015 Did anyone check that the last loop isn't optimized out? Could
- Daniel Kozak via Digitalmars-d-learn (5/15) Nov 12 2015 V Thu, 12 Nov 2015 11:03:38 +0000
Here's my first non-hello-world D program, which is a direct translation from the Perl version. I was trying to get a feel about D's performance: ---BEGIN asciitable.d--- import std.string; import std.stdio; string fmttable(ref string[][] table) { string res = ""; // column widths int[] widths; if (table.length == 0) return ""; widths.length = table[0].length; for (int colnum=0; colnum < table[0].length; colnum++) { int width = 0; for (int rownum=0; rownum < table.length; rownum++) { if (table[rownum][colnum].length > width) width = cast(int) table[rownum][colnum].length; } widths[colnum] = width; } for (int rownum=0; rownum < table.length; rownum++) { res ~= "|"; for (int colnum=0; colnum < table[rownum].length; colnum++) { res ~= leftJustify(table[rownum][colnum], widths[colnum]); res ~= "|"; } res ~= "\n"; } return res; } void main() { // tiny table (1x1) /* string[][] table = [ ["row1.1"], ]; */ // small table (3x5) string[][] table = [ ["row1.1", "row1.2 ", "row1.3"], ["row2.1", "row2.2", "row2.3"], ["row3.1", "row3.2", "row3.3 "], ["row4.1", "row4.2", "row4.3"], ["row5.1", "row5.2", "row5.3"], ]; write(fmttable(table)); for (int i=0; i < 1000000; i++) { fmttable(table); } } ---END asciitable.d--- Perl version: ---BEGIN sub fmttable { my $table = shift; my $res = ""; my widths; if ( $table == 0) { return "" } my $width = 0; if (length($table->[$rownum][$colnum]) > $width) { $width = length($table->[$rownum][$colnum]); } } $widths[$colnum] = $width; } $res .= "|"; $res .= sprintf("%-".$widths[$colnum]."s|", $table->[$rownum][$colnum]); } $res .= "\n"; } $res; } #my $table = [["row1.1"]]; my $table = [ ["row1.1", "row1.2", "row1.3"], ["row2.1", "row2.2 ", "row2.3"], ["row3.1", "row3.2", "row3.3 "], ["row4.1", "row4.2", "row4.3"], ["row5.1", "row5.2", "row5.3"], ]; print fmttable($table); for (1..1_000_000) { fmttable($table); } ---END While I am quite impressed with how easy I was able to write D, I am not so impressed with the performance. Using rdmd (build 20151103), the D program runs in 17.127s while the Perl version runs in 11.391s (so the D version is quite a bit *slower* than Perl's). While using gdc (Debian 4.9.2-10), I am able to run it in 3.988s (only about 3x faster than Perl's version). I understand that string processing (concatenation, allocation) is quite optimized in Perl, I was wondering if the D version could still be sped up significantly?
Nov 11 2015
On Wednesday, 11 November 2015 at 13:32:00 UTC, perlancar wrote:for (int rownum=0; rownum < table.length; rownum++) { res ~= "|"; for (int colnum=0; colnum < table[rownum].length; colnum++) { res ~= leftJustify(table[rownum][colnum], widths[colnum]); res ~= "|"; } res ~= "\n";Not sure if this will be faster, but you could try rewriting the above for loop with more functional code (code below is untested):!((col) { return zip(col,widths) .map!( (e) => leftJustify(e[0], e[1] ) ) .join("|"); }).join("\n"); Cheers, Edwin
Nov 11 2015
On 12/11/15 2:31 AM, perlancar wrote:Here's my first non-hello-world D program, which is a direct translation from the Perl version. I was trying to get a feel about D's performance: ---BEGIN asciitable.d--- import std.string; import std.stdio; string fmttable(ref string[][] table) { string res = ""; // column widths int[] widths; if (table.length == 0) return ""; widths.length = table[0].length; for (int colnum=0; colnum < table[0].length; colnum++) { int width = 0; for (int rownum=0; rownum < table.length; rownum++) { if (table[rownum][colnum].length > width) width = cast(int) table[rownum][colnum].length; } widths[colnum] = width; } for (int rownum=0; rownum < table.length; rownum++) { res ~= "|"; for (int colnum=0; colnum < table[rownum].length; colnum++) { res ~= leftJustify(table[rownum][colnum], widths[colnum]); res ~= "|"; } res ~= "\n"; } return res; } void main() { // tiny table (1x1) /* string[][] table = [ ["row1.1"], ]; */ // small table (3x5) string[][] table = [ ["row1.1", "row1.2 ", "row1.3"], ["row2.1", "row2.2", "row2.3"], ["row3.1", "row3.2", "row3.3 "], ["row4.1", "row4.2", "row4.3"], ["row5.1", "row5.2", "row5.3"], ]; write(fmttable(table)); for (int i=0; i < 1000000; i++) { fmttable(table); } } ---END asciitable.d--- Perl version: ---BEGIN sub fmttable { my $table = shift; my $res = ""; my widths; if ( $table == 0) { return "" } my $width = 0; if (length($table->[$rownum][$colnum]) > $width) { $width = length($table->[$rownum][$colnum]); } } $widths[$colnum] = $width; } $res .= "|"; $res .= sprintf("%-".$widths[$colnum]."s|", $table->[$rownum][$colnum]); } $res .= "\n"; } $res; } #my $table = [["row1.1"]]; my $table = [ ["row1.1", "row1.2", "row1.3"], ["row2.1", "row2.2 ", "row2.3"], ["row3.1", "row3.2", "row3.3 "], ["row4.1", "row4.2", "row4.3"], ["row5.1", "row5.2", "row5.3"], ]; print fmttable($table); for (1..1_000_000) { fmttable($table); } ---END While I am quite impressed with how easy I was able to write D, I am not so impressed with the performance. Using rdmd (build 20151103), the D program runs in 17.127s while the Perl version runs in 11.391s (so the D version is quite a bit *slower* than Perl's). While using gdc (Debian 4.9.2-10), I am able to run it in 3.988s (only about 3x faster than Perl's version). I understand that string processing (concatenation, allocation) is quite optimized in Perl, I was wondering if the D version could still be sped up significantly?I turned it into mostly using large allocations, instead of small ones. Although I'd recommend using Appender instead of my custom functions for this. Oh and for me, I got it at 2 secs, 513 ms, 397 μs, and 5 hnsecs. Unoptimized, using dmd. When release mode is enabled on dmd: 1 sec, 550 ms, 838 μs, and 9 hnsecs. So significant improvement even with dmds awful optimizer. import std.string; import std.stdio; static string SPACES = " "; string fmttable(string[][] table) { char[] res; // column widths int[] widths; size_t totalSize; if (table.length == 0) return ""; widths.length = table[0].length; foreach(colnum; 0 .. table[0].length) { int width = 0; size_t count; foreach(rownum; 0 .. table.length) { if (table[rownum][colnum].length > width) width = cast(int) table[rownum][colnum].length; count += table[rownum].length; } totalSize += ((width + 1) * count) + 2; widths[colnum] = width; } char[] buffer = new char[](totalSize); void assignText(string toAdd) { if (res.length < buffer.length - toAdd.length) { } else { buffer.length += toAdd.length; } res = buffer[0 .. res.length + toAdd.length]; res[$-toAdd.length .. $] = toAdd[]; } foreach(rownum; 0 .. table.length) { assignText("|"); foreach(colnum; 0 .. table[rownum].length) { assignText(SPACES[0 .. widths[colnum] - table[rownum][colnum].length]); assignText(table[rownum][colnum]); assignText("|"); } assignText("\n"); } return cast(string)res; } void main() { // tiny table (1x1) /* string[][] table = [ ["row1.1"], ]; */ // small table (3x5) string[][] table = [ ["row1.1", "row1.2 ", "row1.3"], ["row2.1", "row2.2", "row2.3"], ["row3.1", "row3.2", "row3.3 "], ["row4.1", "row4.2", "row4.3"], ["row5.1", "row5.2", "row5.3"], ]; import std.datetime : StopWatch, TickDuration, Duration; StopWatch sw; TickDuration start = sw.peek(); sw.start(); write(fmttable(table)); for (int i=0; i < 1000000; i++) { fmttable(table); } sw.stop(); writeln(cast(Duration)(sw.peek() - start)); }
Nov 11 2015
On 12/11/15 3:20 AM, Rikki Cattermole wrote:On 12/11/15 2:31 AM, perlancar wrote:I didn't realize that leftJustify strips out whitespace. Just throw an assignment in the first foreach rownum loop. That strips out hint std.string : strip. Although I would be interested in seeing the performance of this in e.g. ldc and gdc.Here's my first non-hello-world D program, which is a direct translation from the Perl version. I was trying to get a feel about D's performance: ---BEGIN asciitable.d--- import std.string; import std.stdio; string fmttable(ref string[][] table) { string res = ""; // column widths int[] widths; if (table.length == 0) return ""; widths.length = table[0].length; for (int colnum=0; colnum < table[0].length; colnum++) { int width = 0; for (int rownum=0; rownum < table.length; rownum++) { if (table[rownum][colnum].length > width) width = cast(int) table[rownum][colnum].length; } widths[colnum] = width; } for (int rownum=0; rownum < table.length; rownum++) { res ~= "|"; for (int colnum=0; colnum < table[rownum].length; colnum++) { res ~= leftJustify(table[rownum][colnum], widths[colnum]); res ~= "|"; } res ~= "\n"; } return res; } void main() { // tiny table (1x1) /* string[][] table = [ ["row1.1"], ]; */ // small table (3x5) string[][] table = [ ["row1.1", "row1.2 ", "row1.3"], ["row2.1", "row2.2", "row2.3"], ["row3.1", "row3.2", "row3.3 "], ["row4.1", "row4.2", "row4.3"], ["row5.1", "row5.2", "row5.3"], ]; write(fmttable(table)); for (int i=0; i < 1000000; i++) { fmttable(table); } } ---END asciitable.d--- Perl version: ---BEGIN sub fmttable { my $table = shift; my $res = ""; my widths; if ( $table == 0) { return "" } my $width = 0; if (length($table->[$rownum][$colnum]) > $width) { $width = length($table->[$rownum][$colnum]); } } $widths[$colnum] = $width; } $res .= "|"; $res .= sprintf("%-".$widths[$colnum]."s|", $table->[$rownum][$colnum]); } $res .= "\n"; } $res; } #my $table = [["row1.1"]]; my $table = [ ["row1.1", "row1.2", "row1.3"], ["row2.1", "row2.2 ", "row2.3"], ["row3.1", "row3.2", "row3.3 "], ["row4.1", "row4.2", "row4.3"], ["row5.1", "row5.2", "row5.3"], ]; print fmttable($table); for (1..1_000_000) { fmttable($table); } ---END While I am quite impressed with how easy I was able to write D, I am not so impressed with the performance. Using rdmd (build 20151103), the D program runs in 17.127s while the Perl version runs in 11.391s (so the D version is quite a bit *slower* than Perl's). While using gdc (Debian 4.9.2-10), I am able to run it in 3.988s (only about 3x faster than Perl's version). I understand that string processing (concatenation, allocation) is quite optimized in Perl, I was wondering if the D version could still be sped up significantly?I turned it into mostly using large allocations, instead of small ones. Although I'd recommend using Appender instead of my custom functions for this. Oh and for me, I got it at 2 secs, 513 ms, 397 μs, and 5 hnsecs. Unoptimized, using dmd. When release mode is enabled on dmd: 1 sec, 550 ms, 838 μs, and 9 hnsecs. So significant improvement even with dmds awful optimizer. import std.string; import std.stdio; static string SPACES = " "; string fmttable(string[][] table) { char[] res; // column widths int[] widths; size_t totalSize; if (table.length == 0) return ""; widths.length = table[0].length; foreach(colnum; 0 .. table[0].length) { int width = 0; size_t count; foreach(rownum; 0 .. table.length) { if (table[rownum][colnum].length > width) width = cast(int) table[rownum][colnum].length; count += table[rownum].length; } totalSize += ((width + 1) * count) + 2; widths[colnum] = width; } char[] buffer = new char[](totalSize); void assignText(string toAdd) { if (res.length < buffer.length - toAdd.length) { } else { buffer.length += toAdd.length; } res = buffer[0 .. res.length + toAdd.length]; res[$-toAdd.length .. $] = toAdd[]; } foreach(rownum; 0 .. table.length) { assignText("|"); foreach(colnum; 0 .. table[rownum].length) { assignText(SPACES[0 .. widths[colnum] - table[rownum][colnum].length]); assignText(table[rownum][colnum]); assignText("|"); } assignText("\n"); } return cast(string)res; } void main() { // tiny table (1x1) /* string[][] table = [ ["row1.1"], ]; */ // small table (3x5) string[][] table = [ ["row1.1", "row1.2 ", "row1.3"], ["row2.1", "row2.2", "row2.3"], ["row3.1", "row3.2", "row3.3 "], ["row4.1", "row4.2", "row4.3"], ["row5.1", "row5.2", "row5.3"], ]; import std.datetime : StopWatch, TickDuration, Duration; StopWatch sw; TickDuration start = sw.peek(); sw.start(); write(fmttable(table)); for (int i=0; i < 1000000; i++) { fmttable(table); } sw.stop(); writeln(cast(Duration)(sw.peek() - start)); }
Nov 11 2015
On Wednesday, 11 November 2015 at 14:20:51 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:I turned it into mostly using large allocations, instead of small ones. Although I'd recommend using Appender instead of my custom functions for this. Oh and for me, I got it at 2 secs, 513 ms, 397 μs, and 5 hnsecs. Unoptimized, using dmd. When release mode is enabled on dmd: 1 sec, 550 ms, 838 μs, and 9 hnsecs. So significant improvement even with dmds awful optimizer.Hi Rikki, Thanks. With your version, I've managed to be ~4x faster: dmd : 0m1.588s dmd (release): 0m1.010s gdc : 0m2.093s ldc : 0m1.594s Perl version : 0m11.391s So, I'm satisfied enough with the speed for now. Turns out dmd is not always slower.
Nov 12 2015
V Thu, 12 Nov 2015 12:13:10 +0000 perlancar via Digitalmars-d-learn <digitalmars-d-learn> napsáno:On Wednesday, 11 November 2015 at 14:20:51 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:It depends which flags do you use on ldc and gdc ldc (-singleobj -release -O3 -boundscheck=off) gdc (-O3 -finline -frelease -fno-bounds-check)I turned it into mostly using large allocations, instead of small ones. Although I'd recommend using Appender instead of my custom functions for this. Oh and for me, I got it at 2 secs, 513 ms, 397 μs, and 5 hnsecs. Unoptimized, using dmd. When release mode is enabled on dmd: 1 sec, 550 ms, 838 μs, and 9 hnsecs. So significant improvement even with dmds awful optimizer.Hi Rikki, Thanks. With your version, I've managed to be ~4x faster: dmd : 0m1.588s dmd (release): 0m1.010s gdc : 0m2.093s ldc : 0m1.594s Perl version : 0m11.391s So, I'm satisfied enough with the speed for now. Turns out dmd is not always slower.
Nov 12 2015
On Thursday, 12 November 2015 at 12:25:08 UTC, Daniel Kozak wrote:V Thu, 12 Nov 2015 12:13:10 +0000 perlancar via Digitalmars-d-learn <digitalmars-d-learn> napsáno:import std.stdio; auto fmttable(string[][] table) { import std.array : appender, uninitializedArray; import std.range : take, repeat; import std.exception : assumeUnique; if (table.length == 0) return ""; // column widths auto widths = new int[](table[0].length); size_t total = (table[0].length + 1) * table.length + table.length; foreach (rownum, row; table) { foreach (colnum, cell; row) { if (cell.length > widths[colnum]) widths[colnum] = cast(int)cell.length; } } foreach (colWidth; widths) { total += colWidth * table.length; } auto res = appender(uninitializedArray!(char[])(total)); res.clear(); foreach (row; table) { res ~= "|"; foreach (colnum, cell; row) { int l = widths[colnum] - cast(int)cell.length; res ~= cell; if (l) res ~= ' '.repeat().take(l); res ~= "|"; } res.put("\n"); } return; } void main() { auto table = [ ["row1.1", "row1.2 ", "row1.3"], ["row2.1", "row2.2", "row2.3"], ["row3.1", "row3.2", "row3.3 "], ["row4.1", "row4.2", "row4.3"], ["row5.1", "row5.2", "row5.3"], ]; writeln(fmttable(table)); for (int i=0; i < 1000000; ++i) { fmttable(table); } } dmd -O -release -inline -boundscheck=off asciitable.d real 0m1.463s user 0m1.453s sys 0m0.003s ldc2 -singleobj -release -O3 -boundscheck=off asciitable.d real 0m0.945s user 0m0.940s sys 0m0.000s gdc -O3 -finline -frelease -fno-bounds-check -o asciitable asciitable.d real 0m0.618s user 0m0.613s sys 0m0.000s perl: real 0m14.198s user 0m14.170s sys 0m0.000sOn Wednesday, 11 November 2015 at 14:20:51 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:It depends which flags do you use on ldc and gdc ldc (-singleobj -release -O3 -boundscheck=off) gdc (-O3 -finline -frelease -fno-bounds-check)I turned it into mostly using large allocations, instead of small ones. Although I'd recommend using Appender instead of my custom functions for this. Oh and for me, I got it at 2 secs, 513 ms, 397 μs, and 5 hnsecs. Unoptimized, using dmd. When release mode is enabled on dmd: 1 sec, 550 ms, 838 μs, and 9 hnsecs. So significant improvement even with dmds awful optimizer.Hi Rikki, Thanks. With your version, I've managed to be ~4x faster: dmd : 0m1.588s dmd (release): 0m1.010s gdc : 0m2.093s ldc : 0m1.594s Perl version : 0m11.391s So, I'm satisfied enough with the speed for now. Turns out dmd is not always slower.
Nov 12 2015
On Thursday, 12 November 2015 at 12:49:55 UTC, Daniel Kozak wrote:On Thursday, 12 November 2015 at 12:25:08 UTC, Daniel Kozak wrote: ... auto res = appender(uninitializedArray!(char[])(total)); res.clear(); ...this is faster for DMD and ldc: auto res = appender!(string)(); res.reserve(total); but for gdc(fronend version 2.066) it makes it two times slower (same for dmd, ldc 2.066 and older)
Nov 12 2015
On Thursday, 12 November 2015 at 12:49:55 UTC, Daniel Kozak wrote:dmd -O -release -inline -boundscheck=off asciitable.d real 0m1.463s user 0m1.453s sys 0m0.003s ldc2 -singleobj -release -O3 -boundscheck=off asciitable.d real 0m0.945s user 0m0.940s sys 0m0.000s gdc -O3 -finline -frelease -fno-bounds-check -o asciitable asciitable.d real 0m0.618s user 0m0.613s sys 0m0.000s perl: real 0m14.198s user 0m14.170s sys 0m0.000sNice! Seems like I can get a further 100% improvement in speed from the last version (so a total of ~8x speedup from my original D version). Now I wonder how C would fare...
Nov 12 2015
On Wednesday, 11 November 2015 at 13:32:00 UTC, perlancar wrote:While I am quite impressed with how easy I was able to write D, I am not so impressed with the performance. Using rdmd (build 20151103), the D program runs in 17.127s while the Perl version runs in 11.391s (so the D version is quite a bit *slower* than Perl's). While using gdc (Debian 4.9.2-10), I am able to run it in 3.988s (only about 3x faster than Perl's version). I understand that string processing (concatenation, allocation) is quite optimized in Perl, I was wondering if the D version could still be sped up significantly?Did you try rdmd -O -noboundscheck -release yourscript.d ? You should try using appender!string rather than concatenate improve performace. You should also switch from for to foreach. Andrea
Nov 11 2015
On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 02:26:28PM +0000, Andrea Fontana via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:On Wednesday, 11 November 2015 at 13:32:00 UTC, perlancar wrote:[...] If performance is a problem, my first reaction would be to try GDC or LDC. While there have been recent improvements in DMD code generation quality, it still has a ways to go to catch with GDC/LDC's optimizer. T -- Старый друг лучше новых двух.While I am quite impressed with how easy I was able to write D, I am not so impressed with the performance. Using rdmd (build 20151103), the D program runs in 17.127s while the Perl version runs in 11.391s (so the D version is quite a bit *slower* than Perl's). While using gdc (Debian 4.9.2-10), I am able to run it in 3.988s (only about 3x faster than Perl's version). I understand that string processing (concatenation, allocation) is quite optimized in Perl, I was wondering if the D version could still be sped up significantly?Did you try rdmd -O -noboundscheck -release yourscript.d ?
Nov 11 2015
On Wednesday, 11 November 2015 at 16:02:07 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:If performance is a problem, my first reaction would be to try GDC or LDC. While there have been recent improvements in DMD code generation quality, it still has a ways to go to catch with GDC/LDC's optimizer. TMy computer seems to agree (note that I did those a bunch of time with intermediate rounds to heat the cache, these numbers are only to give a rough idea): $time rdmd --compiler=ldc test.d |row1.1|row1.2 |row1.3 | |row2.1|row2.2 |row2.3 | |row3.1|row3.2 |row3.3 | |row4.1|row4.2 |row4.3 | |row5.1|row5.2 |row5.3 | rdmd --compiler=ldc test.d 6.07s user 0.10s system 99% cpu 6.177 total $time rdmd --compiler=dmd test.d |row1.1|row1.2 |row1.3 | |row2.1|row2.2 |row2.3 | |row3.1|row3.2 |row3.3 | |row4.1|row4.2 |row4.3 | |row5.1|row5.2 |row5.3 | rdmd --compiler=dmd test.d 21.21s user 0.09s system 97% cpu 21.919 total $time ./ |row1.1|row1.2 |row1.3 | |row2.1|row2.2 |row2.3 | |row3.1|row3.2 |row3.3 | |row4.1|row4.2 |row4.3 | |row5.1|row5.2 |row5.3 | ./ 13.71s user 0.00s system 99% cpu 13.715 total With optimization on it is better but still not enough for dmd: $time rdmd --compiler=ldc -inline -release -O test.d |row1.1|row1.2 |row1.3 | |row2.1|row2.2 |row2.3 | |row3.1|row3.2 |row3.3 | |row4.1|row4.2 |row4.3 | |row5.1|row5.2 |row5.3 | rdmd --compiler=ldc -inline -release -O test.d 4.99s user 0.09s system 98% cpu 5.170 total $time rdmd --compiler=dmd -inline -release -O test.d |row1.1|row1.2 |row1.3 | |row2.1|row2.2 |row2.3 | |row3.1|row3.2 |row3.3 | |row4.1|row4.2 |row4.3 | |row5.1|row5.2 |row5.3 | rdmd --compiler=dmd -inline -release -O test.d 12.67s user 0.06s system 99% cpu 12.736 total
Nov 11 2015
On Wednesday, 11 November 2015 at 14:26:32 UTC, Andrea Fontana wrote:Did you try rdmd -O -noboundscheck -release yourscript.d ?I just did. It improves speed from 17.127s to 14.831s. Nice, but nowhere near gdc/ldc level.You should try using appender!string rather than concatenate capacity improve performace.You should also switch from for to foreach.Thanks for the above 2 tips.
Nov 12 2015
On Wednesday, 11 November 2015 at 13:32:00 UTC, perlancar wrote:Here's my first non-hello-world D program, which is a direct translation from the Perl version. I was trying to get a feel about D's performance: ... While I am quite impressed with how easy I was able to write D, I am not so impressed with the performance. Using rdmd (build 20151103), the D program runs in 17.127s while the Perl version runs in 11.391s (so the D version is quite a bit *slower* than Perl's). While using gdc (Debian 4.9.2-10), I am able to run it in 3.988s (only about 3x faster than Perl's version). I understand that string processing (concatenation, allocation) is quite optimized in Perl, I was wondering if the D version could still be sped up significantly?Main problem is with allocations and with stripLeft, here is my version which is 10x faster than perls even with DMD. With LDC is 12x faster import std.stdio; import std.array : appender; import std.range; auto fmttable(T)(T table) { auto res = appender!(string)(); res.reserve(64); if (table.length == 0) return ""; // column widths auto widths = new int[](table[0].length); foreach (rownum, row; table) { foreach (colnum, cell; row) { if (cell.length > widths[colnum]) widths[colnum] = cast(int)cell.length; } } foreach (row; table) { res.put("|"); foreach (colnum, cell; row) { int l = widths[colnum] - cast(int)cell.length; res.put(cell); if (l) res.put(' '.repeat().take(l)); res.put("|"); } res.put("\n"); } return; } void main() { auto table = [ ["row1.1", "row1.2 ", "row1.3"], ["row2.1", "row2.2", "row2.3"], ["row3.1", "row3.2", "row3.3 "], ["row4.1", "row4.2", "row4.3"], ["row5.1", "row5.2", "row5.3"], ]; write(fmttable(table)); for (int i=0; i < 1000000; ++i) { fmttable(table); } }
Nov 12 2015
V Thu, 12 Nov 2015 09:12:32 +0000 Daniel Kozak via Digitalmars-d-learn <digitalmars-d-learn> napsáno:On Wednesday, 11 November 2015 at 13:32:00 UTC, perlancar wrote:or with ~ operator: import std.stdio; auto fmttable(string[][] table) { import std.array : appender, uninitializedArray; import std.range : take, repeat; import std.exception : assumeUnique; auto res = appender(uninitializedArray!(char[])(128)); res.clear(); if (table.length == 0) return ""; // column widths auto widths = new int[](table[0].length); foreach (rownum, row; table) { foreach (colnum, cell; row) { if (cell.length > widths[colnum]) widths[colnum] = cast(int)cell.length; } } foreach (row; table) { res ~= "|"; foreach (colnum, cell; row) { int l = widths[colnum] - cast(int)cell.length; res ~= cell; if (l) res ~= ' '.repeat().take(l); res ~= "|"; } res.put("\n"); } return; } void main() { auto table = [ ["row1.1", "row1.2 ", "row1.3"], ["row2.1", "row2.2", "row2.3"], ["row3.1", "row3.2", "row3.3 "], ["row4.1", "row4.2", "row4.3"], ["row5.1", "row5.2", "row5.3"], ]; write(fmttable(table)); for (int i=0; i < 1000000; ++i) { fmttable(table); } }Here's my first non-hello-world D program, which is a direct translation from the Perl version. I was trying to get a feel about D's performance: ... While I am quite impressed with how easy I was able to write D, I am not so impressed with the performance. Using rdmd (build 20151103), the D program runs in 17.127s while the Perl version runs in 11.391s (so the D version is quite a bit *slower* than Perl's). While using gdc (Debian 4.9.2-10), I am able to run it in 3.988s (only about 3x faster than Perl's version). I understand that string processing (concatenation, allocation) is quite optimized in Perl, I was wondering if the D version could still be sped up significantly?Main problem is with allocations and with stripLeft, here is my version which is 10x faster than perls even with DMD. With LDC is 12x faster import std.stdio; import std.array : appender; import std.range; auto fmttable(T)(T table) { auto res = appender!(string)(); res.reserve(64); if (table.length == 0) return ""; // column widths auto widths = new int[](table[0].length); foreach (rownum, row; table) { foreach (colnum, cell; row) { if (cell.length > widths[colnum]) widths[colnum] = cast(int)cell.length; } } foreach (row; table) { res.put("|"); foreach (colnum, cell; row) { int l = widths[colnum] - cast(int)cell.length; res.put(cell); if (l) res.put(' '.repeat().take(l)); res.put("|"); } res.put("\n"); } return; } void main() { auto table = [ ["row1.1", "row1.2 ", "row1.3"], ["row2.1", "row2.2", "row2.3"], ["row3.1", "row3.2", "row3.3 "], ["row4.1", "row4.2", "row4.3"], ["row5.1", "row5.2", "row5.3"], ]; write(fmttable(table)); for (int i=0; i < 1000000; ++i) { fmttable(table); } }
Nov 12 2015
or with ~ operator: import std.stdio; [...]Did anyone check that the last loop isn't optimized out? Could also be improved further if you make the function take an output range and reuse one appender for every call, but that might be to far off the original perl solution.
Nov 12 2015
V Thu, 12 Nov 2015 11:03:38 +0000 Tobias Pankrath via Digitalmars-d-learn <digitalmars-d-learn> napsáno:Yes, it is not optimized outor with ~ operator: import std.stdio; [...]Did anyone check that the last loop isn't optimized out?Could also be improved further if you make the function take an output range and reuse one appender for every call, but that might be to far off the original perl solution.I agree, that would be to far off the original solution.
Nov 12 2015