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digitalmars.D.learn - modInverse & powMod

reply Salih Dincer <salihdb hotmail.com> writes:
I know there is modular exponentiation 
ential/powmod.html) in the standard library.While it works great in Pyrhon
(even with very large numbers), it doesn't work with signed numbers in D.
That's why I turned to the alternative below. Don't let it be misunderstood, I
don't want to wear out the D language, I use whatever I have, I love D and I
don't ask why it works so strangely.

//import std.math.exponential : fpowmod = powmod; /*
T fpowmod(T)(T base, T exponent, T modulus)
     auto r = T(1);
     for (T x = base, y = exponent; y;
         x = x * x % modulus, y /= 2)
         if (y % 2) r = r * x % modulus;

     return r;


SDB 79

I have only one question: Is there a modInverse() function in the 
standard library for use in RSA? I did research on this subject 
within the relevant modules.  I guess not these?

Jun 07 2024
parent reply Salih Dincer <salihdb hotmail.com> writes:
On Friday, 7 June 2024 at 13:43:29 UTC, Salih Dincer wrote:
 SDB 79

 I have only one question: Is there a modInverse() function in 
 the standard library for use in RSA?
Apparently not, it fell to lot :) I already had such a function... ```d auto modInverse(T)(T m, T n) pure { T q, ilk = n; T y, tmp, x = 1; while (m > 1) { q = m / n; tmp = n; n = m % n; m = tmp; tmp = y; y = x - q * y; x = tmp; } return x < 0 ? x + ilk : x; } ``` And in the BigInt module there was divMod() next to powmod(): ```d auto modInverse(BigInt a, BigInt m) {  BigInt q, m0 = m;  BigInt tmp, y, x = 1;  while (a > 1) { // m is remainder now    tmp = m;    divMod(a, m, q, m);    // process same as Euclid's algorithm    a = tmp; tmp = y; // Update y and x y = x - q * y; x = tmp; }  // Make x positive if (x < 0) x += m0; return x; } ``` Is PR required? Why not modInverse too! SDB 79
Jun 08 2024
next sibling parent Salih Dincer <salihdb hotmail.com> writes:
On Saturday, 8 June 2024 at 12:28:43 UTC, Salih Dincer wrote:
 Is PR required? Why not modInverse too!
```d long extendedEuclidean(long a, long b) { long old_r = a, r = b; long old_s = 1, s = 0; long old_t = 0, t = 1; while (r != 0) { long quotient = old_r / r; long temp = r; r = old_r - quotient * r; old_r = temp; temp = s; s = old_s - quotient * s; old_s = temp; temp = t; t = old_t - quotient * t; old_t = temp; } if (old_s < 0) { old_s += b; } return old_s; } ``` Apparently no one is as interested in RSA as I am, so I just wanted to paste the standalone algorithm here for reference. SDB 79
Jan 10
prev sibling parent Salih Dincer <salihdb hotmail.com> writes:
On Saturday, 8 June 2024 at 12:28:43 UTC, Salih Dincer wrote:
 Is PR required? Why not modInverse too!
The [std.bigint](https://github.com/dlang/phobos/blob/v2.109.1/std/bigint.d) module was prepared very harmoniously with its backend, but it seems to have been removed to the dusty pages of history. It isn't even magic touches made. The following is one of them: ```d // ref. std.internal.math.biguintcore: auto pow(T)(T e) => BigUint.pow(data, absUnsign(e)); /* or => data ^^ e; //*/ ``` I just realized this. In fact, it has a lot of benefits. Because what you're trying to implement will work on all types. For example, let me try to illustrate with primeMersenne(): ```d auto primeMersenne(T)(T e) { auto res = T(2); auto exp = cast(int)e; static if (__traits(isIntegral, T)) import std.math : pow; if (auto result = res.pow(exp)) return result - 1; assert(0, "Overflow number"); } ``` Thanks... SDB 79
Jan 17