digitalmars.D.learn - isImplictlyConvertible for Variadic Templates
I was wondering whether there was a method built into phobos for expanding the "isImplictlyConvertible" template to work for variadic templates. To explain what I mean by this, normally "isImplicitlyConvertible(To, From)" checks whether or not a type "From" may implicitly be converted to a type "To". struct Foo(V) { this(V)(V value) if (isImplictlyConvertible!(V, T)) { // do stuff } } When "From" is variadic, I would like it for each type in "From" to be checked whether it may implicitly be converted to type "To". struct Foo(V) { this(Vs...)(Vs values) if (eachIsImplictlyConvertible!(T, Vs)) { // do stuff } } This can be accomplished off the top of my head by taking the code from std.traits for "isImplicitlyConvertible" and making the following change. template eachIsImplictlyConvertible(To, From...) { enum bool eachIsImplictlyConvertible = is(typeof({ void fun(ref From vs) { void gun(To) {} foreach (v; vs) // + { gun(v); } } })); } Implementing this means I have an ostensibly valid method of accomplishing what I desire. Though, I am curious whether there's a way to facilitate this that is currently available in phobos, without having to implement another traits function. Thanks, rpeio
Jun 26 2017
On 06/27/2017 02:59 AM, rpeio wrote:struct Foo(V) { this(Vs...)(Vs values) if (eachIsImplictlyConvertible!(T, Vs)) { // do stuff } } This can be accomplished off the top of my head by taking the code from std.traits for "isImplicitlyConvertible" and making the following change.[...]Implementing this means I have an ostensibly valid method of accomplishing what I desire. Though, I am curious whether there's a way to facilitate this that is currently available in phobos, without having to implement another traits function.---- import std.meta: allSatisfy, ApplyRight; import std.traits: isImplicitlyConvertible; this(Vs...)(Vs values) if (allSatisfy!(ApplyRight!(isImplicitlyConvertible, T), Vs)) { // do stuff } ---- Though, for implicit conversion of all arguments to some type T you can also use this variant of variadic functions: ---- this(T[] values ...) { // do stuff } ----
Jun 26 2017
On Tuesday, 27 June 2017 at 01:20:01 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:---- import std.meta: allSatisfy, ApplyRight; import std.traits: isImplicitlyConvertible; this(Vs...)(Vs values) if (allSatisfy!(ApplyRight!(isImplicitlyConvertible, T), Vs)) { // do stuff } ----That is exactly what I was looking for. I was unaware of the existence of ApplyRight and ApplyLeft. Thank you for your help.
Jun 27 2017