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digitalmars.D.learn - foreach with assoc. array

reply DLearner <bmqazwsx123 gmail.com> writes:

Please consider (1):
void main() {
    import std.stdio;

    int wk_Idx;

    int[2] IntArr;

    IntArr[0] = 1;
    IntArr[1] = 2;

    for (wk_Idx = 0; wk_Idx <= 1; wk_Idx = wk_Idx + 1) {

       writeln("wk_Idx = ", wk_Idx, " IntArr = ", IntArr[wk_Idx]);

Now consider (2), which is (1) via assoc. array:
void main() {
    import std.stdio;

    int wk_Idx;

    int[int] IntArr;

    IntArr[0] = 1;
    IntArr[1] = 2;

    for (wk_Idx = 0; wk_Idx <= 1; wk_Idx = wk_Idx + 1) {

       writeln("wk_Idx = ", wk_Idx, " IntArr = ", IntArr[wk_Idx]);

And finally (3) which is (2) via a foreach:
void main() {
    import std.stdio;

    int wk_Idx;

    int[int] IntArr;

    IntArr[0] = 1;
    IntArr[1] = 2;

    foreach (wk_Idx; IntArr.keys) {

       writeln("wk_Idx = ", wk_Idx, " IntArr = ", IntArr[wk_Idx]);

(1) & (2) compile and run with the expected results.
But (3) fails with:
Error: variable `wk_Idx` is shadowing variable `for3.main.wk_Idx`
Why is this usage wrong?
Mar 01 2023
next sibling parent Paul Backus <snarwin gmail.com> writes:
On Wednesday, 1 March 2023 at 19:05:10 UTC, DLearner wrote:
 (1) & (2) compile and run with the expected results.
 But (3) fails with:
 Error: variable `wk_Idx` is shadowing variable 
 Why is this usage wrong?
With `foreach`, you can't reuse an existing variable as the loop variable. It always declares a new one. If you want to reuse an existing variable for your loop, you have to use `for`.
Mar 01 2023
prev sibling parent Salih Dincer <salihdb hotmail.com> writes:
On Wednesday, 1 March 2023 at 19:05:10 UTC, DLearner wrote:

 Error: variable `wk_Idx` is shadowing variable 
 Why is this usage wrong?
Or use the `each` template which is almost the same as `foreach` to avoid the shadowing variable issue. ```d import std.algorithm, std.range, std.stdio; enum len = 10; void main() { int[len] IntArr, i, n; len.iota.each!((i, n) => IntArr[i] = n); IntArr.writeln; // [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] assert(IntArr == len.iota.array); } ``` SDB 79
Mar 02 2023