digitalmars.D.learn - dmd: enum to!string slows down compilation
Why is the enum to!string conversion so slow? ~~~slowenumtostringconversion.d private enum S { A, B, C, D, }; version (fast) { string resolve (E) (E e) { static foreach (m; __traits (allMembers, E)) if (e == __traits (getMember, E, m)) return m; assert (false); } } class Expected : Exception { this (S s) { version (slow) { import std.conv : to; super ("Expected " ~!string); // slows down compilation! } else version (fast) { super ("Expected " ~ resolve (s)); } } } void main () { throw new Expected (S.C); } ~~~ $ time dmd -version=slow slowenumtostringconversion.d real 0m1.144s user 0m0.820s sys 0m0.140s $ time dmd -version=fast slowenumtostringconversion.d real 0m0.466s user 0m0.290s sys 0m0.067s
Dec 29 2020
On Tuesday, 29 December 2020 at 22:42:16 UTC, kdevel wrote:Why is the enum to!string conversion so slow? ~~~slowenumtostringconversion.d private enum S { A, B, C, D, }; [...]one factor is all the template constraints that are evaluated until the right overload gets selected.
Dec 29 2020