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digitalmars.D.learn - derelict glfw won't set callbacks

reply "Vlad Levenfeld" <vlevenfeld gmail.com> writes:
Any attempt to set callbacks in GLFW returns a null and the 
callback doesn't work.

The first enforcement fails in this example:

DerelictGLFW3.load ();
enforce (glfwSetErrorCallback (&error_callback));
enforce (glfwInit (), "glfwInit failed");
window = glfwCreateWindow (screen_dims.x, screen_dims.y, "sup", 
null, null);
glfwMakeContextCurrent (window);
glfwSwapInterval (0);

If I forget about the callbacks, everything functions normally (I 
can render, etc).
Here is error_callback:

static extern (C) void error_callback (int, const (char)* error) 
nothrow {
	import std.c.stdio: fprintf, stderr;
	fprintf (stderr, "error glfw: %s\n", error);

It is a static member function but pulling it out to the module 
scope changes nothing.
It doesn't work when I do it from the main thread or a secondary 

The load-set_error_callback-glfwInit sequence is recommended 
everywhere I look up D's GLFW bindings, so apparently this works 
for other people and I must be missing something.

And in the event that this can't be solved, I suppose the thing 
to do is to either poll for input events manually or try to get 
that part working in C then call it from D?
May 24 2014
next sibling parent "Rene Zwanenburg" <renezwanenburg gmail.com> writes:
On Saturday, 24 May 2014 at 13:31:46 UTC, Vlad Levenfeld wrote:
 Any attempt to set callbacks in GLFW returns a null and the 
 callback doesn't work.

 The first enforcement fails in this example:

 DerelictGLFW3.load ();
 enforce (glfwSetErrorCallback (&error_callback));
 enforce (glfwInit (), "glfwInit failed");
 window = glfwCreateWindow (screen_dims.x, screen_dims.y, "sup", 
 null, null);
 glfwMakeContextCurrent (window);
 glfwSwapInterval (0);

 If I forget about the callbacks, everything functions normally 
 (I can render, etc).
 Here is error_callback:

 static extern (C) void error_callback (int, const (char)* 
 error) nothrow {
 	import std.c.stdio: fprintf, stderr;
 	fprintf (stderr, "error glfw: %s\n", error);

 It is a static member function but pulling it out to the module 
 scope changes nothing.
 It doesn't work when I do it from the main thread or a 
 secondary thread.

 The load-set_error_callback-glfwInit sequence is recommended 
 everywhere I look up D's GLFW bindings, so apparently this 
 works for other people and I must be missing something.

 And in the event that this can't be solved, I suppose the thing 
 to do is to either poll for input events manually or try to get 
 that part working in C then call it from D?
glfwSetErrorCallback returns the previous callback, so it makes sense null is returned on the first call.
May 24 2014
prev sibling parent reply Andrej Mitrovic via Digitalmars-d-learn writes:
On 5/24/14, Vlad Levenfeld via Digitalmars-d-learn
<digitalmars-d-learn puremagic.com> wrote:
 Any attempt to set callbacks in GLFW returns a null and the
 callback doesn't work.

 The first enforcement fails in this example:

 DerelictGLFW3.load ();
 enforce (glfwSetErrorCallback (&error_callback));
It's ok if this fails because this is how it's documented: * return The previously set callback, or `NULL` if no callback was set or an * error occurred. Below is a full snippet of using DerelictGLFW and a simple escape key binding: ----- import derelict.glfw3.glfw3; import std.conv; import std.exception; import std.stdio; shared static this() { DerelictGLFW3.load(); } extern(C) void error_callback(int error, const(char)* description) nothrow { printf("%s %s", error, description); } int main() { /* Initialize the library */ enforce(glfwInit()); glfwSetErrorCallback(&error_callback); GLFWwindow* window; /* Create a windowed mode window and its OpenGL context */ window = glfwCreateWindow(640, 480, "Hello World", null, null); scope(exit) glfwTerminate(); enforce(window !is null); /* Make the window's context current */ glfwMakeContextCurrent(window); extern(C) void onKeyEvent(GLFWwindow* window, int key, int scancode, int state, int modifier) nothrow { if (key == GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE && state == GLFW_PRESS) glfwSetWindowShouldClose(window, true); } glfwSetKeyCallback(window, &onKeyEvent); /* Loop until the user closes the window */ while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(window)) { /* Render here */ /* Swap front and back buffers */ glfwSwapBuffers(window); /* Poll for and process events */ glfwPollEvents(); } return 0; } -----
May 24 2014
parent "Vlad Levenfeld" <vlevenfeld gmail.com> writes:
Haha, I should have read more carefully. Must have looked at that 
line in the doc a dozed times and never picked up on that detail.

Your example worked for me - I wasn't calling "glfwPollEvents."

May 24 2014