digitalmars.D.learn - derelict glfw won't set callbacks
- Vlad Levenfeld (28/28) May 24 2014 Any attempt to set callbacks in GLFW returns a null and the
- Rene Zwanenburg (3/31) May 24 2014 glfwSetErrorCallback returns the previous callback, so it makes
- Andrej Mitrovic via Digitalmars-d-learn (50/55) May 24 2014 It's ok if this fails because this is how it's documented:
- Vlad Levenfeld (4/4) May 24 2014 Haha, I should have read more carefully. Must have looked at that
Any attempt to set callbacks in GLFW returns a null and the callback doesn't work. The first enforcement fails in this example: DerelictGLFW3.load (); enforce (glfwSetErrorCallback (&error_callback)); enforce (glfwInit (), "glfwInit failed"); window = glfwCreateWindow (screen_dims.x, screen_dims.y, "sup", null, null); glfwMakeContextCurrent (window); glfwSwapInterval (0); If I forget about the callbacks, everything functions normally (I can render, etc). Here is error_callback: static extern (C) void error_callback (int, const (char)* error) nothrow { import std.c.stdio: fprintf, stderr; fprintf (stderr, "error glfw: %s\n", error); } It is a static member function but pulling it out to the module scope changes nothing. It doesn't work when I do it from the main thread or a secondary thread. The load-set_error_callback-glfwInit sequence is recommended everywhere I look up D's GLFW bindings, so apparently this works for other people and I must be missing something. And in the event that this can't be solved, I suppose the thing to do is to either poll for input events manually or try to get that part working in C then call it from D?
May 24 2014
On Saturday, 24 May 2014 at 13:31:46 UTC, Vlad Levenfeld wrote:Any attempt to set callbacks in GLFW returns a null and the callback doesn't work. The first enforcement fails in this example: DerelictGLFW3.load (); enforce (glfwSetErrorCallback (&error_callback)); enforce (glfwInit (), "glfwInit failed"); window = glfwCreateWindow (screen_dims.x, screen_dims.y, "sup", null, null); glfwMakeContextCurrent (window); glfwSwapInterval (0); If I forget about the callbacks, everything functions normally (I can render, etc). Here is error_callback: static extern (C) void error_callback (int, const (char)* error) nothrow { import std.c.stdio: fprintf, stderr; fprintf (stderr, "error glfw: %s\n", error); } It is a static member function but pulling it out to the module scope changes nothing. It doesn't work when I do it from the main thread or a secondary thread. The load-set_error_callback-glfwInit sequence is recommended everywhere I look up D's GLFW bindings, so apparently this works for other people and I must be missing something. And in the event that this can't be solved, I suppose the thing to do is to either poll for input events manually or try to get that part working in C then call it from D?glfwSetErrorCallback returns the previous callback, so it makes sense null is returned on the first call.
May 24 2014
On 5/24/14, Vlad Levenfeld via Digitalmars-d-learn <digitalmars-d-learn> wrote:Any attempt to set callbacks in GLFW returns a null and the callback doesn't work. The first enforcement fails in this example: DerelictGLFW3.load (); enforce (glfwSetErrorCallback (&error_callback));It's ok if this fails because this is how it's documented: * return The previously set callback, or `NULL` if no callback was set or an * error occurred. Below is a full snippet of using DerelictGLFW and a simple escape key binding: ----- import derelict.glfw3.glfw3; import std.conv; import std.exception; import std.stdio; shared static this() { DerelictGLFW3.load(); } extern(C) void error_callback(int error, const(char)* description) nothrow { printf("%s %s", error, description); } int main() { /* Initialize the library */ enforce(glfwInit()); glfwSetErrorCallback(&error_callback); GLFWwindow* window; /* Create a windowed mode window and its OpenGL context */ window = glfwCreateWindow(640, 480, "Hello World", null, null); scope(exit) glfwTerminate(); enforce(window !is null); /* Make the window's context current */ glfwMakeContextCurrent(window); extern(C) void onKeyEvent(GLFWwindow* window, int key, int scancode, int state, int modifier) nothrow { if (key == GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE && state == GLFW_PRESS) glfwSetWindowShouldClose(window, true); } glfwSetKeyCallback(window, &onKeyEvent); /* Loop until the user closes the window */ while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(window)) { /* Render here */ /* Swap front and back buffers */ glfwSwapBuffers(window); /* Poll for and process events */ glfwPollEvents(); } return 0; } -----
May 24 2014
Haha, I should have read more carefully. Must have looked at that line in the doc a dozed times and never picked up on that detail. Your example worked for me - I wasn't calling "glfwPollEvents." Thanks!
May 24 2014